Bill, I'll disagree w you
Nah nah na nah nah Lol
You did say the system was liquid, but isn't it too early in the evening for liquid?
Bill, I'll disagree w you
Nah nah na nah nah Lol
I personally think all have good ears, but have been misled over years. When I got into audiophilia, I had no idea of Stockfisch and Dina Krall. Dealers got me to listen to it and taught me to evaluate this way. That was so unnatural yet I did it, at shows people did it, the attributes it evaluated on. And when we listen to the same thing daily, all our evaluations are based with that sound template in mind. It took me 6 months after selling off my speakers to reset, along with live exposure. It takes that much time for live shows to erase and replace the sound memory of sh**y audiophile music. And both Bill and I ran into the same surprise in the Munich Silbatone room and G's room. Spend a day at Munich in the Silbatone room and see what they play, and what other rooms play. When people realize it, they shift back. That's why Bill traded all his gear in and switched. It was not that he had good ears one day and bad the next, and good again, it is just that this industry has evolved to mislead many, and G believes in spreading the goodness of music, something that many of the commercial dealers could learn from.
(...) So yes, with a decent room size, the system can be copied. You will need some of those recordings though. And preference and costs aside, many horn systems can be copied. If you copy Tang's system, you will get a similar sound provided you have a decent size. But if you copy an excellent Dagostino - cone/planar system, room will play lots of issues.
I haven't heard either system but I can imagine the General's system being less dependent on all the room treatment than Mikes.
I think that the key is in your words "record selection". For such systems you expertely select the recordings to sound great in them and then you are rewarded with great experiences.
In a excellent D'Agostino - cone/planar system type, the room will play lots of issues but once the system is tuned I listen to the music I enjoyed yesterday, today and will enjoy tomorrow, not to .01% of the existing recordings of the past. Just MHO, YMMV.
I personally think all have good ears, but have been misled over years. When I got into audiophilia, I had no idea of Stockfisch and Dina Krall. Dealers got me to listen to it and taught me to evaluate this way. That was so unnatural yet I did it, at shows people did it, the attributes it evaluated on. And when we listen to the same thing daily, all our evaluations are based with that sound template in mind. It took me 6 months after selling off my speakers to reset, along with live exposure. It takes that much time for live shows to erase and replace the sound memory of sh**y audiophile music. And both Bill and I ran into the same surprise in the Munich Silbatone room and G's room. Spend a day at Munich in the Silbatone room and see what they play, and what other rooms play. When people realize it, they shift back. That's why Bill traded all his gear in and switched. It was not that he had good ears one day and bad the next, and good again, it is just that this industry has evolved to mislead many, and G believes in spreading the goodness of music, something that many of the commercial dealers could learn from.
Bill, I'll disagree w you
Nah nah na nah nah Lol
Why is Mike's system anymore special or optimised?
Mike and The General have equal priority and specialism of components
The fact Mike may have spent more signifies that his choices are just pricier, not better.
The only genuine difference is the effort/expense spent on the room itself, and maybe power sent to it, via Mike's EquiTech.
If we're truly saying Mike's system only excels because of his slavish devotion to building that room, are we saying it would be way poorer in a bog standard room w no atrention to acoustic detail?
I haven't heard either system but I can imagine the General's system being less dependent on all the room treatment than Mikes.
I personally think all have good ears, but have been misled over years. When I got into audiophilia, I had no idea of Stockfisch and Dina Krall. Dealers got me to listen to it and taught me to evaluate this way. That was so unnatural yet I did it, at shows people did it, the attributes it evaluated on. And when we listen to the same thing daily, all our evaluations are based with that sound template in mind. It took me 6 months after selling off my speakers to reset, along with live exposure. It takes that much time for live shows to erase and replace the sound memory of sh**y audiophile music. And both Bill and I ran into the same surprise in the Munich Silbatone room and G's room. Spend a day at Munich in the Silbatone room and see what they play, and what other rooms play. When people realize it, they shift back. That's why Bill traded all his gear in and switched. It was not that he had good ears one day and bad the next, and good again, it is just that this industry has evolved to mislead many, and G believes in spreading the goodness of music, something that many of the commercial dealers could learn from.
A slight difference. He goes recordings first, and then selects the system that portrays then the best. These are the best performances by the best engineers, and we are listening to performance after performance at his place at its best.
I don't disagree it may not sound good for reissues or tidal streaming
The best performances by the best engineers according to a few people that praise them highly and love listening to them - always happy to know about them. But my main music interests are elsewhere, I would risk that those of most of our members are also less confined.
Thanks for the clarifying sentence about streaming - it says more than anything else. I would never buy a system that can not sound good on streaming, but we are moving out of Ron's OP intentions. But I risk to disagree - I hope that such systems can sound good on streaming.
So Bill, I'm only extrapolating from statements of Ked re Mike's system, where he is resolutely unimpressed by 99.99% of big cones/big SS systems, and yet his visit to Seattle has established Mike's big cones/big SS system in his top 5.I’ll try again.
“Why is Mike’s system anymore special or optimised?”
>> Anymore special or optimised than what? Mike’s room is far more optimised than the General’s room. One is a custom designed frigging listening den designed by pros and the other has zero room treatment! It is just a nice big Georgian room.
>> Price of components has nothing to do with any of this discussion. There is no need to mention price of gear.
>> You are the only person who is saying Mike’s system only excels due to the room.
Mike’s system sounds state of the art (by all accounts) due a a combination of room and gear.
Ergo lp prices plummet, and Ked is a happy camper. Fat chance.I don't doubt that many members are less concerned about the performances, and that from my point of view is an unfortunate thing.
Personally, I agree that we should all stop buying original LPs and move to streaming.
So Bill, I'm only extrapolating from statements of Ked re Mike's system, where he is resolutely unimpressed by 99.99% of big cones/big SS systems, and yet his visit to Seattle has established Mike's big cones/big SS system in his top 5.
Transplant Mike's system to The General's room, or The General's system to Mike's room, how would things change?
I think the key reason for this is having such good music and records he has excellent listening points and frankly if you stick to the basics of look out for what is good on piano, violin, then orchestra and jazz, you can't go wrong. His listening and system build comes out of simplifying rather than complicating.
. . . As I told Ron today while he was putting ice in his English breakfast tea (yes he does that) . . .
Ron, this hobby is equal part Sado (bank balance, friendly fire on partners) and Masochistic (I cannot BELIEVE i bought that POS!).
So, you'll have ZERO buyer's regret after hearing Vyger, Mayer and Pnoes, and look at yr packing crates storing AS and Pendragons?Not if you do it thoughtfully and rationally with proper auditioning and self-education.