Tripoint Troy Elite - Installed

Since you sir like to do mix and match, I have three Dalby Celestial for you at a discount if you would like.

Tang :D

Hi Master,

Please stop teasing me. :-(. I am already way behind my schedule for my new pre + amp with all these tweaks.
It is the effect we all seem to share when better cables are connected to this magic box. I hear the same. The vibrancy of acoustic guitar is just ... almost real. Bass and mid band become very articulate..etc. just better effect of groundings. My cables seem easier to handle though. They are not heavy and stiff.

Kind regards,

you guys are killing me...…..:eek:
I love it...try 30 pounds worth...
It took me awhile to figure out how to secure the Emperor MKii. It is unlike any cable I’ve seen, it is dense and has a weight to it I wasn’t prepared for. From the first note, the difference was unmistakable. Fleshed out tones are so natural and guitar string plucks jump out with an impact I haven’t heard in my system. Much more energy and emotion to familiar music. Bass is so well defined it is easier to hear different drums with much more impact and believability. Acoustic instruments feel like they are in the room in such a way it becomes hard to tell myself it’s stereo music. It’s day 2 and I’ve heard some of what the Emperor MKii brings to the table and know it’s just the beginning. It’s the real deal, more to come.


Glad to read that you are already very impressed, Dave. To me the two most intriguing aspects of the many important benefits of the ‘Anaconda’s’ are: (i) the added power / dynamics and (ii) the ‘dissappearance’ of the room boundaries, that is the side and back walls of my listening room seem to fade away. I suppose the additional energy you mentioned refers to my first point. I am currently using three Emperor mk ii ground cables, two of which are connected to my Tidal La Assoluta / LA loudspeakers (which are employing their own grounding features) - and I am definately going to add a few more of these magnificient cables -; so I am wondering if you are also experiencing this second phenomenon with one ‘Anaconda’, Dave.
Glad to read that you are already very impressed, Dave. To me the two most intriguing aspects of the many important benefits of the ‘Anaconda’s’ are: (i) the added power / dynamics and (ii) the ‘dissappearance’ of the room boundaries, that is the side and back walls of my listening room seem to fade away. I suppose the additional energy you mentioned refers to my first point. I am currently using three Emperor mk ii ground cables, two of which are connected to my Tidal La Assoluta / LA loudspeakers (which are employing their own grounding features) - and I am definately going to add a few more of these magnificient cables -; so I am wondering if you are also experiencing this second phenomenon with one ‘Anaconda’, Dave.

Sorry for the late reply. Last minute business trip to California. The break in has begun...At first, the dynamics and power seem like my amps had a major power boost. Really powerful detailed bass but always maintaining the ease and serenity as the volume goes up. I told Miguel I thought my walls had vanished. My room isn’t ideal but it sounded endless. I had a full day with this glorious sound and then I started noticing a more fatiguing sound. The bass lost definition and power and had an edgy sound to it. This cable is amazing and such a tease. So good at first but now the roller coaster has begun. My wife has been playing music as I’ve been gone and I’m excited to get home to hear it again. Miguel says it will all come back in time like you’ve mentioned. The Emperor MKII is special, I immediately heard something profound and know it will continue to get better.

Sorry for the late reply. Last minute business trip to California. The break in has begun...At first, the dynamics and power seem like my amps had a major power boost. Really powerful detailed bass but always maintaining the ease and serenity as the volume goes up. I told Miguel I thought my walls had vanished. My room isn’t ideal but it sounded endless. I had a full day with this glorious sound and then I started noticing a more fatiguing sound. The bass lost definition and power and had an edgy sound to it. This cable is amazing and such a tease. So good at first but now the roller coaster has begun. My wife has been playing music as I’ve been gone and I’m excited to get home to hear it again. Miguel says it will all come back in time like you’ve mentioned. The Emperor MKII is special, I immediately heard something profound and know it will continue to get better.

