If u are dazzled by the price of Tripoint emperor wait till u hear about the Dalby ground cable retailing for HK112k ie usd14-15k!!!! Omg it's crazy . If u have not heard it u will thk it's crazy but it's THAT GREAT
If u are dazzled by the price of Tripoint emperor wait till u hear about the Dalby ground cable retailing for HK112k ie usd14-15k!!!! Omg it's crazy . If u have not heard it u will thk it's crazy but it's THAT GREAT
Not "dazzled" audioblazer , just amused. This will never end and to me it is a death spiral. There is no doubt some are profiting from such items ..The case of making progress in the Art and Science of music reproduction by electronics means will not advance one iota though. On that side and coming from an enthusiast, this is sad.
I am still waiting for the $100K speaker cable .. Any progress?
Hum .. Roger ...
The Emperor seems to cost $70,000 or am I wrong?
I have been involved in Grounding and it is an important aspect often neglected. The techniques to achieve good grounding are relatively well known but often difficult to implement. The thing is if one is willing to invest in a serious power plant for the most superlative Audio system, this would not cost $70K for the most pristine power source you could find for your audio system , that with isolation transformer, special 4-wire ..wiring.. Superb Outlets ,even if one commits an act of folly and goes to the "Audiophile" outlets, you know, those that are frozen ..err.. cryo-treated .. etc. You could with that price invest in a solar array to power the system and your house on top of that.
I will bow out but had to post this. This lack of criticism toward those products doesn't IMO, advance High End Audio, they just continue/encourage its transformation into a Luxury Goods market/outlet.
Hum .. Roger ...
The Emperor seems to cost $70,000 or am I wrong?
I have been involved in Grounding and it is an important aspect often neglected. The techniques to achieve good grounding are relatively well known but often difficult to implement. The thing is if one is willing to invest in a serious power plant for the most superlative Audio system, this would not cost $70K for the most pristine power source you could find for your audio system , that with isolation transformer, special 4-wire ..wiring.. Superb Outlets ,even if one commits an act of folly and goes to the "Audiophile" outlets, you know, those that are frozen ..err.. cryo-treated .. etc. You could with that price invest in a solar array to power the system and your house on top of that.
I will bow out but had to post this. This lack of criticism toward those products doesn't IMO, advance High End Audio, they just continue/encourage its transformation into a Luxury Goods market/outlet.
In common with Spirit of Music I have no quarrel with those who wish to spend $70,000 plus on an Emperor but I do wonder why it could possibly be so expensive to make and market. ...I have two Silver Tellus and Atlantis boxes, Apollo i/cs, one Atlantis earth and silver earths plus Entreq power and speaker cables. I am therefore a complete convert to earthing accessories and the improvements to the sound of my system have been tremendous, but I really struggle to believe that a Tripoint Emperor is really a cost effective alternative to the Entreq range and I fear that others with less resources may be put off the Entreq range in the mistaken belief that it cannot be very good if it is so much more affordable.
No beef with those who can and choose to buy it but for those who can't do try the Entreq range because it really does improve sound quality substantially and very cost effectively. And even more so when used in conjunction with Stillpoints.
A few points to the recent posts which I can sense are approaching that nexus of acrimony.
1. I agree with Barry2013, SpiritofMusic and Audiocrack about the benefits that these grounding units bring. I have spoken personally with around 10 owners of these units...some of whom actually PMd before auditioning (and buying) them...and none of them are aware of anyone who auditioned one who did not keep it. If I may say, it has a Stillpoints-like effect...once people auditioned, they have a very strong tendency to keep them.
I genuinely believe they work, and I even sense those here who know grounding 'science' would concur that if designed right, they do have justifiable merit in an audio system.
We'll get to costs later...
2. In my own system, I have a Tripoint Troy SE which comes with 4 standard Tripoint grounding cables. However, I have found further and further benefits by grounding more...and I have done so with Entreq Atlantis cables...but connected to a different binding post on the back of Tripoint to separate the Tripoint cables from the Entreq ones. Would it be better if I could pony up and buy the Thor SE cables? I am not going there...I am ecstatic about Atlantis, so I don't even think about it except when these kinds of discussions arise about ever-increasing limits.
all I can say is, for whatever reason is that cables do seem to matter. are they doing more than grounding in the traditional sense? someone suggested they might help match impedance levels across multiple components which are all interconnected? heck if I know.
3. I have found that not only do different cable matter, but placement on RCA (grounding 'signal' directly) vs chassis screw (grounding chassis), also matters.
Further, I have found that if you connect Entreq and Tripoint cables on same binding post...you get a smearing which makes things worse. But separate them on different binding posts, and it works really well. So for me all this little stuff does matter.
I am NOT trying to play scientist and say 'the science must there' or any such notion. I am only sharing my own experiences.
4. As for cost...my own experiments were that the quality of the grounding cable matters more than the size of the box...when I tried a single Silver Tellus box, I realized if I had to choose between either paying for an upgraded cable or paying for an extra box, i would rather go for the upgraded cable.
