I have strong opinions about remote controls. Mostly they have too damn many buttons that you'll never use. Second they don't work unless you have a clear line of site. Which gets me to my all time favourite remote control. My first generation Unison Research Unico integrated amp came with my ideal. An ergonomic wooden remote control with only two buttons. One makes the volume go up and one makes it go down. Simplicity itself. That's all my lazy ass requires. But wait, there's more. The very best feature is that it's radio frequency controlled. So I can be in another room and it still works. I can be facing away from my amp and it works. I can even be upside down and it still works. Amazing. Why did some obscure Italian company write the definitive answer on remotes and no one else copies this (at least to my limited knowledge)? Is there something degrading to our sacred audio signals that radio frequency does? I dunno, but I'd gladly sacrifice that last bit of sonic nirvanna for the functionality this thing gives me - all wrapped up in a nice piece of mahogany. Sure you probably can't use it as a weapon, but in a pinch you might be able to start a fire with it.