One page of the Watkins website is quite frustrating for some and I think it turns some people off since they think the product can't possibly be any good if the website is so terrible they can't read it. It has come to that in our world, I'm afraid.
While most of the pages of the Watkins website are perfectly readible, the one with customer comments about the Generation 4 speakers, which I think is very important to potential buyers to read, seems difficult for many to view. I have not been able to read it on my iPhone or iPad. It is viewable and readable on my Mac computer, however, IF I operate in full-page mode. Below I have captured these comments in full and pasted them in.
I started to highlight particular comments--ones I find to particularly match my own experience with the Generation 4 speakers and my own insights as to their performance. But then I realized that I was highlighting most everything. The more I continue to use the Watkins, the more each of these comments seems "right on!" to me. Take them seriously, please! There is no hyperbole here!
"Best thing to come out of Tennessee since Jack Daniels. Great sound, and look good too."
"I've had about twelve pairs of speakers in the last sixteen months...I'll be keeping these for years to come."
Thomas P.
"Thank you so much for these wonderful speakers, sound and finish far exceeded my auditory and visual expectations!"
Tom B.
"These sound so clear and three dimensional. An added bonus, my wife likes them. I am pleased with their sound."
Bill K.
"This is my second pair of Gen Fours. Loved the first pair so much that I bought a second pair for
my office. Best speakers I have ever owned!"
Ron W.
"Great sound quality."
Frank W.
"Great speakers, I love them."
David C.
"Clear, excellent separation, excellent detail, good bass."
Ken B.
"Easy to drive, very dynamic, sounds real from me!"
Harbert R.
"Quite noticeable improvement over the Wharfdale and that’s with only ten hours’ time in break-in period."
Carlton P.
"An enjoyable buying experience from start to finish, also the speakers are great and fit my application perfect."
Terry M.
"Beautiful speakers, I've had WSC10,1A,&1B, you guys are genius. Thanks!"
Dennis G.
"They balance out the room, Thank you!

Desmond K.
"The best speakers that I have ever listened to. There are not enough words to describe how good the speakers are."
Scott B.
"I love my Watkins speakers. The range is incredible. The true test of a speaker is the sound experience it creates in your living room. They have provided the only listening experience I've ever heard where I forget they were there."
Tony H.
"A joy to listen to for all my musical tastes, I'm proud to own them!"
Wm. P.
"I am very pleased with these speakers. This includes the sound and the very high quality black finish.
They are absolutely fantastic. Paired w/ Rel9."
Ronan G.
David G.
"My Generation Four speakers are everything and more than I thought could be delivered from a speaker. The den where I play them is 320 sq. ft. and they are able to deliver with awesome power. These speakers deliver "classic" stereo sound whether it is vinyl, CD, or audio files, better that any speaker I have ever heard."
Don D.
"In the early 1950s my parents bought me a little square phono box to play 45s. In the late 50s they bought me a Westinghouse portable stereo, which I loved. I kept the Westinghouse through high school, college, and early marriage. Around 1969, I was introduced to hi-fi by Bill Watkins Sr. That changed everything. On a limited budget, I purchased a Fisher compact stereo unit, with two-way Fisher speakers. I was in heaven. At night, I would lay on the floor, only about three feet from the speakers, volume low. The only light being from the glow of the receiver. I would listen to my favorite LPS and FM. It was quiet, soothing, joyful, intimate. Around 1980, I decided it was time to upgrade. I bought components from Yamaha, Dual and Advent. I really liked the Advents, and kept them for many years, however, I never quite got the feeling that I got from the Fisher. There was a large improvement from my portable Westinghouse to the Fisher. I guess I was looking for that jump and Improvement. Over the years I have tried many speakers looking for the wow factor. I have tried vintage large Advents, JBLs, Pioneer, RS, KLH, EPI, Epicure. And others. I have listened to a number of today's speakers ranging in price from $300 to $2,000. They were good, some very good, but I could not hear that jump in improvement. Then came the Watkins Generation Four speaker. A speaker Bill Watkins as I was told has been designing and working on for 20 to 30 years. I saw Mr. Watkins one day at his store and I asked if he had another speaker in his future. He answered "this is the best I can do until somebody figures out how to push more air within a box". I gathered some LPS and CDs and went to listen to the Generation Four. I went into their spacious listing room to experience the music. They sounded great, they were extremely good, as good as or better than any I had heard. Yet, after I left, I just was not sure. I wanted to be sure. Weeks past, I would go by and listen. I read the specs, I read the reviews. I decided to take a pair of home to try out. That was a good decision. You never really know until you take them home. My listing area small. I was concerned about placement. In my experience these speakers sound good anywhere. They fill the room with music. You can sit on top of them or 15 feet back, you can sit front and center or 5 to 6 ft. to the left or right and still enjoy the dynamics, staging, and imagery. I placed the speaker's about 5 to 6 feet apart. I started listening about 10 feet away, and continue to move forward until I was about 5 feet away and there it was, The Sweet Spot. It was the jump I was looking for. It was like being at a small venue, close to the Musicians soaking up every note, hearing every detail. Warm, cozy, intimate, an immersing experience. Each instrument has its own lane to express its musical performance. Your eyes follow. The base is tight, clean, round and solid. You would not believe the speakers are ported. The highs are Crisp, decisive. You can hear the drum brush move across the skin. You can hear the air escape from Miles Davis's trumpet, the pedals from the Dukes piano, bass strings hitting the bridge. The vocals, you hear the different shading and nuances. The generation for timing and rhythm is spot-on. The speaker's dance and sing it. Bill Watkins loved specs and measurements. Most of all he loved music. He loved listening to music. His passion was to design and craft speakers that produced music pleasing to the ear, and as close to the original recording as possible. He did well. Bill Watkins always chose musicality over specs. "No one listens to specs". The Generation Four speakers can be described in one word WOW."
John H.
"Sounds better than any speaker I have ever heard."
"Excellent bass response, fantastic yet pleasant sound, great looks, excellent quality overall in a day and age when it is the exception rather than the expected thing."
"I am well pleased. These are the most accurate speakers that I have ever heard."
"Great natural sound - lends dimension to music that is terrific."
"What you put in comes out! The next best thing to being there. Have no desire to hear any other speakers, because I have the best."
"An amazing speaker. It really does a great job of reproducing the full band sound. We use them for teaching."
"Lay back and let Watkins take control."
"The speakers have great bass response. They are perfect all around speakers."
"Clarity and realism unheard of in a speaker in this price range. Next best thing to a live performance."
"Unbelievable! The most perfect sound I have ever heard."
"Best speaker on the market for the price."
"Love 'em!"
"We have really enjoyed the fine quality of sound these speakers have given us!"
"Incredibly easy to listen to. Seem to improve with age. Wonderful reproduction of orchestral material."
"Nice balance of dynamics, accuracy, detail, transparency."
"Glorius! I think they are speakers musical enough to last a lifetime. A wonderfully pleasing and accurate speaker."
"Combines the best qualities of considered speakers into one magnificent musical experience."
"Most musical and non-fatiguing speakers I've ever heard - Do everything right."
"Superb top to bottom sound, very accurate esp. w/voice, violin, & chorus. I am very satisfied - Good Job!"
"Relaxed, smooth, big sound stage, clean and a PLEASURE to listen to. I am more than happy to release control of my living room to your wonderful speakers."
"The more I listen, the more I like them. Very smooth. Old records that I haven't listened to in years sound good again."
"Great engineering accomplishment."
"Best speakers that I have ever heard."
"Just wonderful."
"During my many years as a music professor I constantly searched for a pair of speakers that would satisfy me. I am now delighted."
"Wow! Best speaker I have heard. Reveals differences in other equipment better than any other speaker."
"Very smooth and coherent throughout. A joy to listen to."
"Wow! They sound "real". Have depth and feel of actual performance. Listenable."
"They perform extremely well in a difficult room. I like the large stage presentation. Clarity is outstanding."
"Absolutely superb! Sound as fast as electrostats, except with all the harmonics intact. Excellent imaging and ambience reproduction. Highs are perfect."