Tripoint troy signature grounding device

Yes, thats correct. I have 6 dedicated lines with 10 ga romex and one additional outlet which has a couple of other outlets and a ceiling fan tied to it but is used for miscellaneous components through a PS Audio Power Director (TV, Tivo, modem, lamp, etc.). My preference is one component per dedicated outlet which maximizes performance, and am currently running the components plugged directly into the wall without any power conditioning, power plants or regenerators which I also have. Although I installed my dedicated circuits myself, I wouldn't run a dedicated line to simply supply a ground point for the Troy.

Wow...quite cool. What is the difference in sound-quality between power conditioners/regenerators and running dedicated lines for each component (straight into wall)? Most curious. And, if you can, wish power conditioners/regenerators have you used previously? My own experience is limited to Nordost Thor and my current Transparent Audio Power Conditioner.
Lloyd, I know this is a little off-topic, but you should REALLY consider the Westwick Audio 8KVA balanced power transformer w/10 outlets hard wired. My Burmester meter reads a rock steady average of 245V, VERY occas +/-2V, whereas w/out it, power varied MOMENT TO MOMENT +/-10V!!!
I believe it's the device on the UK market most similar to the Equi=Tech units they use in the States, like Mike Lavigne's 10kVA unit.
It's added an uncanny rock solid foundation to music, a sort of hewn from granite confidence, upon which Entreq has subsequently weaved it's magic. W/10 outlets, there is sufficient capacity to plug all your components in w/no pesky extension sockets.
The only issue is a slight hum from the 150lb centre tapped transformer. Understandable, this is quite a beastie! The company are excellent to deal with.
At £5k, install included, it's a no brainer. PM me if you want to know more, or continue the discussion here.
Lloyd, I know this is a little off-topic, but you should REALLY consider the Westwick Audio 8KVA balanced power transformer w/10 outlets hard wired. My Burmester meter reads a rock steady average of 245V, VERY occas +/-2V, whereas w/out it, power varied MOMENT TO MOMENT +/-10V!!!
I believe it's the device on the UK market most similar to the Equi=Tech units they use in the States, like Mike Lavigne's 10kVA unit.
It's added an uncanny rock solid foundation to music, a sort of hewn from granite confidence, upon which Entreq has subsequently weaved it's magic. W/10 outlets, there is sufficient capacity to plug all your components in w/no pesky extension sockets.
The only issue is a slight hum from the 150lb centre tapped transformer. Understandable, this is quite a beastie! The company are excellent to deal with.
At £5k, install included, it's a no brainer. PM me if you want to know more, or continue the discussion here.

One thing at a time! ;) yes, power is something that can probably use more attention but if we move, dont want to invest time/money at the step down from doing permanent work to the room acoustics. But yes, when that day comes, will definitely ask your advice on this. You and Mike Lavigne who also has done a lot of work on this...and Frank750 to i believe.
Sure Lloyd, you need to know this is a standalone item, like an outsized power conditioner c.20" x 18", 150lb, so a Devil to move around, but ok 2-man. It can be hard wired into the mains outlet, but mine is supplied w/a captured PC so it plugs into your wall outlet like a conditioner. As standard it comes w/2 outlets, but the company helpfully specced it for 10 when I asked.
So, it can be taken w/you if you move more simply than the wall-mounted Equi=Tech jobbies.
I believe there are standalone Torus balanced transformers w/multiple outlets, but I don't recall any of them over 3kVA, whereas my Westwick is 8kVA, more than enough for a high end system. Good to have such overkill power on tap.
Their claim to fame is installs in many recording studios, the feedback from these studios v.positive.
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I thought that users of Tripoint would like to see what my Thor SEs look like.

Thor SE.jpg

Obviously, I don't know how to attach a picture.
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Hi Guys, been reading this thread with great interest, and it certainly has been lively and informative, perhaps a little overwhelming. Since I'm about to unhook everything and reset with a BPT 3.5, thought it might be smart to address some grounding issues. All the lines are dedicated to a sub panel but coming off the main box. I'm sure the Tripoint would be wonderful but it's not in the cards just yet. May just go with Roger's copper bar approach. Thanks for all the info.
I thought that users of Tripoint would like to see what my Thor SEs look like.

Obviously, I don't know how to attach a picture.

