Tripoint troy signature grounding device

DRC, do you predict there will be a major difference btwn top Dalby ground leads like the Celestial and Reuben, and the Troy Thor? Miguel confidently claims Thor slays all before it.

I honestly don't have any clue as to how the shoot out will turn out. As I said, I don't think I want the Celestial to slaughter all other earthing cables as that would be very bad news for my bank account... I m not going to even bother to audition the Rueben because I value my life too much. My wife will most likely kill me and hey, who would blame her?!! If you guys dont hear back from me, then you know what happened!! :confused:
I was thinking of grounding the racks in lieu of the equipment chassis. Will have to experiment. The Sistrum racks are all metal (brass and steel) and are not an hodge podge of wood, metal, etc.

I think the rule of thumb is if in doubt, try grounding everything or have I just lost it?!! :p I would like to do this experiment over the holidays in any case if Chris would indulge me... "I'LL BE BACK!!"
I love this comment. I have constantly had those who think I'm crazy, but I think that many manufacturers, reviewers, and audiophiles cannot hear or at least values aspects of music reproduction that I don't value. Having music with little high end and with a warm midrange doesn't float my boat. I hear enormous differences between cables, speaker wires, and power cords. In reality I find the magic of realism that I hear to be very fragile. I have looked at my ac on a scope and seen what hash there is evident there, including modulation which is the power companies communicating with each other.

My Stillpoint rack being on the Troy Signature didn't add much. But perhaps using the Troy SE grounding wire might be impressive.

My wife about twenty years ago, threw me out of her living room saying that she wanted to get rid of the laboratory, prompting our buying a house with a big game room on the second floor. She virtually never comes into this room.

Finally, I think that a faraday cage would be great for music reproduction and even thought of installing copper mesh around the room, but I have to realize that this would be costly to install as well as to remove to sell the house. I also thought of doing that around my equipment, but a seminar at the VSAC conference many years ago suggested that copper mesh is not enough shielding. I gave up this idea also.

Hi TBG, I only installed my new system 2 months ago and already my wife wants to throw me out of the living room! The Troy signature is holding down the rug along with the Rockport speakers making it tricky to do daily vacuuming under the carpet!!! I wonder what would happen if I buy a second Troy Sig?!!! :rolleyes:
DRC, tell your wife to spare your life. Just buy her some jewellery/handbags/shoes. My expenditure on grounding etc has resulted in my GF getting a lot more of the pricey goodies she likes :cool:! You need to be here to stop me droning on and boring everyone to tears! Tbh, your ultra enthusiastic energy in talking all things uber options grounding is really entertaining, and hopefully contributes to more taking the plunge into grounding.
In my personal case, I'm going to step off the grounding arms race pretty soon. I've actually had some negative experiences going to more specialist levels w/Entreq, and so I'm going to look at a ground box just for my true mono line stage, and leave my pre existing box for the rest of my system, and look at possibly grounding the mains transformer, so completing a chain of grounding from mains to components. Combining my Westwick 8kVA balanced transformer w/Entreq grounding and Burmester 948 conditioner is really pushing all my buttons.
Btw I have the ULTIMATE upgrade for you. But it is SOOO radical, I will only reveal it if you want me too. A clue - it's free, and will knock your socks off, but has a MAJOR downside...
DRC, as a VertexAQ proponent, can you pass any comments on the Pico grounding boxes? There seems to be some commonality btwn Pico w/Troy, Entreq, in what is trying to be achieved.
I've gone down the Entreq path as you know, so Pico across the system is not for me, but I am intrigued by the passive spkr grounding boxes.

Hi Spirit, I just placed my order on the Vertex. Will do some serious testing once the components arrive and get back to you all!
DRC, tell your wife to spare your life. Just buy her some jewellery/handbags/shoes. My expenditure on grounding etc has resulted in my GF getting a lot more of the pricey goodies she likes :cool:!
Btw I have the ULTIMATE upgrade for you. But it is SOOO radical, I will only reveal it if you want me too. A clue - it's free, and will knock your socks off, but has a MAJOR downside...

Hi Spirit, Not sure what is more painful, KIA or having to buy goodies for my wife!! Fortunately or unfortunately for me, my wife doesn't collect jewelry but instead, she likes real if I bought the Emperor, I can't imagine what kind of property that would translate into!!! :eek:

Therefore, any radical ultimate upgrades would be greatly appreciated esp when FREE!!! I wonder wonder the downside is...probably appearance or size?!
Aha, DRC, you took my bait. Well, you asked…
Some time ago, when I was the customer of a well-respected dealer, and also when I was talking w/a friend of mine w/a psychology degree, about the psychological aspects of enjoying music but only doing this via the neuro-aural interface w/one's audio system that the <hifi-ear-brain> comprises, we three concluded the greatest upgrade of all, at the cheapest (nil) price, but at maximum threat, is…
Now, any variables of expectation bias, subjective brain processes, even the negatives of the room acoustics of having a body in the room, are eliminated from the equation. The music will be SWEET - just w/noone to enjoy it, and no comments to be made on WBF!
Somehow, I can't see anyone taking this upgrade on board, despite the radical impvts promised for no outlay.
Reminds me of the idea that when we're all gone from this planet, it'll carry on very well w/out us, despite none of us having experience of this.
I think Enid described doing that in TAS many years ago. Know I did that 20 (?) years ago but got away from it. Worked for me at the time. ;)

I also went through the copper bus bar and common grounding route to which I must later added the lifting of all ac grounds except to the H=Cat line stage. I also had the Granite Audio grounding unit, when I first got the Tripoint Audio Troy for review. It was a total revelation, but regrettably I could not afford it at that time. Not so when the new Troy Signature came out.

