I’ve read the ASR forum.What seems bizarre to me is that in AudioScienceReview, a really hostile forum to the high-end, there is much more technical discussion and exposition of specific aspects about the Wadax Reference than in this forum.
Really interesting discussion
- RH is describing audible jitter in ancient CD players to excuse the ridiculous price of a modern digital server. He is supposed to be an engineer so he probably actually knows this is a bullsh-- analogy.
- A long winded piece of technical obfuscation and bull5hit.
- What they are trying to tell us is that, in two systems with essentially zero bit errors, one will sound better because its ones and zeroes look better on an oscilloscope. This is very expensive nonsense. What I want to know is do the engineers working at this company really believe this stuff?
- You can't fix stupid. Even for $220k.
- This money better spent on therapy.
- Throwing big money at these fancy packaged bull patties is so silly it's actually sad. And to repeat, a very foul insult to engineers, technicians and all reproduced music lovers.
- I can't think of *anything* that this product *could* do that would justify its existence (other than to take money from wealthy gullible folks).
- Wadax will make a ton of profit while not advancing in any way the art and scene of Audio reproduction of audio ...
- $220,000.oo of detergent may be needed to remove the stench of that load of crap…