Wadax Reference Dac and Server arrive

are you asking me about tone arms on my Wadax thread? it's unclear as you have copied my post multiple times.

if your intention is to ask about tone arms, please go to the linked FCL post and ask your question there.

thank you.
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i wanted to talk about my own Wadax listening, so i'm returning to my own Wadax thread. recently i had the Akasa optical software update done, which is done remotely by Wadax in a 2 step process. first they do the server with the permanent ethernet connection. then step 2 is connecting two additional ethernet cables to 2 service inputs on the dac and it takes about an hour to complete the upgrade. mine was completed late last week.

i do not know what they did.

over a few days and 4-5 hours of listening i was pretty impressed by the up tic in performance. these were subtle changes that had significant benefits. what i heard immediately was more body and greater tonal density and timbre, along with more micro dynamics. over time my sense was just more realism and rightness. and my Wadax listening this past weekend was awesome.

these last weeks i've also been listening to a new tonearm i got in June, but now am spending a lot of time with, the Primary Control FCL field coil loaded tone arm.

i bring this tonearm experience up because what it's doing compared to other tone arms, reminds me of what the Wadax Ref Dac and Ref Server do compared to other digital. yet the Wadax does this 'thing' to a much more dramatic degree compared to the FCL tone arm advantage. the Wadax combo fix digital artifacts and add many higher degrees of realism. the FCL arm also cleans up arm distortions compared to other arms and makes things more real. or more 'right'. the FCL does not have it's own sound or character, neither does the Wadax.

what has always bothered me about feedback i read about the Wadax is that no one ever brings this lack of digital artifacts up. yes; mostly they like the Wadax that it sounds better, but i don't read about specifics of this aspect of cleaning up distortions i heard so clearly when i compared it to both the MSB Select II and the Taiko Extreme server. why did i hear this so obviously, as did others in my room, yet it's not part of the narrative of feedback?

i can only guess about this. one guess is that the compares that have been done have not been done carefully enough. could be a system context thing, or a warm up thing, and a listening care thing. i don't know. there have not been many direct compares. the other guess is that much of the Wadax demos have been alone, without any other dac to directly compare. or at shows. no way for this lack of distortions to be anything one would notice. yet experientially this lack of distortions is really everything. it's the 800 pound gorilla in the room of musical experience. it's why the Wadax sounds like my vinyl. why i can listen for hours and hours.

with the FCL arm this 'rightness' is a profound separator. and with the Wadax it's the same thing. but you need to hear it and realize what is going on. which might take some work to get the proper opportunity with your mind and ears open.

once you hear digital without those distortions......you can't unhear it.
As I mentioned elsewhere on WBF with this software update Wadax somehow managed to lower the noisefloor in a quite significant way. A lower noisefloor = less distortion = more music. So our experiences casu quo views on the Wadax reference performance (after the update) converge.:)
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are you asking me about tone arms on my Wadax thread? it's unclear as you have butchered the posting process and copied my post multiple times.

if your intention is to ask about tone arms, please go to the linked FCL post and ask your question there.

thank you.
Wow relax, Sorry to derailed your advertising post.

you were talking about the FCL on your own thread.

Not sure how my browser is causing that error,
i wanted to talk about my own Wadax listening, so i'm returning to my own Wadax thread. recently i had the Akasa optical software update done, which is done remotely by Wadax in a 2 step process. first they do the server with the permanent ethernet connection. then step 2 is connecting two additional ethernet cables to 2 service inputs on the dac and it takes about an hour to complete the upgrade. mine was completed late last week.

i do not know what they did.

over a few days and 4-5 hours of listening i was pretty impressed by the up tic in performance. these were subtle changes that had significant benefits. what i heard immediately was more body and greater tonal density and timbre, along with more micro dynamics. over time my sense was just more realism and rightness. and my Wadax listening this past weekend was awesome.

these last weeks i've also been listening to a new tonearm i got in June, but now am spending a lot of time with, the Primary Control FCL field coil loaded tone arm.

i bring this tonearm experience up because what it's doing compared to other tone arms, reminds me of what the Wadax Ref Dac and Ref Server do compared to other digital. yet the Wadax does this 'thing' to a much more dramatic degree compared to the FCL tone arm advantage. the Wadax combo fix digital artifacts and add many higher degrees of realism. the FCL arm also cleans up arm distortions compared to other arms and makes things more real. or more 'right'. the FCL does not have it's own sound or character, neither does the Wadax.

what has always bothered me about feedback i read about the Wadax is that no one ever brings this lack of digital artifacts up. yes; mostly they like the Wadax that it sounds better, but i don't read about specifics of this aspect of cleaning up distortions i heard so clearly when i compared it to both the MSB Select II and the Taiko Extreme server. why did i hear this so obviously, as did others in my room, yet it's not part of the narrative of feedback?

