Visit to Audiophile Bill to hear his horns project

I left another telephone message for Bill today.
You have to admire Bill in sticking to his principles...
Maybe too little too late? :confused: :oops:
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You have to admire Bill in sticking to his principles...
In principle I agree
In this exact case I'd rather like to see Bill returning ;)
Bill should not let himself be chased of a forum he is such a big part of, because of one new rude obnoxious wannabe audio peddler. That guy will be gone in six month anyway, when he realizes nobody buys his BS here. Personally i will make a point of not reading any of his posts, never liked Cadillacs, they handle so badly !;)
I was very sad reading that Bill would leave WBF, but I think that him starting a blog would actually be a good move, kinda like the speaker building equivalent of Thomas Mayer. Just imagine what would happen if Thomas Mayer posted here instead of in his own blog (Vinylsavor), the valuable content would be lost in between many unrelated or low value posts, meanwhile with the blog that doesn't happen. Better yet, the blog would let Bill control the narrative and not having to suffer fools.
Bittersweet story but good move if he starts his own blog IMO. Plus, he could still be contacted with a comment on his blog publication or sending an email to him.
I wish Bill the best and will keep reading about his amazing projects, be it on WBF or in a different website.
Bill should not let himself be chased of a forum he is such a big part of, because of one new rude obnoxious wannabe audio peddler. That guy will be gone in six month anyway, when he realizes nobody buys his BS here. Personally i will make a point of not reading any of his posts, never liked Cadillacs, they handle so badly !;)
Yeah, now if they had named their speakers after Lotus cars...I would have multiple pairs!! ;)
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Audiophile Bill update. Totally delighted to announce that he bought the Pnoe horns. He already had the AER BD4 driver so he bought these horns from gregdee at G Point audio and will plug his drivers in.

I don’t know who is happier, him or me. I get to document an incredible journey over the next couple of years.

Bill already has many originals, so these are his final speakers. Anyway he can’t get them out of his room, he got them via his neighbour’s garden by clean and jerking them, as they could only come in by the back door and not front door. I have paid the neighbour to not let them out that way. So he will be buried in them.

Also note from Bill below:

Dear Friends,

A fortuitous opportunity arose for me to acquire a pair of the Pnoe horns with which I am using my AER BD4 drivers. It was a massive job physically getting them into my listening room but a big thank you to Greg at G Point audio who hosted me last Friday afternoon and brought them over to my house today. I am pleased I spent a lot of my life lifting weights lol. It isn’t that they are heavy but they are a very awkward size at 7ft tall and 3ft wide.
Some of you might be scratching your head wondering why this change of direction and I didn’t see it coming really. But after 2 mins of reacquaintance (after several years) with these astonishing horns @ Greg’s listening room, I knew that I had to seize the day. The dynamics, life and musicality was simply breathtaking. Do I wish they were made in solid maple - of course. Maybe I’ll even go about making some over the next few years - will be an incredible project and infinitely challenging from a joinery / woodworking perspective. Dread to think of the total weight. As you might have guessed, whilst I do have the acrylic excenter horn that I can attach, I am going to build a lovely hardwood one of my own probably in Macassar ebony.
Anyway - very much looking forward to listening to them this weekend.

WhatsApp Image 2022-10-07 at 2.15.19 AM.jpeg
Audiophile Bill update. Totally delighted to announce that he bought the Pnoe horns. He already had the AER BD4 driver so he bought these horns from gregdee at G Point audio and will plug his drivers in.

I don’t know who is happier, him or me. I get to document an incredible journey over the next couple of years.

Bill already has many originals, so these are his final speakers. Anyway he can’t get them out of his room, he got them via his neighbour’s garden by clean and jerking them, as they could only come in by the back door and not front door. I have paid the neighbour to not let them out that way. So he will be buried in them.

