What are you currently listening to (Classical)?

I think the whole of the Columbia classical catalogue is under-rated and overly-neglected. I love these Columbia reissues that Speakers Corner are doing and it would be great if the catalogue became as comprehensive as their Decca one is. Do you have the Speakers Corner Beethoven Triple reissue? Wonderful performance and very present, intimate sound (as seems to be a characteristic of many Columbia recordings). The Mendelssohn piano concertos with Serkin is another Speakers Corner Columbia I got last year and love (though some don't care for the performance apparently). And the Romeo and Juliet release - I now prefer that to my previous favourite - the Mercury Living Presence one!

Where are you buying them mate - in Australia or OS?
Op.130/133 today. Magnificent in every respect.


I think i have asked you this, but how do they compare with Endellion whose Beethoven works have been well regarded for so many years?
Where are you buying them mate - in Australia or OS?

Up until around 2014 I was purchasing from the US. But trying to do the "right thing" for Australian business, I was buying them in Australia from 2014 to late last year, deciding to cop a bit extra in the hip pocket. But without mentioning names and businesses, the service I received was so relatively poor (slow to order, poorly organised websites, prices way out of proportion to the exchange rate - try $60 plus for an LP selling for $22 in the US, chasing them up, not getting proper despatch notifications, expensive shipping....and other things...) I began ordering from the US again from this year. I honestly have to say that although I understand the position Australian businesses are in as regards pricing and the size of our population, customer service does not cost anything. btw, that counts for most things, not just music. Australian businesses should be ashamed. They wouldn't know what value a customer is if they came in and bit them on the backside.

Don't start me ranting about Project Australia, who when I contacted them this week about getting a replacement bearing for my turntable instead recommended I go to an Australian Project "specialist" and "upgrade" the whole turntable!!!!! So I bought a replacement genuine OEM bearing from the UK for 16 pounds instead...
I think the whole of the Columbia classical catalogue is under-rated and overly-neglected. I love these Columbia reissues that Speakers Corner are doing and it would be great if the catalogue became as comprehensive as their Decca one is. Do you have the Speakers Corner Beethoven Triple reissue? Wonderful performance and very present, intimate sound (as seems to be a characteristic of many Columbia recordings). The Mendelssohn piano concertos with Serkin is another Speakers Corner Columbia I got last year and love (though some don't care for the performance apparently). And the Romeo and Juliet release - I now prefer that to my previous favourite - the Mercury Living Presence one!

I have an original 2-eye of the Beethoven plus a lovely one with Haitink and the Beaux Arts Trio on Philips. Have the SC Mendelssohn, though. Still not sure about getting the Prokofiev since I have the very fine complete one with Previn on Decca.
I've never heard the Endellion.

Ah yes, thats right...i remember that know...i think its perhaps time you tried? mainly because i'd appreciate your opinion. i always thought they are one of the 'go to' quartets for Beethoven, and my wife and i have heard them the other season at Wigmore Hall.
Ah yes, thats right...i remember that know...i think its perhaps time you tried? mainly because i'd appreciate your opinion. i always thought they are one of the 'go to' quartets for Beethoven, and my wife and i have heard them the other season at Wigmore Hall.

Maybe someday, but I think the 3 complete sets I already own (Prazak, Italiano, Tokyo) will suffice!
Maybe someday, but I think the 3 complete sets I already own (Prazak, Italiano, Tokyo) will suffice!

Is Tokyo your favorite among these three if i were interested in exploring?
One of the best Mahler 3's in the discography.
Is Tokyo your favorite among these three if i were interested in exploring?

The Quartetto Italiano is probably my favorite from a performance standpoint. The Tokyo has the best sound--and the Prazak is the most aggressive. I guess it depends on my mood! I did sample the Endellion--they sound good indeed. One review said they tend to use very little vibrato (that was in reference to one of the single disc releases), which is a little worrisome! Do you notice a lack of vibrato? They definitely used some at the beginning of Op.133.
Good morning gentleman
Last evening was Dvorak's Symph. No 3 in E flat. I haven't heard this one before - Dvorak's Symphonies while not unknown to me are not exactly everyday fare.

LSO / Istvan Kertesz (conductor), 1967, UK, Decca Wideband SXL 6290

Superb orchestration, performance and recording. Recommended.

View attachment 26245

Edit - @ John - Thanks you for your recommendation of the The Quartetto Italiano, I have ordered a couple of their LP's on Discogs.
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Edit - @ John - Thanks you for your recommendation of the The Quartetto Italiano, I have ordered a couple of their LP's on Discogs.

Cool--which ones? (It's really hard to go wrong with them unless one doesn't like refined yet passionate playing and gorgeous string tone!)
Edouard Lalo: Symphonie Espagnole/ S
Camille Saint-Saens: Violin Concerto 3
Ishtak Perlman Violin, Daniel Barenboim : Conducting l'Orchestre de Paris
Deutsche Gramophon

I haven't heard the Haydn. Hope they are in good condition.

So do I! The Haydn is sealed and the other is said to be in near mint condition: we shall see.

Looks great Frantz. Don't know Edouard Lalo: Symphonie Espagnole - thank you for posting this.
The Quartetto Italiano is probably my favorite from a performance standpoint. The Tokyo has the best sound--and the Prazak is the most aggressive. I guess it depends on my mood! I did sample the Endellion--they sound good indeed. One review said they tend to use very little vibrato (that was in reference to one of the single disc releases), which is a little worrisome! Do you notice a lack of vibrato? They definitely used some at the beginning of Op.133.

Interesting...let me go back and check...no system til end of teh month while we are still waiting for the final touches on construction...its been 3 months! So please chase me on this one at the end of the month if i have not answered. I think they do but from memory, they are a very cerebral group so while i do recall vibrato for sure, i dont think they bring it to bear in a romanticized way. i think Beethoven is quite a romantic composer, but these pieces played 'straight up' in a cerebral way is very enjoyable (for me) to listen to over and over. Will come back to you when i've heard again...though in truth it seems i need to listen to Tokyo or Italiano in order to really hear what you refer to. stay tuned!
If Reger's and Busoni's busier pieces are your thing, then you ought to like Truscott! Very good playing (much of the music sounds very difficult to play). Good but rather closely mic'd sound.


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