Norm; i'm about as lame as they come as far as website knowledge. but posting pictures is pretty easy.

just select the 'insert image' icon above; then either add the URL (starting with 'http') of your picture's location on a website, or from your computer download (search your files and insert the file) your picture (you choose one way or the other).
Last night I had a very pleasant experience. Some days ago I returned to my High Fidelity Ultimate Reference interconnects and speaker wires. Then I put their phono cables on my Ikeda tonearm and let everything settle in. With both my Stillpoints LPI and Dalby record clamps, this was outstanding sound; the best I had ever heard anywhere. Last night I was tired of getting up repeatedly to switch LPs and decided to listen to my music server. Of course the new HFC cables and the record clamps had no impact on what I heard. I expected to hear what I now thought was my second best source.

The sound was just shockingly good! I wondered why and then remembered that I now had three Tripoint Thor SE grounding cables that I had been warned made sudden jumps after about three or four weeks. I think this is what I was hearing. At any rate I thoroughly enjoyed the evening with very involving sound stages and clean decay of the notes and sense of the recording venue. On some of the live recordings there was again my brains confusion of having the singer and the audience in front of me. Where was I in the audience or on the stage?

These grounding cables are a great jump in the performance of the Troy Signature grounding device. In fact it obviously was handicapped by the provided Silver grounding cables that are not shielded as the Thor SEs are. These cables are not cheap and, of course, neither is the Troy Signature, but I have never even partially had the realism that I had last night. If you have a Troy, Troy Signature, or Emperor, save your money and get one of these grounding cables. But warning one will not be enough. I have two more comings.
Last night I had a very pleasant experience. Some days ago I returned to my High Fidelity Ultimate Reference interconnects and speaker wires. Then I put their phono cables on my Ikeda tonearm and let everything settle in. With both my Stillpoints LPI and Dalby record clamps, this was outstanding sound; the best I had ever heard anywhere. Last night I was tired of getting up repeatedly to switch LPs and decided to listen to my music server. Of course the new HFC cables and the record clamps had no impact on what I heard. I expected to hear what I now thought was my second best source.

The sound was just shockingly good! I wondered why and then remembered that I now had three Tripoint Thor SE grounding cables that I had been warned made sudden jumps after about three or four weeks. I think this is what I was hearing. At any rate I thoroughly enjoyed the evening with very involving sound stages and clean decay of the notes and sense of the recording venue. On some of the live recordings there was again my brains confusion of having the singer and the audience in front of me. Where was I in the audience or on the stage?

These grounding cables are a great jump in the performance of the Troy Signature grounding device. In fact it obviously was handicapped by the provided Silver grounding cables that are not shielded as the Thor SEs are. These cables are not cheap and, of course, neither is the Troy Signature, but I have never even partially had the realism that I had last night. If you have a Troy, Troy Signature, or Emperor, save your money and get one of these grounding cables. But warning one will not be enough. I have two more comings.

Totally agree with you TBG: I have not heard any of the Dalby grounding cables and I am not planning to because I am extremely happy with the Thor se grounding cable. Talk about transparency and speed! Miguel is very proud of his Thor se grounding cables and imho he has every reason to be. Together with the emperor grounding (the third Emperor grounding to be built after one for Audio Exotics and one he is using for his own system) two Thor se cables will be landing on my doorstep on relative short notice. I am pretty sure that I will need more than the Thor se's I have ordered so far.
Audiocrack, you are indeed a grounding pioneer, it seems the only one in the US other than the designer w/the Emperor planned. I can't fathom how good it will be, but you must be the first to tell us, despite your initial reluctance. You're going to be on quite a voyage.
Audiocrack, you are indeed a grounding pioneer, it seems the only one in the US other than the designer w/the Emperor planned. I can't fathom how good it will be, but you must be the first to tell us, despite your initial reluctance. You're going to be on quite a voyage.

Thanks Spirit. However, Probably I will not be posting my experiences with the emperor on WBF for a couple of reasons: a. Apart from the costs involved, the emperor will be very scarcely available because it is a product tbat cost an enormous amount of labour to produce. I learned quite a bit from Miguel and had no idea that it is so labour intensive to create. Of course the material costs are also impressive. B. Too much hostility on this thread and WBF in general. Do not want to waste my time on this. C. People who are seriously interested and have an open mind can contact me personally so I can share my experiences directly with them (or they can visit me to listen and experience the emperor themselves if this can be arranged).

