Updating to Mac OS Ventura 13.0

steve williams

Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
I recently updated my MBP to OS Ventura 13.0. I immediately noticed the screen sizing is off when viewing WBF. In fact I find the only way to adequately view WBF is to click "View" and in the drop down, click "Enter full screen"

Has anyone else noticed this or am the only one to do the update

it is IMO a glitch to the new OS
I have the update and there are no issues. What MBP do you have? I can't understand why an OS update would affect what you see in a browser, which is a separate environment. Try hitting command + 0 in Safari in order to return your page view to 100%. Maybe that got tweaked in the update?
I have the update and there are no issues. What MBP do you have? I can't understand why an OS update would affect what you see in a browser, which is a separate environment. Try hitting command + 0 in Safari in order to return your page view to 100%. Maybe that got tweaked in the update?
2.3 GHz 8-core intel Core i9

I tried the Commannd 0 and it helped only slightly. The only way I can get perfect screen sizing is to enter full screen mode
The only other thing I would suggest is to double check your display settings in preferences to see if they somehow got switched
I have the update and there are no issues. What MBP do you have? I can't understand why an OS update would affect what you see in a browser, which is a separate environment. Try hitting command + 0 in Safari in order to return your page view to 100%. Maybe that got tweaked in the update?
I found the problem and deleted it. Things are back to normal. I was using a version of Mackeeper to clean up my files. I uninstalled and deleted it and suddenly my screen is back to normal
Hell yes Mackeeper is the Plague--never install that! :mad: --Steve you may still have Preferences from that thing in your files
maybe check with you local tech--if he thinks they could be a nuisance .

They will show in /Library/ Preferences/Mackeeper/plist file extension.
Right Click and move to Trash

Ask what he thinks of ClamXAV--use it on my Macs--just set to scan every day the full Computers in the background and tells you immediately if any nasties.
Frankly it usually pays to wait a few months to get the bugs sorted in new IOS operating systems --

Good Luck there,


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