-- It's very good Davey; just buy it. ...It's less than ten bucks anyway.
And if you need samples, just get free music samples from amazon; that'll give you an idea.
But like I already said; it's good. And Jimi is Jimi; this is simply older stuff never been released (twelve tunes), just like that. :b
-- ...Also completely different time periods Davey. In the 50's perhaps they were more serious in their recording's methods. ...Beats (Jazz) of the times were different too (the 50's from the 90's; plus the interpretations, of course).
* I wonder what Llyod (lloydelee21) thinks of it.
Me, I dunno, because I don't have the XRCD JVC remastered version of Johnny Griffin, just the regular one, from Original Jazz Classics (Riverside).
-- ...Also completely different time periods Davey. In the 50's perhaps they were more serious in their recording's methods.
* I wonder what Llyod thinks of it.
Me, I dunno, because I don't have the XRCD JVC remastered version of Johnny Griffin, just the regular one, from Original Jazz Classics (Riverside).
That's a great point, Bob. I am thinking that in the 50's they really knew how to record some of these great jazz performers. Not that the Bennie Wallace is at all bad, but it just doesn't seem to capture the recording space as well and is a little fatiguing when compared to the Griffin pressing. I'm now listening to this...