One thing I know for sure: Miguel created something extraordinary with his grounding boxes and Thor se cables. Using temporarily, that is until the emperor arrives, two Troy signatures in my Genesis set up. This gives me the opportunity to connect 6 audio components to separate binding posts. In combination with the Trinity media pc and dac as well as the Taralabs grandmaster evolution cables (that are connected to the Troy signature) I have never heard my Genesis set up sound as impressive as it does right now.
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Thanks Spirit. However, I not think I will be posting my experiences with the emperor on WBF for a couple of reasons: a. Apart from the costs involved, the emperor will be very scarcely available because it is a product tbat cost an enormous amount of labour to produce. I learned quite a bit from Miguel and had no idea that it is so labour intensive to create. Of course the material costs are also impressive. B. Too much hostility on this thread and WBF in general. Do not want to waste my time on this. C. People who are seriously interested and have an open mind can contact me personally so I can share my experiences directly with them (or they can visit me to listen and experience the emperor themselves if this can be arranged).

One thing I know for sure: Miguel created something extraordinary with his grounding boxes and Thor se cables. Using temporarily, that is until the emperor arrives, two Troy signatures in my Genesis set up. This gives me the opportunity to connect 6 audio components to separate binding posts. In combination with the Trinity media pc and dac as well as the Taralabs grandmaster evolution cables (that are connected to the Troy signature) I have never heard my Genesis set up sound as impressive as it does right now.

Audiocrack, Miguel wants me to come down to hear his Emperor. I really cannot deal with either the weight of it or its cost, especially given my shock at the benefits of the Thor SEs. I fear what I might do were I to hear it.
Audiocrack, too bad you won't feel comfortable reporting your Emperor findings. I've done what I can to assure you that as a previous frosty observer of Troy I'm more chilled now (Frosty? Chilled? LOL!). But it's a free world (thus far), and if you're reluctant, c'est la vie. Tbh, Emperor and Thor SE cables in effect aren't any more expensive than a full loom of your newest SOTA signal cables, so criticism isn't any more relevant to Emperor pricing than the rest of your cables.
I'm soon to get off the grounding merry-go-'round, tbh, it can go into pretty radical avenues (as you are about to), and I need to prioritise cash for my last main area of investigation, viz. Shun Mook Diamond Resonators. I can't afford it all!!! Luckily my modest expenditure in Entreq really has provided the goods.
All the best hitting new heights of grounding.
Audiocrack, Miguel wants me to come down to hear his Emperor. I really cannot deal with either the weight of it or its cost, especially given my shock at the benefits of the Thor SEs. I fear what I might do were I to hear it.

I can understand your 'fear' TBG. Nevertheless, I suppose it is interesting to listen anyway and hear what state of the art grounding can do for a system. Please let us know if you decide to give the emperor a listen.
Audiocrack, too bad you won't feel comfortable reporting your Emperor findings. I've done what I can to assure you that as a previous frosty observer of Troy I'm more chilled now (Frosty? Chilled? LOL!). But it's a free world (thus far), and if you're reluctant, c'est la vie. Tbh, Emperor and Thor SE cables in effect aren't any more expensive than a full loom of your newest SOTA signal cables, so criticism isn't any more relevant to Emperor pricing than the rest of your cables.
I'm soon to get off the grounding merry-go-'round, tbh, it can go into pretty radical avenues (as you are about to), and I need to prioritise cash for my last main area of investigation, viz. Shun Mook Diamond Resonators. I can't afford it all!!! Luckily my modest expenditure in Entreq really has provided the goods.
All the best hitting new heights of grounding.

The Shun Mook devices are very good. I have been using various Shun Mook items such as resonators, the sextet and the mpingo discs for many, many years and still love them. If you are able please give the quatet or sextet a listen.
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Audiocrack, this discussion belongs elsewhere, but I'm aiming to invest in a few Diamond Resonators DR's in the Spring. Giant's under my 175lb balanced power transformer, and Ultra's/Super's under my 4-chassis dual mono line stage, SET mono blocks, cdp and Entreq S. Tellus, and Mini's under my phono/small psu's. Can't figure a way to incorporate DR's into my tt which has magnetic feet, so may pass on DR's under the analog front end. Going to pass on Quartet/Sextet/Mpingo Discs until a later date.
I have to say the brief demo I had of DR's under my cdp was pretty wild stuff, and I feel I'd get more investing in these than more on open-ended Entreq grounding.
Going to balanced power created a foundation for music that is rock-solid and unwavering; going to Entreq grounding has created a Zen-like calm and focussing of the musical message; going to Sablon Audio cables has enhanced tone and warmth w/no sacrifice on detail; and my brief DR experience seemed to pick up on a major increase in flow and harmonics.
Feel free to PM me re DR's (and Emperor experiences) if you want to pass any thoughts.
I thought that users of Tripoint would like to see what my Thor SEs look like.

Thor SE.jpg

Obviously, I don't know how to attach a picture.

Hereby you can find two pictures of the Tripoint Thor se grounding cable

image (3).jpgimage.jpg

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