Congratulations Dave, you are well on your way to the best grounding can deliver. A soundstage to infinity and a increase in volume are signs of extreme grounding which I have talked about for quite a while. I hope you like orchestral music, because you will get the feeling of a life size event. That may take some getting use to, but I became addicted to such realism. It took my parallel circuit a year to fully settle, but your system probably a month or two. Enjoy and you will learn to listen differently.
Sorry for the late reply. Last minute business trip to California. The break in has begun...At first, the dynamics and power seem like my amps had a major power boost. Really powerful detailed bass but always maintaining the ease and serenity as the volume goes up. I told Miguel I thought my walls had vanished. My room isn’t ideal but it sounded endless. I had a full day with this glorious sound and then I started noticing a more fatiguing sound. The bass lost definition and power and had an edgy sound to it. This cable is amazing and such a tease. So good at first but now the roller coaster has begun. My wife has been playing music as I’ve been gone and I’m excited to get home to hear it again. Miguel says it will all come back in time like you’ve mentioned. The Emperor MKII is special, I immediately heard something profound and know it will continue to get better.


Yes, all sonic benefits will return and eventually in even more glory. However, you have to be (very, very) patient. My 10 feet ‘LA Emperor mk ii ground cables’ took approximately 500 playing hours to fully settle. You are using a much shorter length and as a consequence your burning in period will definately be (much) shorter. Don’t despair the next few weeks: you will experience some really nasty moments that will last many hours, days or even maybe a full week or so. But in the end you will be rewarded with a musical presentation you have never thought possible. I am sure even (very) experienced audiophiles / WBF members cannot fully grasp what we are talking about untill they have experienced Miguel’s awesome ground cables for themselves.
Looking at this photo I would like to point out one other rather important thing I experienced a while ago when I connected Thor SE grounding cable to the Troy Signature connector that was already occupied with two standard Tripoint grounding cables. At first I thought the Thor SE was underperforming but when I disconnected all other cables, everything returned to the right place. The moral of the story would be: Do not mix different grounding cables on one connector of the grounding station. I think I read about this phenomenon before but forgot where... Anybody else has had such experience?
Looking at this photo I would like to point out one other rather important thing I experienced a while ago when I connected Thor SE grounding cable to the Troy Signature connector that was already occupied with two standard Tripoint grounding cables. At first I thought the Thor SE was underperforming but when I disconnected all other cables, everything returned to the right place. The moral of the story would be: Do not mix different grounding cables on one connector of the grounding station. I think I read about this phenomenon before but forgot where... Anybody else has had such experience?

Thanks for pointing that out Marcus. My connection as is already performs well enough I took out my other Ground cables. I will try single brand on the same post soon.

Congratulations Dave, you are well on your way to the best grounding can deliver. A soundstage to infinity and a increase in volume are signs of extreme grounding which I have talked about for quite a while. I hope you like orchestral music, because you will get the feeling of a life size event. That may take some getting use to, but I became addicted to such realism. It took my parallel circuit a year to fully settle, but your system probably a month or two. Enjoy and you will learn to listen differently.

Hi Roger,
I've followed many of your posts regarding grounding, at least what I could understand. The realism and life/emotion added to the music is my main goal. The added dynamics and lower than low noise floor from my Elite and Emperor allow me to hear inflections that suspend belief for me. I like all types of music and orchestral can be very powerful through my system, I only wonder how grand the scale can be as you move up the line in speakers, electronics, and grounding. Thanks!

Looking at this photo I would like to point out one other rather important thing I experienced a while ago when I connected Thor SE grounding cable to the Troy Signature connector that was already occupied with two standard Tripoint grounding cables. At first I thought the Thor SE was underperforming but when I disconnected all other cables, everything returned to the right place. The moral of the story would be: Do not mix different grounding cables on one connector of the grounding station. I think I read about this phenomenon before but forgot where... Anybody else has had such experience?

I keep the Emperor Mkii on its own connected to the HD pre. Each Thor SE connected to my HD amps are on their own also. My CD and clock share a terminal with (2)Thor SE. All standard cables have been removed. For me, this was best.

Yes, all sonic benefits will return and eventually in even more glory. However, you have to be (very, very) patient. My 10 feet ‘LA Emperor mk ii ground cables’ took approximately 500 playing hours to fully settle. You are using a much shorter length and as a consequence your burning in period will definately be (much) shorter. Don’t despair the next few weeks: you will experience some really nasty moments that will last many hours, days or even maybe a full week or so. But in the end you will be rewarded with a musical presentation you have never thought possible. I am sure even (very) experienced audiophiles / WBF members cannot fully grasp what we are talking about untill they have experienced Miguel’s awesome ground cables for themselves.

