Videos: Cessaro Zeta, Dava, turntables, Alieno, Thrax phono


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Feb 26, 2014
Have been visiting audioquattr for around 7 years, since he had Magico M3 then moved to Cessaro zeta. His system finally is sounding so good that I started listening at 9 am and sat intensely till 7:30 pm fatigue free save some quick breaks. If all of you tight I liked the Dava before, my recommendation for Dava has gone up exponentially

But, without further ado…this is going to be my biggest video report. Will carry on

First, let’s challenge the myth. Panels do female vocals best.

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I believe he also has Alsyvox speakers in his second system. How does it compare?
I have to say, this sounds fantastic in the recordings. I said it before I’ll say it again — Cessaro are by far my favorite horns.
If you guys want to compare Victoria De Los Angeles to Agnes Baltsa, here. But Karajan ruins the end compared to Beecham above

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Oh since we are on Carmen, here it is on violin

And just in case you thought we were doing only classical, here is the most famous 20 year old from Seattle after Mike Lavigne

Did this clip to highlight the rise and fall. Such dynamic swings are not possible without Dava and high efficiency IME and without the right recordings and performances you cannot audition that

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Bravo , A tour de force demonstration of what *True Horns* , not furniture not studio pseudo , can really do .
I look forward to the rest of the performance.
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One caveat in the videos is a slight metallic ringing in the high. This exists and we suspect it might be fine tuning cables. This is usually the case with Beryllium, I had noticed it in person at Tang, sometimes in Universum (accessories there are always changing). What you gain is high recording insight, but those who are bothered by that high have to slightly work to tune that. Else not an issue as after some time you discount that to norm and listen from there
Yes , One may tread something of a tightrope in the upper octaves with a Beryllium upper mid / tweeter , however done well and the clarity can be superb without sailing close to the edge of brightness .
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I said it before I’ll say it again — Cessaro are by far my favorite horns.

The only problem I have with Cessaro's is: afterward all other speakers sound insufficient (veiled) ;).
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Devils trill, Oistrakh
Stereo playing Mono record

We have a couple of high profile people with the Reed 5T who swear by (at) videos.

Maybe they can post their Beethoven violin concerto with the 5T in their systems.

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Here is the Soul in Beethoven’s violin cadenza

Kedar … Are some of the audio vids sporting DaVa Reference and some DaVa Soul ?
Have been visiting audioquattr for around 7 years, since he had Magico M3 then moved to Cessaro zeta. His system finally is sounding so good that I started listening at 9 am and sat intensely till 7:30 pm fatigue free save some quick breaks. If all of you tight I liked the Dava before, my recommendation for Dava has gone up exponentially
I guess you have a tendency to like Pioneer Exclusive (TAD) drivers since this one is also equipped with them if I’m not mistaken.

I listened big Cessaro speakers a couple of times in a local audio shop. The ones with separate 5meters wide horn bass cabins. They sound great and IMHO sturdy, thick horns and impressive build quality play a major role on final sound but it’s too big for almost everyone.
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