Yes, thats correct. I have 6 dedicated lines with 10 ga romex and one additional outlet which has a couple of other outlets and a ceiling fan tied to it but is used for miscellaneous components through a PS Audio Power Director (TV, Tivo, modem, lamp, etc.). My preference is one component per dedicated outlet which maximizes performance, and am currently running the components plugged directly into the wall without any power conditioning, power plants or regenerators which I also have. Although I installed my dedicated circuits myself, I wouldn't run a dedicated line to simply supply a ground point for the Troy.
Wow...quite cool. What is the difference in sound-quality between power conditioners/regenerators and running dedicated lines for each component (straight into wall)? Most curious. And, if you can, wish power conditioners/regenerators have you used previously? My own experience is limited to Nordost Thor and my current Transparent Audio Power Conditioner.