Now, if you get BOTH upgraded box PLUS upgraded cable (like Barry2013 has)...then you get the most of ALL benefits. But I really heard the uplift with the bigger box ONLY after I had the better cables. Otherwise, I have generally recommended to people who have asked me...just get the smaller box and be done...and if you wish to upgrade slowly, get the better cables next.
So while more does seem to be better so far...its not all equal in its improvements...
5. One of the reasons I went with Troy SE at the time was because its single box was 2x the size of the Entreq Silver Tellus alone, and I realized with the better cables that the 2x box size did make an improvement.
6. Coming to Emperor (and cost), this is literally 4x the size of the Troy (300lbs?) and can connect 40+ grounding cables or something (instead of 9). I know owners of 2 Troys who have run out of space on the back of the binding posts. (On mine, I admit I am really pushing it at 13 connections when its supposed to be 9.) There are also owners who have Tripoint across all the chassis connections and instead of getting another Troy, have gone with Entreq to ground all the signal connections.
So it seems those who like grounding, REALLY like it. Again, I have 13 connections on the back of my 1 Troy. And each time I connect something, the noise continues to drop, the nuances start to increase, the details emerge, and all the rest of it.
7. NO...I am going to get any more Tripoint Troys, Entreq boxes...I have reached my own limit.
8. But I also know that if someone plunked down an Emperor for my Troy and said 'even trade'...I would take it!...AND almost certainly start looking at further possibilities for grounding.
10. NO...I have not always found benefit in grounding this or that...but I recently went from 8 to 13-14 grounding points for the Troy...this was due to using a prototype product for grounding which I was allowed to trial and have since bought several which went into production recently.
I will post about it as soon as I am able. But it is about further grounding, it is great, and it has continued to impress (me) that this whole grounding thing is a highly beneficial move for which I have personally found no other way to replicate through mechanical isolation, power conditioning or other forms of improvements I have been able to try in my system. I would say on this last observation, it concurs with most of the owners of these units with whom I have spoken directly.
11. So if you really like what grounding does, I would believe the 4-5x increase in capacity would benefit systems. And yup, it costs 4x more.
12. Do I think this product may have a diminishing return effect relative to buying, say, 2 Troys? Probably...but that's just nature of all things at the uber high end. The guy who buys 2 Troys and then figures, its a pain to have 2 boxes, i'm running out of capacity...get the bigger one and be done. Within perhaps different financial limitations, how many of us have probably done that at some point? I have. And I have never regretted it. (Nope, I am not getting the Emperor!)
My own two cents. Back to Audiocrack - when you get it, I look forward to your observations, but I have spoken with 2 people who have heard it, 1 of whom owns Troy SE, and they were very impressed by its improvements.
Very basic principles here at work.
The size of the sink does not matter especially when the unit is grounded. The number of cables will improve EMI reduction,but a larger cable will trump quantity. If you increase the size of the cable and that is all that needs to be done,more EMI will be pulled away from the target component. EMI cannot penetrate ferrous metal,so it migrates a long the surface of the metal enclosure. If you create a pathway,the EMI will take the path created back to ground. It is my experience that EMI reduction will reset system resistance and many benefits of this can be heard. By using VU meters this improvement in system resistance can be clearly seen. This is the same principle of all high end cables and that is why cables sound different. It is also why synergies are created with different equipment matchings.
4. As for cost...my own experiments were that the quality of the grounding cable matters more than the size of the box...when I tried a single Silver Tellus box, I realized if I had to choose between either paying for an upgraded cable or paying for an extra box, i would rather go for the upgraded cable.
Now, if you get BOTH upgraded box PLUS upgraded cable (like Barry2013 has)...then you get the most of ALL benefits. But I really heard the uplift with the bigger box ONLY after I had the better cables. Otherwise, I have generally recommended to people who have asked me...just get the smaller box and be done...and if you wish to upgrade slowly, get the better cables next.
So while more does seem to be better so far...its not all equal in its improvements...
If your expeimenting with cables you might try a flat insulated braid type. If you can terminate it to fit,it should work well.
http://www.lowcostcontrols.com/manudc/Erico Catalog.pdf
Thank you! In a [good] way I have run out of space on my Tripoint...14 connections where it is ideally for 9. Nevertheless, your link is a good one to have, and I will look further into it.
The Tripoint design is good. I think it would be great if you could fully maximise it's potential. I would concentrate on the preamp,amplifiers and source connections,those are the most important. Flat braid is the design of choice because of it's surface area. If you have a RTR with VU meters,watch them when you change your cables. The signal should show less deflection at first and as the resistance normalises(gain) the meter deflection should increase. When you are at maximum your amplfiers should run quieter,the transformers like less EMI. Breaking the noise barrier in a system is probably the best thing you can do for sound quality....it effects everything in the system chain.
What is the difference between the Emperor Ground and Emperor AC ?
Agree w/Lloyd LL21, and Audiocrack, that it's impossible to go back once you've experienced effective grounding. It brings a sort of still clarity to music that enables you to get the message in the music all the more effectively, and is the complement to balanced power that was the start of my journey into noise reduction....I'll be going: from Apollo to Atlantis cables, from Silver Tellus to add on Atlantis box, from Powerus distribution box to add on Cleanus box. And Lloyd indicates there may be more add ons in due course...