What are you currently listening to (Classical)?

After watching Sergio Tiempo play the hell out of Ginastera's Piano Concerto No.1 Friday with the LA Phil/Dudamel, I just had to get one of his recordings! He plays with the same take no prisoners intensity in the two concerti, especially the Tchaikovsky. Both were recorded live at the Martha Argerich Presents festival in Lugano, and he admits in his booklet notes to playing it differently than usual since she was watching in the wings! One does get the sense that he's trying to "out Martha" Martha at times. Not everyone will respond favorably to such intensity and the frequent tempo changes, but I find it quite thrilling. We are on terra firma with the Liszt Petrarch Sonetti. Very good SACD sound--the piano dominates a bit in the two concerti.

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It's great to hear Trevor Pinnock still playing so well and captured in demonstration-worthy SACD sound.


Annie Fischer. This performance is a huge contrast to the Byron Janis one I have known for many years. I feel I want to "jump start" the piano at times - especially in the last movement of the Schumann. Then again, the slow and measured tempi add a lot of inner clarity missing from other performances. The sound is excellent and defies both the label (EMI) and the era (very early 60s).

Disc two day: Beethoven Sonata No.8, 23, and some Bagatelles. There must have been smoke rising from the keyboard after the coda of Sonata No.23! (Did his audiences feel duty bound to have their coughs immortalized on recordings?)

It's hard to beat a Russian pianist playing Russian music!

Yes it is but I can try with an English cellist playing English music;

I love these Pentatone remasters--the old analog audio still sounds fantastic, as do the performances!

If the music recording is truly unique in its superior quality; I paid up to $100 for some DVD-Audio. ...CD/SACD...some @ $50. ...Blu-ray...$100.
In Japan they pay up to $2,000 for a Crystal disc.
Collectors pay from $500 up to $10,000+ for an album (LP). ...Ok, those are collectible items...very rare...and extremely limited.
* Mike Lavigne I'm sure paid big bucks for some of his LPs and Tapes.

It's the offer and the demand, the rarity and collectability, the "It's very good" and "I want it".

John, to me you are more a true audiophile than most ultra high end audiophiles out there.
@ least from posting your music listening, instead of preaching the electronic gear.

But that's my personal opinion. ...As it appears from above. :b


That Mahler recording you must had some feedback first before you lay the plastic card.

*** Also, with time some music recordings we paid say $30 in the past for them; today they might be in demand and fetch $300.
I had some of those, and it even works with some DVD and Blu-ray.

Twenty years ago I was ordering some Blues music recordings all in the range of $25-30
Today some of them cost less, and are remastered.

Digital hi-res music downloads vary roughly from $15 (CD @ PCM) to $50 (32/352).

***** Some people love boxing deeply, girls fighting, and boys too...like those two big matches last night in Vegas.
[ http://www.latimes.com/sports/boxing/la-sp-live-updates-ufc-196-20160304-htmlstory.html ]
And the money sign could be very rewarding for the entertainers.
Other people, us, it's the music ?
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Thank you Bob. I'm the type of audiophile who buys good equipment to listen to my recordings, not the type who buys recordings to listen to my equipment!

I think I paid $33 for that Mahler disc. The most I've ever spent is $150 for an E.Power Biggs multi-channel disc back when I had an m-c system. I recently sold it for that amount, so I basically rented it for a while!
An aptly named work, as it is full of shattering violence as well as poignancy.

A rather pricey but worth it SACD.


I have the LP, must have a listen...put the Decca Solti No 6 on last week and was very impressed with the sound if not the performance
I have the LP, must have a listen...put the Decca Solti No 6 on last week and was very impressed with the sound if not the performance

I love Solti's recordings from both a performance and sound perspective.

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