i can only guess about this. one guess is that the compares that have been done have not been done carefully enough. could be a system context thing, or a warm up thing, and a listening care thing. i don't know. there have not been many direct compares. the other guess is that much of the Wadax demos have been alone, without any other dac to directly compare. or at shows. no way for this lack of distortions to be anything one would notice. yet experientially this lack of distortions is really everything. it's the 800 pound gorilla in the room of musical experience. it's why the Wadax sounds like my vinyl. why i can listen for hours and hours.

with the FCL arm this 'rightness' is a profound separator. and with the Wadax it's the same thing. but you need to hear it and realize what is going on. which might take some work to get the proper opportunity with your mind and ears open.

once you hear digital without those distortions......you can't unhear it.
Mike, completly agree. I think Wadax has a lot of complainers because it is pricy. But when you listen some time to this combination it is soo good and satisfying. Regarding the feedback on shows. I have the experience that it really shines when you power the system up for 4 days. So much longer than a show duration
Wow relax, Sorry to derailed your advertising post.
sorry, my choice of words (butchered) was not appropriate. you are correct. i was frustrated since i could not determine what you were saying/asking. i have edited that post to remove that word. you did not derail my post.

as far as advertising post, you are in the business of selling hifi, i'm not. what do you mean by 'advertising post'? if i say something positive about my gear how is that advertising? do you think i'm selling my Wadax? or my FCL arm? when you use that word it's offensive to me personally.

which positive posts by members are advertising? and which positive posts are not advertising?
you were talking about the FCL on your own thread.

Not sure how my browser is causing that error,
was your intent to ask me about tone arms on this thread? i'm still not clear. and happy to answer your question if i can first comprehend it. i will move your question to my FCL thread and answer it there, if that was your intent.
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As I mentioned elsewhere on WBF with this software update Wadax somehow managed to lower the noisefloor in a quite significant way. A lower noisefloor = less distortion = more music. So our experiences casu quo views on the Wadax reference performance (after the update) converge.:)
I agree and I wrote about my feelings and experience in the dedicated Wadax area post #186
Its the "more" update LOL
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@Mike Lavigne

Mike, always enjoy your updates on the Wadax. Not sure why others have to be negative. I certainly cannot afford it, but sure doesn't mean I don't enjoy reading about it.
Mike, completly agree. I think Wadax has a lot of complainers because it is pricy. But when you listen some time to this combination it is soo good and satisfying. Regarding the feedback on shows. I have the experience that it really shines when you power the system up for 4 days. So much longer than a show duration
Agree too. Price does effect buying decision but that is a personal issue and an individual justification. We should be able to still discuss an equipment on sonic aspect alone too as well as its cost/benefit on a separate discussion to be fair. Wadax sounds very satisfying to me every time I had a chance to hear. Everyday from videos and often in real. My ears have problem with tone I hear from all dacs except Wadax. We now have all famous dacs regardless of price to hear in my audio group in Thailand. Never a problem for us talking pricey or not pricey in our group.

@Mike Lavigne. Both gentlemen moved from full stack CH digital to answer your question from another thread.
Agree too. Price does effect buying decision but that is a personal issue and an individual justification. We should be able to still discuss an equipment on sonic aspect alone too as well as its cost/benefit on a separate discussion to be fair. Wadax sounds very satisfying to me every time I had a chance to hear. Everyday from videos and often in real. My ears have problem with tone I hear from all dacs except Wadax. We now have all famous dacs regardless of price to hear in my audio group in Thailand. Never a problem for us talking pricey or not pricey in our group.

@Mike Lavigne. Both gentlemen moved from full stack CH digital to answer your question from another thread.

Agreed. Price should not be an issue when it comes to judging things at the absolute level. I know that my DAC can compete with some others several multiples the price (as again confirmed last weekend), but it can never compete with the best. So what? Do I care? Not really. I guess the sour grapes come from those who have invested a lot of money in what they thought was the best, and then are told that they might have to adjust their assessment.

I have never heard Wadax myself but also have been told by someone whose ears I trust that it's the best that he has heard. So I have high expectations for when I will actually be able to hear the DAC. Will I be able to tell it's "the best" or even just "the best for my taste"? Probably not, because I would not have the opportunity to hear all the main contenders in the same system. But I would expect it to be a special experience.
Agree too. Price does effect buying decision but that is a personal issue and an individual justification. We should be able to still discuss an equipment on sonic aspect alone too as well as its cost/benefit on a separate discussion to be fair.
it's hard to stay objective in the face of significant prices. but it's more fun (and productive) to be in that head space if you can.
Wadax sounds very satisfying to me every time I had a chance to hear. Everyday from videos and often in real. My ears have problem with tone I hear from all dacs except Wadax.
tone density--textures--timbre.....satisfying.....the areas where analog rules.
We now have all famous dacs regardless of price to hear in my audio group in Thailand. Never a problem for us talking pricey or not pricey in our group.
got to be a fun place to be. :cool:
@Mike Lavigne. Both gentlemen moved from full stack CH digital to answer your question from another thread.
thank you Tang, before i bought the MSB Select II, i tried to buy the full stack CH digital, but it was not fully introduced yet.