Some truly nasty moments for sure! I'm asking myself if I have a sinus infection or something and then I turn it on the next day feel chills form the emotion. I'm letting it play throughout the day and listen at night after my kids go down. I'll be thrilled when this roller-coaster is finished and all benefits have returned. Once you've heard them, hard to look back. I took some quick pics with my DSLR and will post them soon. The cable itself is amazing!

Hi Roger,
I've followed many of your posts regarding grounding, at least what I could understand. The realism and life/emotion added to the music is my main goal. The added dynamics and lower than low noise floor from my Elite and Emperor allow me to hear inflections that suspend belief for me. I like all types of music and orchestral can be very powerful through my system, I only wonder how grand the scale can be as you move up the line in speakers, electronics, and grounding. Thanks!



Do you believe that people are paying lots of money just to have some low resistance cables to a ground box? BTW, do you have two separate grounding boxes (Elite and Emperor) in your system?

I believe that the operation mode of the Tripoint units is related to what Folson pointed in another thread - RF control. See

Do you believe that people are paying lots of money just to have some low resistance cables to a ground box? BTW, do you have two separate grounding boxes (Elite and Emperor) in your system?

I believe that the operation mode of the Tripoint units is related to what Folson pointed in another thread - RF control. See

Hi Micro,
I can only speak for myself as to why I purchased Tripoint. It was a caculated risk. I have no technical skills, I rely on you, Folsom, ack, RogerD and many more to help me understand or at least talk about what these devices do. I can't tell you how it works or why but am happy to try and explain the sound I hear and what benefits I believe Miguel's products bring to the table. It's been a dream of mine to have an end-game system since I was 10 and once I started down the rabbit's hole, there was no looking back. The catalyst was Rudolf selling me his 5 Thor SE cables and the reviews of the Elite all shared benefits that I wanted in my system. So Miguel made me a magic box and I connected it with all of the Thor SE cables and was shocked how different the presentation was. In between, I ordered the HD pre and could not connect it to a Thor SE cable due to short length and having to re-positioning my pre. The HD pre presents music with such ease and fluidity that I crave, I felt I had to order Miguel's new Emperor Mkii ground cable to connect to the HD pre. When researching, I looked at all the reviews I could find. I never heard anyone say they didn't like what they heard from Tripoint and I talked with a few owners and they rarely if ever show up on the used market. Now I just need your front end to extract a few more bits. Hope that answers your question. I do believe that if Miguel's products are easily duplicated with a ground box and low resistance cables, we would see more competition. I don't know exactly what he does but it's special.

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Hi Roger,
I've followed many of your posts regarding grounding, at least what I could understand. The realism and life/emotion added to the music is my main goal. The added dynamics and lower than low noise floor from my Elite and Emperor allow me to hear inflections that suspend belief for me. I like all types of music and orchestral can be very powerful through my system, I only wonder how grand the scale can be as you move up the line in speakers, electronics, and grounding. Thanks!

Hi Dave,

I have speakers that stand about 63 inches tall and use 6 DynAudio drivers each. I also use 5 amplifiers with 4 different manufacturers. When you use grounding I think that narrows the divide between electronics. Speakers will always be a different story,but with a caveat, cone speakers will improve greatly in dispersion capability,almost horn like.
I have learned to listen differently, I no longer listen as a audiophile,but as a human being with two ears at a musical event. The illusion can be that good.
I really don’t know if my system has totally stabilized,but it no longer cycles like in the first 6 months. Clarity is outstanding and the realistic portrayal of instruments can be shocking in sound and physical size. I am at the microphone,but the multi dimensional image is still realistic. The recording is laid engineered, nothing added by my electronics just revealed.

