What’s best forum eDava fc1a a bridge between two continents


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2022
What’s best forum eDava fc1a a bridge between two continents
First of all I want to thank those who with their commitment give us the opportunity to compare our Audiophile experiences with those of others by putting in touch people who would never have met if it were not for What’s Best forum. I believe that it is not the first time that two people who participate in this forum meet sharing their experiences not only as pen pals but also in person. I know that there is already a thread that talks about this magnificent cartridge but I believe that what happened last week at my house deserves a thread all its own. It all started like this for fun in the month of March/April when I asked inside the thread if there was anyone available to let me audition for the Dava FC1 a. One of the forumers, Kcin, (“'DaVa FC-A1 a field coil contender'https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/dava-fc-a1-a-field-coil-contender.30720/post-957073”) 5DC7D3C7-8355-4858-A9DC-993ABE50C4A7.jpegED7D706A-5A0A-468D-A793-ADFFA069BF74.jpeg5251A563-74D8-41DE-899F-7146AC1F42D7.jpeg7F8DB058-4FAC-4205-A43B-38D2D1B6E336.jpeg5DB90057-B41D-455B-84EE-6A759FDC857E.jpeg1C55D7D0-02F3-4C73-812E-9DDE41BEFD87.jpeganswering me almost as a joke offered to let me try the Dava in exchange for a good bottle of wine and some Italian cheese. without making me repeat it twice I made myself available to host him, without knowing that this little prank would have forced him to take a fifteen hour flight to reach my city.. in the following days we started exchanging emails trying to find compatible dates for both of us to realize this audiophile madness. Obviously I can only be grateful to Nick who a month before arriving in Palermo, with a pure act of faith and madness decided to send me the Dava and everything that was necessary to make it play (a suitcase of over 30kg). who among you would send your precious equipment to a complete stranger? all this to get to last week when Nick and his wife landed in Palermo. from the first evening we started listening to music by putting on the Dava. Apart from a few small problems then brilliantly solved by Nick, caused by the shippers to the valve power supply of the Dava, we spent the afternoons of an entire week listening to wonderful music alternating the Dava with my MSL Signature Platinum. my impressions of the dava often agree with what you wrote previously. The sense of rhythm and the organicity of this head are incredible. it gave us a series of nuances that made my skin crawl. its great expressiveness left me speechless. the low range is absolutely first class, making us jump from the sofa in front of the bass drum of the firebird of the reference recording, the hits in addition to being extremely defined had a terrifying explosiveness that shook you as if hit by a sudden slap. not to mention "take five" in the original stereo edition, when, while a wide smile appeared on my face at the smell of the skins run over by joe Morello, I turned around and saw Nick who, by tapping his hand and foot, followed the overwhelming rhythm of this wonderful song. another thing that I really liked is the timbre of the instruments like in Kogan's violin in Beethoven's violin concerto that in addition to giving us the nuances that this gigantic violinist was capable of, gave us a thickness of the strings and a beautiful decadence of the notes. Obviously I don't want to say that we found ourselves in front of perfection, first because my system certainly does not represent the maximum expression of high end, (Vpi, allnic and Mbl) and then because in some parameters the My sonic lab was a little more advanced, but overall I think that many of us could live with this cartridge as the only instrument for the reproduction of our beloved records. one last thing this gave fc 1a maintains its original body but mounts the reference engine. I would like to underline how this experience gave me the warmth and friendship of Nick and his wife Mary who despite the language barrier immediately formed a good bond with my wife Antonella.
timbre of the instruments like in Kogan's violin in Beethoven's violin concerto

Hi, I am assuming this is the Testament reissue?
One of my favorites is the one by oistrach violin concerto French National Radio Orchestra, André Cluytens
I prefer it in mono to stereo.
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This is a story not of equipment or comparisons but of true reaffirmation of human kindness and generosity - it is amazing that two like minded individuals can share thoughts on a forum 5000 miles away from each other and actually meet to not only install equipment and listen - but actually develop a great friendship and respect for one another.

Massimo, greeted my wife and I as we landed in Palermo from time in Florence and absolutely took over escorting us, hosting us, dining and touring us through the region to engage in Concerts in the magnificent Monreale Cathedral, Massimo Theatre for a play and the historic Medieval town of Erice- it was endless the kindness and and generosity Massimo and Antonella offered us during our stay.

I know that shipping the DaVa and the power supply to Massimo will never be enough to repay him and his partner for the extraordinary exposure to culture and most of all kindness that they offered us. While Massimo and I conversed prior to our arrival- Massimo's partner never met us prior and yet we were welcomed into her home as family and ate and drank and laughed as we manage through broken Italian and English and the fine use of google translate--amazing!

As far as audio is concerned - I preemptively shipped the Dava , custom tube power supply, Precious One silver SUT and other accessories to who was potentially a stranger a world away and yet he turned out to treat my wife and I like family. Despite enclosure in a box, with packing and further a pelican case and foam- United Parcel Smashers were able to rattle the tube power supply to cause a failure on turn on in the weeks before I arrived. Massimo ordered the replacement part once I identified it and I repaired the unit a day prior to our departure.

Massimo actually has the most incredibly impressive system. The MBLs are sublime. In my experience MBLs are rarely set up well nor are in they routinely in environment they require to do what they can do. At least locally most people I know with MBLs never have them in the room that would display their finer points. The case was very much different in Sicily.

Massimo's room is probably one of the most elegant and large! rooms I have experienced. Absolutely incredible space without question

This environment left the MBLs to offer incredible space, depth and airiness. No forced presentation , effortless power with the dual MBL amps and the Allnic front end was impeccable. No edge but incisive......The DaVa was installed on the Dynavector arm and we mostly used SS power supplies. My thoughts for the DaVa did not change even though this system was so much different than mine and world away. The DaVa is pacy, immediate and has the jump factor to make the experience of listening so much fun. The MSL was more refined without a doubt. You could get totally immersed with this set up.

I don't think I have listened with so many hours consecutively for years due the atrocities of work and lack of time when home. We listened for hours each afternoon scrolling through different discs and noting subtle changes to different power supplies and equalizations on the Allnic.

I could go on - however, the most important element is that this insanely crazy hobby can bring people from different places and different cultures together and create the most beautiful friendships and understandings.

Btw if you have the itch to travel try Sicily - incredibly rich in culture and endless points to explore. Look Massimo up- he will treat you as royalty.


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Lovely story. Sending all that kit shows trust, and its great that that trust was rewarded.
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