Same question as current. Why are you not able to measure bass being light? Is that unmeasurable?Light bass can be, but frankly it's too hard to determine without making a change to perceive a difference.
Same question as current. Why are you not able to measure bass being light? Is that unmeasurable?Light bass can be, but frankly it's too hard to determine without making a change to perceive a difference.
Exactly why we're here discussing & sharing Tom! But I'm unclear about which part is different, the hard plastic IEC fit or wire gauge?
Maybe because bass is what people think power cords improve. By paying attention to it they then hear its details that were always there but not captured in our memory/perception.
You're not wrong about overall contact possibility. However however however... the average IEC cord has a very gentle spiral to it. That's why they're so flexible. This however also means that they have significantly less RF attenuation.
My preference thus far is for high quality copper, simple twisted cables. I'm not saying there are not better cables, just that they sound better than average 12ga for extension cords and sound plenty good enough for my uses in R&D.
No, it is the opposite. Everyone is born with the same human abilities. You cannot override those no matter how great you think you are. What is retarded is to think that all the variables that go into your perception are under your control. They are not.
Think of driving to and from work. It being routine, not much enters into your memory. Now think of sightseeing using your car. This time you pay attention and commit a lot more to memory. This is called "elasticity."
Your hearing is elastic. When you swap something and then pay attention to what may have changed, you now have a totally different experience. The short term memory which is under 20 seconds, gets filtered differently and what gets stored in long term memory distinctly different. You can now hear details, air, more bass, etc. that you took for granted before.
This is how your brain and hearing system works. You cannot do anything about it but be aware of it and conduct experiments which guard against it.
We can objectively prove all of this by for example, playing the same thing twice and have you perceive better bass, detail in one of those rounds and not the other. You will swear that the two sounds are different if I did not tell you they are identical. Heck, even knowing they are identical you can "hear" differences.
Of course things are never equal Folsom and one needs to find the right products but I've been using 14 gauge hospital grade copper power cords for the past 15 years and these types of cords have replaced many mega dollar cords in a number of members' systems here. RF is a separate issue, personally I never experienced any RF related problems with hospital grade power cords. I don't see why audiophile cords would fare any better unless they use some kind of filter which can have negative sonic effects.
That's the $64,000.00 question Dave. The responses can vary as much as one can fathom. Close to an indefinite response, unfortunately. It would be nice if in our hobby that things were more precise.
Of course things are never equal Folsom and one needs to find the right products but I've been using 14 gauge hospital grade copper power cords for the past 15 years and these types of cords have replaced many mega dollar cords in a number of members' systems here. RF is a separate issue, personally I never experienced any RF related problems with hospital grade power cords. I don't see why audiophile cords would fare any better unless they use some kind of filter which can have negative sonic effects.
You actually believe such bullshit....amazing!
You actually believe such bullshit....amazing!
You say negative effect while others say positive effect.
Thanks for presenting us with your power cord dogma, I can now avoid having to read further posts of yours.
Possibly the best and most honest response thus far. We can agree to this one.With so many possibilities why just settle for one?
Aren't you an engineer? If so, why won't you use your engineering experience to measure and thereby, confirm your hypothesis?
Why are you so sure it is a current issue if you have not measured it anyway?
What resolution does it need to be and why?
Of course things are never equal Folsom and one needs to find the right products but I've been using 14 gauge hospital grade copper power cords for the past 15 years and these types of cords have replaced many mega dollar cords in a number of members' systems here. RF is a separate issue, personally I never experienced any RF related problems with hospital grade power cords. I don't see why audiophile cords would fare any better unless they use some kind of filter which can have negative sonic effects.
RF is cumulative, not a problem like a ground loop that's often on/off. It's always there, literally, but doesn't mean it has anything to do with hearing it distinct from the music. It does however change the music. You're into tubes, so RF is often lower in many key areas due to how typical topology of tube amps.
I'm not surprised you've had better results with simple hospital grade cords! It often takes a bold man such as yourself to show someone what can be.
It would be nice if the correspondence is a little less...."harsh" for conversation. Please refrain from such harsh comments so that we may have a cordial conversation with this topic.
Gotta try them out Bob, in my case I found exactly what I wanted in some standard power cords and never been happy with audiophile power cords but I'm that way with cables too, specially the expensive ones many are designed to do things and they do just that which is what I don't like about them!
Why does the bass become so pronounced with after-market power products?
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