Also note from Bill below:

Dear Friends,

A fortuitous opportunity arose for me to acquire a pair of the Pnoe horns with which I am using my AER BD4 drivers. It was a massive job physically getting them into my listening room but a big thank you to Greg at G Point audio who hosted me last Friday afternoon and brought them over to my house today. I am pleased I spent a lot of my life lifting weights lol. It isn’t that they are heavy but they are a very awkward size at 7ft tall and 3ft wide.
Some of you might be scratching your head wondering why this change of direction and I didn’t see it coming really. But after 2 mins of reacquaintance (after several years) with these astonishing horns @ Greg’s listening room, I knew that I had to seize the day. The dynamics, life and musicality was simply breathtaking. Do I wish they were made in solid maple - of course. Maybe I’ll even go about making some over the next few years - will be an incredible project and infinitely challenging from a joinery / woodworking perspective. Dread to think of the total weight. As you might have guessed, whilst I do have the acrylic excenter horn that I can attach, I am going to build a lovely hardwood one of my own probably in Macassar ebony.
Anyway - very much looking forward to listening to them this weekend.

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What about his DIY projects? This really trumps them in sound quality?
What about his DIY projects? This really trumps them in sound quality?

The general’s was the best system we both heard (I heard the Yamamura he didn't, but that is a locked in system and much bigger) for classical and jazz and he been trying to recreate pnoe sound with the BD4 or trump it with adding additional bass. Getting it perfect takes a while as you know in DIY, crossovers and all. The only reason I didn't pursue it is because of the budget and size. He already had the BD4 and many originals so adding just the horn is not much.

He has is Mayer 10y, traded in his 46, will now try a few low priced ones to check if any clicks, he already knows if it doesn’t work he can eventually get back to the 46.

Also will get to hear DaVa in this set up, so will know how it compares to Vyger Red sparrow. The way I (hope to) see the journey going is to finalise amps to see if cheaper alternative exists to Mayer 46. If it does, great, otherwise buy 46 back. In the meanwhile check Dava Vs red sparrow. If Dava is fine the TT can stay at restored idler/STST level, or if back to red sparrow vyger will be the next upgrade after finalising amps.

Bill's response is below.

I truly believe that the Pnoe is a one of kind type product. Other than say the much rarer Yam Dionysio where you are somewhat locked into the overall system approach, if you “get” the magic of a single driver approach (and not saying it is for everyone), these are just off the charts. My own designs can’t compete with the majesty, dynamics and scale afforded by the sheer size and genius of the Pnoe horn. It is humbling to hear them again.
Can I ever build something better? Doubtfully unless I were to attempt something on this scale with years of build time. Yes some might prefer the traditional bass slam of an active woofer system. But this is my holy grail - we all go on journeys and I came to my conclusion.
Is this using the field coil motors?
no this is the AER BD4

Yes but I thought the field coil motors were to fit the BD4s. Looking at the horn though, I think there is no way they would fit.

Have you heard the horn Ked, what was your impression?
Yes but I thought the field coil motors were to fit the BD4s. Looking at the horn though, I think there is no way they would fit.

Have you heard the horn Ked, what was your impression?

I have written a big article on the general’s system with the pnoe and mentioned my love for the system a few times outside that. Bill just got his in yesterday it will take a few months of what I mentioned in post 991 to get it there.
I have written a big article on the general’s system with the pnoe and mentioned my love for the system a few times outside that. Bill just got his in yesterday it will take a few months of what I mentioned in post 991 to get it there.
I was chatting to him on and off yesterday , they look rather fabulous in his room,
Also will get to hear DaVa in this set up, so will know how it compares to Vyger Red sparrow.
Its a shame that he no longer has the Vyger as I suspect that an Indian with either cartridge would bring even more gravitas and harmonic precision to the Pnoe’s presentation.
Just found that the Pnoe standard wiring is my long time favorite Crystal silver gold, as used in the Crystal Dreamline cables. Did Bill get this wiring?
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Just found that the Pnoe standard wiring is my long time favorite Crystal silver gold, as used in the Crystal Dreamline cables. Did Bill get this wiring?

dunno. I like those speaker cables btw but not tried them in horn systems
Its a shame that he no longer has the Vyger as I suspect that an Indian with either cartridge would bring even more gravitas and harmonic precision to the Pnoe’s presentation.

the Vyger was traded in for BD4 and Mayer 46, Mayer 46 for the pnoe horn, it might come back full circle again. It is just managing liquidity for that point.

i think DaVa does it’s own while red sparrow requires the vyger
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