Some can’t imagine that these boxes or star grounding can produce such a realistic portrayal of a recording. Yet they have not experimented with these concepts. The worlds best cables come close and is stated by their engineers that the audio signal is corrupted by interference. Some cables do make a parallel circuit by design. These grounding concepts do the same,just by a different method. The proof is in the listener. Enjoy the music!
Some truly nasty moments for sure! I'm asking myself if I have a sinus infection or something and then I turn it on the next day feel chills form the emotion. I'm letting it play throughout the day and listen at night after my kids go down. I'll be thrilled when this roller-coaster is finished and all benefits have returned. Once you've heard them, hard to look back. I took some quick pics with my DSLR and will post them soon. The cable itself is amazing!


How bad is it Dave? Hope you are enjoying at least some magical moments next to all nasty periods.
How bad is it Dave? Hope you are enjoying at least some magical moments next to all nasty periods.

Sometimes it's really bad but possibly the first day raised the bar and now I have higher expectations. The explosive dynamics that I experienced that first day haven't come back 100% and sometimes it sounds sterile (not a word I would use to ever describe my sound). I was telling Miguel his products always bring more life/emotion and its easily noticeable when it goes away. I forgot to turn on my streamer the other day which I usually do while I'm at work to help with break-in, and the next day listened in the morning and some but not all of the life came back. The combo of the Elite, Emperor cable, and HD pre together have so much ease and serenity. MikeL has mentioned flow and I interpret that as a complete lack of mechanical sound where nothing gets in the way. I experienced this at another members home when I demoed the HD pre. I need to resize my pics to post them. Hope you're doing well!

Sometimes it's really bad but possibly the first day raised the bar and now I have higher expectations. The explosive dynamics that I experienced that first day haven't come back 100% and sometimes it sounds sterile (not a word I would use to ever describe my sound). I was telling Miguel his products always bring more life/emotion and its easily noticeable when it goes away. I forgot to turn on my streamer the other day which I usually do while I'm at work to help with break-in, and the next day listened in the morning and some but not all of the life came back. The combo of the Elite, Emperor cable, and HD pre together have so much ease and serenity. MikeL has mentioned flow and I interpret that as a complete lack of mechanical sound where nothing gets in the way. I experienced this at another members home when I demoed the HD pre. I need to resize my pics to post them. Hope you're doing well!


I am fine, thanks.

Yes, after this nasty break in period the Emperor mk ii ground cable will clearly sound better than you experienced in the beginning. The cable will become more ‘silent’ because the distortion will gradually fade away. And as a consequence you will experience - inter alia - (clearly) more transparency, coherency, speed, command, dynamics as well as a deeper and wider soundstage. The best has still to come!
I am fine, thanks.

Yes, after this nasty break in period the Emperor mk ii ground cable will clearly sound better than you experienced in the beginning. The cable will become more ‘silent’ because the distortion will gradually fade away. And as a consequence you will experience - inter alia - (clearly) more transparency, coherency, speed, command, dynamics as well as a deeper and wider soundstage. The best has still to come!

I feel better that I am not the only one to experience this distortion, and thrilled to know it will go away!! I got time...

I feel better that I am not the only one to experience this distortion, and thrilled to know it will go away!! I got time...


Just be patient, Dave. I have used a lot of high quality (and very expensive) cables - ic’s, pc’s and loudspeaker cables - in my various audio set ups during my long audio journey but not one of them has (had) the musical impact of the Tripoint emperor mk ii ground cable in combination with (i) the Tripoint emperor mk ii ‘ground’ station, (ii) my earthpin (with a very low resistance) and (iii) the three audio components (Kondo g-1000 linestage and my two Tidal La Assoluta loudspeakers) with their (dedicated) grounding features. This ‘Anaconda’ is an ‘out of this world’ cable.
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Just be patient, Dave. I have used a lot of high quality (and very expensive) cables - ic’s, pc’s and loudspeaker cables - in my various audio set ups during my long audio journey but not one of them has (had) the musical impact of the Tripoint emperor mk ii ground cable in combination with (i) the Tripoint emperor mk ii ‘ground’ station, (ii) my earthpin (with a very low resistance) and (iii) the three audio components (Kondo g-1000 linestage and my two Tidal La Assoluta loudspeakers) with their (dedicated) grounding features. This ‘Anaconda’ is an ‘out of this world’ cable.

Agreed! I definitely can appreciate all of that and hopefully hear it some day. I have read about your earthpin and others but haven't a clue how they work. I'm curious now.

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