So, buying a Lampizator is like buying a turntable. You need tubes for the DAC to function just like you need a tonearm or cartridge or phono stage to get sound out of the turntable. Is that what you are saying? I guess other DACs then are like an integrated plug and play record player, while the Lampi is a special breed apart.
To Ron's point, you don't think the Lampi should be directly compared to other DACs without at least three sets of tubes on hand to see what configuration sounds best. And yet, and yet, you make all sorts of direct comparisons between turntables, tonearms, cartridges and phono stages whenever someone invites you into his home. Are your turntable direct comparisons less valid if they don't have three cartridge/tonearm/phonos on hand to optimize each turntable set up? Is that the analogy you are making?
I just don't get the point you are making about the Lampi and MSB comparison up thread not being valid because there were not three sets of tubes used with the Lampi. I think the astute observation about the two top shelves being radically different under the two DACs is more important for a fair comparison, although, some people think components should only be compared after each has been optimized on its own, so this cartridge on this arm, versus another on another arm; as a "system" so to speak.
Following your logic, if one prefers the MSB to the Lampi, it is just because the right set of tubes was not tried with the latter. Well, one could say that about any component not having the right footer, support shelf, power cord, or room acoustics, or whatever. Where does it end?