This is the current DC battery supply to the record & playback cards of the Studer A80s... all tape duplicates from now on will be run on this system.
Tatsuki's Caprices' master tapes were recorded without this DC power, however, your duplicate tapes were made with this DC battery in both the record & playback chain..
I will be releasing 3 new tapes, with Tatsuki & Yun-Yang which had the masters recorded with this DC battery supply in the record cards... a very interesting change in the soundscape..
Very hard to describe... but very natural, extreme resolution of the violin overtones... but relaxed... I have not heard violin sound reproduced like this before... I hear live Strads & Del Gesu's all the time... & this is likely as close to that as I have heard...!
The 3 new tapes are all LIVE & will be:
1) Beethoven Violin Sonata #3 with Sarasate Zigeunerwisen
2) Beethoven Violin Sonata #5 (Spring) with Brahms Hungarian Dances No. 5&6
3) Beethoven Violin Sonata #8 with 2 Encores...Sarasate Zapateado & Massenet Meditation
Edward Pong
can someone tell me how to rotate the image??? ah!
Tatsuki's Caprices' master tapes were recorded without this DC power, however, your duplicate tapes were made with this DC battery in both the record & playback chain..
I will be releasing 3 new tapes, with Tatsuki & Yun-Yang which had the masters recorded with this DC battery supply in the record cards... a very interesting change in the soundscape..
Very hard to describe... but very natural, extreme resolution of the violin overtones... but relaxed... I have not heard violin sound reproduced like this before... I hear live Strads & Del Gesu's all the time... & this is likely as close to that as I have heard...!

The 3 new tapes are all LIVE & will be:
1) Beethoven Violin Sonata #3 with Sarasate Zigeunerwisen
2) Beethoven Violin Sonata #5 (Spring) with Brahms Hungarian Dances No. 5&6
3) Beethoven Violin Sonata #8 with 2 Encores...Sarasate Zapateado & Massenet Meditation
Edward Pong
can someone tell me how to rotate the image??? ah!