What's Spinning Tonight?

Melody Gardot, "Worrisome Heart", 45rpm, Universal.

"Miles From India: A Celebration of the Music of Miles Davis"

I had this on CD, and finally got to the 3LP version. Sound is fantastic, and the interpretations are very good, with lots of Miles alumni onboard! Highly recommended, in CD or LP format!


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What do you think of the sound of this LP? It is a mono recording and doesn't get a lot of great press. I have not heard the MFSL version...so am questioning if I should put it on my short list?

Yes, it's mono, but sounds very good to me. Definitely worth having.

"Miles From India: A Celebration of the Music of Miles Davis"

I had this on CD, and finally got to the 3LP version. Sound is fantastic, and the interpretations are very good, with lots of Miles alumni onboard! Highly recommended, in CD or LP format!
Wow, I haven't heard of this one. Thanks for the heads up.
My first title from Melanie De Biasio and Wow! She is good. Blackened Cities available in HiRes and it's just one 24 minute track of sublime modern jazz, very cinematic and just flows from start to end. Fabulous cover too. I must check her back catalogue.

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