As I note elsewhere, I have not tried lifting all the grounds yet, but the benefits of the Signature are of such a magnitude that it not be worthwhile. And I should also not that the weight of preeminent power cords causes me concern about them just falling out of the special cheaters. I should also note here that Tripoints use of a full ac plug on their grounding wire is of great importance. The two unused blades help to hold it into the wall outlet.
Hi Spirit,

I dont want you to think I am crazy but you should look up "earthing mat" in Amazon. There's a whole book written on the benefits of grounding humans. I even have friends who swear by this product so as crazy as it sounds, may be everything should be grounded. Perhaps Miguel can produce an iTroy for us in the future so that we can all have a portable version of the Troy sig and have our selves grounded permanently 24/7!!! :p I wonder also if Tripoint should also come up with some miniature versions of the Troy that may be used in conjunction with the Troy sig. (like Entreq and Vertex) This could allow people to test out the Tripoint products and system before stepping up to the Troy sig given that it is a sizable investment! By definition I believe that to be a true audiophile, perhaps to have some degree of OCD is kind of a basic requirement!! Since I just bought mono blocks myself, I too plan to earth both the mono blocks separately (I am out of earthing cables already!) and I think I do have enough components to warrant a second Tripoint. I also wonder which would be more beneficial- adding a second Troy Sig or upgrading the earthing cables?! I wish we could score audio "somewhat" objectively like Robert Parker does with wine!!! RP's scores are usually pretty accurate when we do blind wine tastings, our group score is usually within 1 to 2 points of his!

Whether to add a second Troy versus upgraded cabling is an interesting question. My guess would be the cabling but ask Miguel and the AE crew....
Hi TBG, I only installed my new system 2 months ago and already my wife wants to throw me out of the living room! The Troy signature is holding down the rug along with the Rockport speakers making it tricky to do daily vacuuming under the carpet!!! I wonder what would happen if I buy a second Troy Sig?!!! :rolleyes:

We would read about you in the newspaper....
Aha, DRC, you took my bait. Well, you asked…
Some time ago, when I was the customer of a well-respected dealer, and also when I was talking w/a friend of mine w/a psychology degree, about the psychological aspects of enjoying music but only doing this via the neuro-aural interface w/one's audio system that the <hifi-ear-brain> comprises, we three concluded the greatest upgrade of all, at the cheapest (nil) price, but at maximum threat, is…
Now, any variables of expectation bias, subjective brain processes, even the negatives of the room acoustics of having a body in the room, are eliminated from the equation. The music will be SWEET - just w/noone to enjoy it, and no comments to be made on WBF!
Somehow, I can't see anyone taking this upgrade on board, despite the radical impvts promised for no outlay.
Reminds me of the idea that when we're all gone from this planet, it'll carry on very well w/out us, despite none of us having experience of this.

That's the first piece of sound thinking i have seen from you...;) I agree completely. Do you know what listening paradigm actually works from a healthy, psychological perspective and neutralizes all the buzz killing variables you describe? Ambient listening! I use Sonos Play 3 and 5s at home and in the office, and there is no negativity generated whatsoever!
What happened to the Tripoint "all out assault" system forum on a-gon ? Looks like Miguel took her private ?

Christian, Audiogon actually shut the thread down due to the inflammatory content over the past two weeks. :eek: For better and for worse, that site is fairly PC. Joecasey and I have had a running mock battle (in the name of humor and stirring up the tight sphinctered philes around us) with name calling and what not (I accused him of being an audio jihadist), and it was not well received. I (and others) have been censured on a regular basis for what I thought were intellectual arguments which I suppose browned off certain manufacturers who pay for advertising, etc. Who knows. Its a good site, but I also enjoy my freedom of speech. Getting censored gives me the chills to be frank.

You made some statements that obviously stirred the pot and sunk the boat, and ironically, so did I in my defense of Miguel. You accused me of being a juvenile ass clown, and you should be free to do that. I am not offended by saucy banter, and it honestly makes these threads a little more entertaining (a lot like Audioasylum in the good old days). BTW, my wife would agree with your assessment....:D
Christian, Audiogon actually shut the thread down due to the inflammatory content over the past two weeks. :eek: For better and for worse, that site is fairly PC. Joecasey and I have had a running mock battle (in the name of humor and stirring up the tight sphinctered philes around us) with name calling and what not (I accused him of being an audio jihadist), and it was not well received. I (and others) have been censured on a regular basis for what I thought were intellectual arguments which I suppose browned off certain manufacturers who pay for advertising, etc. Who knows. Its a good site, but I also enjoy my freedom of speech. Getting censored gives me the chills to be frank.

