My KR RK now has around 30 hours on it. I powered the unit down at 25 hours, for a few hours. Then powered it back up for 25-30 and listened. All the nastiness that I previously reported is gone. I feel that the tube still needs more time but now the phonostage sounds as you would expect, very good. The KR RK is still very different than the Tung Sol. I can tell now that the Tung-Sol's bass is exaggerated and sloppy compared the the RK. The RK has the upper hand in every department. I still have the RCA coming but in no rush to compare. I have a feeling at hour 50 the KR RK will reign supreme. I happened to come across dcc's system thread on audio nirvana and he mentioned he prefers the Tele e810f. Ill have to source a set of those as I'm interested in how good this phono can be. Right now, I am extremely happy with it.