i heard the full stack CH digital twice.....once at a show.....and in Elliot's South Florida room a couple years prior to hearing the Wadax in that same room. the delta between those 2 from that room was big in my Wadax process. i thought the full stack CH digital to be the only digital i had heard that was on par or beyond compared with the MSB Select II. so a worthy product to step to the Wadax from.
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While optical interfaces are said to potentially sound better in terms of their effective galvanic isolation against parasitical noise being introduced into the ground plane of the dac, in practice, however, they are extremely susceptible to surface contamination at their ferrul tips (on both the interconnecting cable as well on the receptacles), and to the splicing profile of the ferrul tips which leads to each individual cable sounding best only in 1 particular direction.


The inevitable questions on those Akasa optical would be:

Are they directional? Does Wadax specify a certain directionality how they should be connected from server/transport to the dac?

Are the ferrul tips on the cable interface easily accessible for cleaning?

Are the ferrul tips on the input receptacle easily accessible for cleaning?
today i had 9 visitors for a 3 hour session. it's a an audio club about 75 miles away that has visited me before. really nice and knowledgeable group and it was great fun for me. love these sessions. we freely switched back and forth from digital to vinyl, and played all three turntables depending on the music. there was no sense of disappointment if the musical choice happened to be digital. each visitor had multiple turns in the sweet spot and choice of tunes. sure, the vinyl mostly was superior, but the digital was awesome.

my new vinyl gear did strut it's stuff and did impress, but the digital was also very special sounding. great recordings sounded great on digital.

in past years once a session moved to vinyl it rarely returned to digital. not any more.

this is the way it can be. and what i wanted from my system. where i can follow the music wherever it takes me and be fully satisfied.
As someone who has experienced the hospitality and the awesomeness of Chez Lavigne both sonically and personally I highly recommend those who have the opportunity to experience something quite special and a true labor( and I do mean labor) of passion and love.

Mike get's it and has done the work to produce something truly excellent.
THis is a true system that is well done on all levels.
I see that Wadax now offers the units in an all-black finish. (I hadn't been to Goodwin's for a while and their demo units are all black.)
I’m sorry.
I didn't want opening a new MQA discuss.
My experience with my Atlantis is that playing same track by streaming sounds better than same ripped version from my cds.
Have you experienced the same in pcm files?
the sound of a file stored in studio is different to the sound of file ripped from CD.
both putting studio master files on CD and ripping CD will degrade the sound. do not ask me why.
the best way to listen to CD is buying CD Transport not ripping it.

master tape -> Analog to Digital Converter -> File A
File A -> CD
Ripp CD -> File B

you may think the File A is equal to File B but in real world the sound of File A is better than File B.
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the sound of a file stored in studio is different to the sound of file ripped from CD.
both putting studio master files on CD and ripping CD will degrade the sound. do not ask me why.
the best way to listen to CD is buying CD Transport not ripping it.

master tape -> Analog to Digital Converter -> File A
File A -> CD
Ripp CD -> File B

you may think the File A is equal to File B but in real world the sound of File A is better than File B.
when it comes to 'absolutes' about how the hierarchy of digital playback works, it's important to know exactly where things are sourced.

if the analog tape is transferred digitally to higher rez, then down-sampled to make a CD, a 16/44 file made from the higher rez file could be better than the CD. these days almost 100% of CD's and streaming files start as higher rez.

very hard to know exact provenance of a CD or even the redbook streaming file.

and as far as ripped 16/44 verses the source CD, that can vary too quite a bit. varies with hardware, ripping software, and server quality....and probably more things i've left out.

honestly the significance of CD verses ripped files lessens every day as we move away from CD's and into files as mainstream. it's now CD's verses higher rez. and higher rez......is........'higher'. especially when it's a step or two closer to the source.
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when it comes to 'absolutes' about how the hierarchy of digital playback works, it's important to know exactly where things are sourced. (...)

Yes, but we never have all the details ... For example, streaming does not allow us to capture the files to compare versions. We are mostly comparing apples with oranges under strong bias due to past years of poor quality streaming.

Anyway I do not think this thread is adequate to such debate, unless you want to restrain it to the Wadax server.
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Yes, but we never have all the details ... For example, streaming does not allow us to capture the files to compare versions. We are mostly comparing apples with oranges under strong bias due to past years of poor quality streaming.

Anyway I do not think this thread is adequate to such debate, unless you want to restrain it to the Wadax server.

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