You made some statements that obviously stirred the pot and sunk the boat, and ironically, so did I in my defense of Miguel. You accused me of being a juvenile ass clown, and you should be free to do that. I am not offended by saucy banter, and it honestly makes these threads a little more entertaining (a lot like Audioasylum in the good old days). BTW, my wife would agree with your assessment....:D

Peace Geardaddy...ahem Agear. It's all in good fun....
Geardaddy, I concur w/you, w/some reservations. In the High End scene, quite a lot of us do seem to be overly sensitive. You don't dare even suggest someone's choice might be at the least debatable, for that person to jump down your throat. And forum boards/emails/even texts can be easily misconstrued, I'm sure you've been defensive over stuff that was meant in jest. Btw, I would choose a different word than jihadist, but I get your gist.
IMHO, Miguel of Tripoint is so out there w/the self promotion of his products, that he and his acolytes should be fair game for the challenging forum approach. He made a claim v.early on in my Audiogon dealings w/him (go to his system page on that board to see it) where I was still undecided on Entreq v Troy, which was untenable, viz the claim that a Troy Orion conditioner could ON IT'S OWN power HUNDRED'S of high end systems better than a SINGLE system powered by a SINGLE 8kVA balanced power transformer. First, I don't believe this scenario was ever tested by him, and two, I believe it's stretching the basic laws of physics beyond breaking point. Enquiries to the efficacy of this and follow up qs were basically shrugged off, until I became a fully fledged Troy skeptic.
Relevant to your post here, what I found most amazing was not that I was ignored by Miguel, no qs answered after I publicly dissed his claim (that's his prerogative, but still totally OTT IMHO), but that noone online other than me batted an eyelid, his acolytes telling me to pipe down, the claim left completely unchallenged. My string of more and more cool posts to Miguel were criticised greatly, but my reservations never addressed.
I'm in the complementary medicine profession, and if a colleague of mine made unbelievable self promotion claims (all those guys miraculously finding a cure for cancer know who they are), I would expect him to be doubted/challenged at the very least.
I don't want this to be an anti-Miguel rant (had enough of those accusations, we're cool after an online truce offered by me), just highlighting how politically correct so-called free speech can be, the latter concept often not seeming to have any true value. Free speech online in 2014 is often overloaded w/either trolling/bullying/physical threats online from sad little men masturbating in their grubby little apartments (GamerGate), or the polar opposite, fear to say anything challenging, relying on anodyne fan worship (the High End v.prone to this).
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DRC, don't fear death. We'll all be well "grounded" (or should that be "in the ground") when we die. All systems will be on a par when we make the big upgrade to the sky!!!
WBF in Heaven will consist of how acoustically correct the cloud you listen to music on is, and whether the electrical power to those listening in Hell is corrupted.
Ps are these posts seriously off message, do you think?!
Geardaddy, I concur w/you, w/some reservations. In the High End scene, quite a lot of us do seem to be overly sensitive. You don't dare even suggest someone's choice might be at the least debatable, for that person to jump down your throat. And forum boards/emails/even texts can be easily misconstrued, I'm sure you've been defensive over stuff that was meant in jest. Btw, I would choose a different word than jihadist, but I get your gist.
IMHO, Miguel of Tripoint is so out there w/the self promotion of his products, that he and his acolytes should be fair game for the challenging forum approach. He made a claim v.early on in my Audiogon dealings w/him (go to his system page on that board to see it) where I was still undecided on Entreq v Troy, which was untenable, viz the claim that a Troy Orion conditioner could ON IT'S OWN power HUNDRED'S of high end systems better than a SINGLE system powered by a SINGLE 8kVA balanced power transformer. First, I don't believe this scenario was ever tested by him, and two, I believe it's stretching the basic laws of physics beyond breaking point. Enquiries to the efficacy of this and follow up qs were basically shrugged off, until I became a fully fledged Troy skeptic.
Relevant to your post here, what I found most amazing was not that I was ignored by Miguel, no qs answered after I publicly dissed his claim (that's his prerogative, but still totally OTT IMHO), but that noone online other than me batted an eyelid, his acolytes telling me to pipe down, the claim left completely unchallenged. My string of more and more cool posts to Miguel were criticised greatly, but my reservations never addressed.
I'm in the complementary medicine profession, and if a colleague of mine made unbelievable self promotion claims (all those guys miraculously finding a cure for cancer know who they are), I would expect him to be doubted/challenged at the very least.
I don't want this to be an anti-Miguel rant (had enough of those accusations, we're cool after an online truce offered by me), just highlighting how politically correct so-called free speech can be, the latter concept often not seeming to have any true value. Free speech online in 2014 is often overloaded w/either trolling/bullying/physical threats online from sad little men masturbating in their grubby little apartments (GamerGate), or the polar opposite, fear to say anything challenging, relying on anodyne fan worship (the High End v.prone to this).

Mark, are you with Sablon Audio?
Mark, are you with Sablon Audio?

I think you may be thinking Mark Coles of Sablon (whom i know well)...vs Spirit who is a medical professional.

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