I totally give up. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
Steve-Put the rice down and pay attention.
I totally give up. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
You grow somewhat boring and tedious. I am not a tube dealer. I use tubes in my gear. I appreciate your zeal in trying to convert everyone but let me say again. My preference is tubes. I would never try to convert you because that's not my style. You obviously have a different style. Enjoy your SS. I enjoy mine. I just prefer tubes more. You say you like to learn. Great. Then learn some tolerance of people. We don't disagree with everything you say. What you can't wrap your hands around us that there are many of us here who prefer tubes. Can you understand that
My friend Raul,
You make a classic mistake in logic...you are assuming that the closer the adherence to the RIAA curve, the better the phono preamp. I think we all (well most, it is an audio forum) would agree the RIAA adherence is important, but I have yet to see objective proof that it is the most important objective measurement amongst the myriad of other parameters that go into making a good phono preamp. Like many arguments in audio, RIAA adherence lends itself to such arguments because it is readily measured (as compared to other important parameters). Indeed, a fanatical focus on a limited set of measurements may lead to a false sense of security, as numbers can sometimes result in a false sense of precison (i.e. the tryanny of numbers). Please note, I'm not dismissing the possibility that your phono stage is extremely good or even 'the best'. I can't comment until I've heard it myself.
As long as we are kicking around well-worn sayings, it is well to remember that "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, they are not entitled to their facts." Raul, if I may give you some unsolicited advice (which is probably worth what you are paying for); when you post a strongly held opinion as 'fact' it is just that, a strongly held opinion. Repeating said strongly held opinion ad naseum does not make it a fact. Indeed it oft times distracts from the potentially useful opinion you are trying to express. A fact is verifiable and immutable. That is, until we discover a new fact that offers a better explanation for the phenomena we are attempting to explain. It is good to remember that not all facts lend themselves to measurement. It is an immutable fact that I love my wife and kids, but definitely difficult to come up with a reliable measurement explaining it.
Please do not take this post to mean that I am some sort of a Ludditte who disdains measurements. I just believe that at the current time, the measurements commonly in use do not adequately decribe or reliably convey a hierchy of audio quality. Everyone operates along a continuum of objective and subjective factors. For example, price is usually an extremely important objective measurement which influences our subjective evaluations. Even dyed-in-the-wool 'objectivists' must utilize subjective critieria or else they would all own the same equipment at each price point.
So instead of endlessly arguing, I propose that we celebrate diversity and embrace our differences by accepting that we are all individuals who approach our passion armed with a few objective criteria admixed with a personal set of subjective biases. Can't we all just get along?
I don't post much, more of a reader/lurker
guess this makes me Evil and a non repenter....
I still own SS, but have gone to the other side.
"In reality, it only matters what it sounds like to YOU"
Dear friends: Redaing again some of the posts here I found that I gave you an objective answer to your questions and when I questioned almost all of you gave no single objective answer but even non-related answers. Some of you ( seems to me. ) were looking where I made it a mistake to post about instead to put some " light " in the main subject.
One of you posted that if there were something new on the subject and I gave him an answer about and like some of you: dead silence on that post.
So, what's all about?, IMHO no one of you posted any single objective/fact argument in favor of tubes and this is a frustration for all of you but you are not the culprit why you don't have any single objective argument in favor of tubes because : does not exist, there is no " scientific " arguments about.
Regards and enjoy the music,
plain and simple, it's called "preference". There is no argument. It is what we like
Unless you understand this I am going to ask you to move on as you are now trolling.
Actually the OP was "Tube gear obsolete??"
you've made your points. We've made ours. It's our preference. Now move on
" preference ", really? because I was thinking that the the subject was : right or wrong and why.
Raul, Out of curiousity have you heard no tube gear that you thought was good subjectively and/or objectively? How many pieces of quality tube gear have you had in your own system?
Your speakers are probably not tube amp friendly and this is something not really touched on in this thread. If the speaker is designed with a tube amp in mind then it will not have frequency response problems when used with one. If tube gear is used wisely there will be no FR or noise issues if of good design. Sure if tube gear is used with the wrong partnering eq or asked to make too much gain it will have problems. So IMO it can be right or wrong depending on how it is designed and used. This does make it harder for the average consumer to get good results unless they educate themselves first.
Or perhaps start a thread "Solid state amplifiers that heat a lot obsolete??"
Actually the OP was "Tube gear obsolete??"
you've made your points. We've made ours. It's our preference. Now move on
I have one of those. One of these days there will be such a thing as the Green Police. The Green Police will be in charge of monitoring how much electricity you use. If your electricity usage is way higher than your neighbors with a similar sized house, the Green Police will demand an inspection and all Class "A" amps will be confiscated and destroyed.