Yep, Lloyd is right, Mark Coles of Sablon (great guy) v. me, Marc the osteopath (great guy too, or so the voices in my head keep telling me
Geardaddy, I concur w/you, w/some reservations. In the High End scene, quite a lot of us do seem to be overly sensitive. You don't dare even suggest someone's choice might be at the least debatable, for that person to jump down your throat. And forum boards/emails/even texts can be easily misconstrued, I'm sure you've been defensive over stuff that was meant in jest. Btw, I would choose a different word than jihadist, but I get your gist.
IMHO, Miguel of Tripoint is so out there w/the self promotion of his products, that he and his acolytes should be fair game for the challenging forum approach. He made a claim v.early on in my Audiogon dealings w/him (go to his system page on that board to see it) where I was still undecided on Entreq v Troy, which was untenable, viz the claim that a Troy Orion conditioner could ON IT'S OWN power HUNDRED'S of high end systems better than a SINGLE system powered by a SINGLE 8kVA balanced power transformer. First, I don't believe this scenario was ever tested by him, and two, I believe it's stretching the basic laws of physics beyond breaking point. Enquiries to the efficacy of this and follow up qs were basically shrugged off, until I became a fully fledged Troy skeptic.
Relevant to your post here, what I found most amazing was not that I was ignored by Miguel, no qs answered after I publicly dissed his claim (that's his prerogative, but still totally OTT IMHO), but that noone online other than me batted an eyelid, his acolytes telling me to pipe down, the claim left completely unchallenged. My string of more and more cool posts to Miguel were criticised greatly, but my reservations never addressed.
I'm in the complementary medicine profession, and if a colleague of mine made unbelievable self promotion claims (all those guys miraculously finding a cure for cancer know who they are), I would expect him to be doubted/challenged at the very least.
I don't want this to be an anti-Miguel rant (had enough of those accusations, we're cool after an online truce offered by me), just highlighting how politically correct so-called free speech can be, the latter concept often not seeming to have any true value. Free speech online in 2014 is often overloaded w/either trolling/bullying/physical threats online from sad little men masturbating in their grubby little apartments (GamerGate), or the polar opposite, fear to say anything challenging, relying on anodyne fan worship (the High End v.prone to this).
I am happy to report that I am still alive and well!!!![]()
You are being watched. Your day is coming. Just one wrong purchase and boom, she snaps....
GD, you sound like you are talking from some traumatic personal experience!! :roll eyes: My wife is a saint really...not to mention that I have literally gotten away with murder in the past and have gotten the art of "stealthy purchasing" down to a fine art!!!![]()
Sword fighting with Miguel online for theoretical reasons is just dust in the air. Your particular brand of jihad is long winded, pedantic, and a little passive aggressive. Quintessentially British....![]()
If you did a shootout between your isolation transformer/Burmeister and the Tripoint Orion, you would **** your pants.
Adyc, I have no issues w/anyone here defending Miguel. From what I gather the Emperor is at the bleeding edge of grounding, and enough people incl the AE community extol the virtues of Troy. MikeL amongst others runs a balanced power transformer (Equi=Tech 10kVA), me a Westwick 8kVA model, and I'm not going to say it sounds better than the Orion, but it's up there in bullet proof power provision.
But Geardaddy, please don't defend a claim that is so extravagant in it's impracticality that it's worse than worthless.
Gosh, it seems i REALLY am long winded, pedantic, a little passive aggressive, and quintessentially British.
Geardaddy, just as long as you are sure in your mind that Miguel went to an apartment block full of hundreds of high end systems, somehow managed to run hundreds of lines from his Orion and powered hundreds of systems, and then compared the effects to a single 65kg 8kVA balanced transformer to just one of these systems, and concluded it stomped over the latter, then I'm happy for you.
I'd rather stick w/the British (and in Entreq's case, Swedish) reserve in claims made in technological prowess, then being bombarded w/quite ridiculous scenarios which have never been tested. Duh!
Just curious, have you compared an isolation transformer against Tripoint Orion?
That's ok TBG. I really don't want to contribute to more anti-Miguel sentiment. I only highlighted my story in response to Geardaddy's musings on free speech on these forum boards.
To set the record straight I'm a big fan of what Miguel has achieved w/Troy, and am in awe of what might be poss w/Emperor. We need more Audiocrack!
Ok, Geardaddy, I wanted to let it rest but you insist on carrying on. I showed Miguel due respect when I was asking qs re balanced power. He said blatantly a single Orion could power 250 high end systems, all to a better standard than balanced power. IMHO I felt this claim was not feasible - first it is beyond reason that he has ever performed this test, and then to double up the claim by performing an a-b v balanced power on 250 systems is tbh laughable. But if you believe this claim that's your prerogative.
So for me to draw a skeptical conclusion is wholly reasonable, but to then never address my temperate qs re this trial I admit did make me irate. So quintessentially British, old boy!
Btw I can stick up for myself re criticisms of my work, don't worry y'self.
FYI, I've always preferred Swedish women to American or Cuban, so not so odd I'm in bed w/Entreq!
I'm outta here :b!
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