What's Spinning Tonight?

Harry Nilsson, "Nilsson Sings Newman", 33.3rpm RCA.
Love this one. I just bought the 45rpm. I also really like her first one, "Worrisome Heart".

Peter, yeah I really like her music. I've got three of her albums in digital format. Sadly, I only have "The Absence" in both digital and vinyl. I bet "My One And Only Thrill" sounds fantastic on 45rpm vinyl!
It's a good one alright. Sadly, I only have it in Redbook format.

CK 33235 - The redbook CD serial number I am listening to right now; checking recording quality sound. It's been a while...for that CD version.
Then later on I'll check the CD layer from my SACD version, and finally the SACD layer...stereo version. The LP will remain where it is, for now.
Then when all done I'll comment on the three versions, plus any question that we might have.
This is a true scientific test in my own setup with my own gear in my own room and evaluating strictly from my own hears and eart. :b

Don't mind @ all because I just love this album; all the tunes are good for my soul, and Bob's voice is the one of the true poet writer with that very special mellow countryside landscape we love driving in...Blood on the Tracks (1975) ...over 40 years ago...like a hurricane (Desire - 1976).
Steve, earlier this afternoon I listened to various versions of Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks

The volume on the recordings were different, nothing new here. I didn't get trapped by the fact.
I lowered the volume of the SACD layer, but it was still obvious to my ears that his guitar was cleaner, clearer with more presence, and the bass was also tighter, more pleasant overall.
The original CD (serial # I've already mentioned) was fine, and also more...reserved shall I say.
In the past I listened to the vinyl (I did not check the serial number) but it was different too. It was pleasant because my memory of Bob's albums are still present with me...even the sound.

I am certain that I don't have the best copies, and that's fine. But yes, when I repurchased all my Bob Dylan's albums on CDs and the ones they released on SACDs was because I was into it @ the time. We can have many versions of the music and films we love, and it'll never be the best because it'll comes a time ...

It was fun re-immersing myself in some of those tunes I adore. ...The souvenirs, the nostalgia...today in the now. 1975 was 41 years ago, I was a young adult in search of a new direction...I remember just like if it was yesterday...I was looking for solid ground, the roots of peace, on my own inner grooves expansion.
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Steve, earlier this afternoon I listened to various versions of Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks

The volume on the recordings were different, nothing new here. I didn't get trapped by the fact.
I lowered the volume of the SACD layer, but it was still obvious to my ears that his guitar was cleaner, clearer with more presence, and the bass was also tighter, more pleasant overall.
The original CD (serial # I've already mentioned) was fine, and also more...reserved shall I say.
In the past I listened to the vinyl (I did not check the serial number) but it was different too. It was pleasant because my memory of Bob's albums are still present with me...even the sound.

I am certain that I don't have the best copies, and that's fine. But yes, when I repurchased all my Bob Dylan's albums on CDs and the ones they released on SACDs was because I was into it @ the time. We can have many versions of the music and films we love, and it'll never be the best because it'll comes a time ...

It was fun re-immersing myself in some of those tunes I adore. ...The souvenirs, the nostalgia...today in the now. 1975 was 41 years ago, I was a young adult in search of a new direction...I remember just like if it was yesterday...I was looking for solid ground, the roots of peace, on my own inner grooves expansion.

Good for you Bob. I'm 64 and remember early Dylan very well. He's had such an impact on so many musicians and listeners alike! Thanks for the comparisons. Like I said, my digital version of that album isn't the greatest, but I can still enjoy it.

Smash Hits 87 - an Australian compilation, one of my earliest CD purchases. Full of huge sound mixes, massive reverb, effects reaching to the sky, all of the "excesses" of that era of studio productions - I used this album a lot in my early years of fine tuning, should create soundscapes stretching to infinity, a good one for confirming system competence ...

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