Nice topic mate.
According to the CJ monoblocks manuals, they state about 15mins of warm up... yeah right! The dam things take about at least an hour each, probably close to 2-3 hrs. The Esoteric digital player takes even longer but the preamp for some reason is good to go after 15-20mins. The CLX's require about 2secs to charge up, and thereafter do their bullet speed attributes nicely. I think everything else has to settle in, that is the room parameters, the cable's & interconnects sonic qualities and other accessories, power cords etc., and of course as a few members have stated, definitely after a few Reds!!!
A good woofty woof'n, enjoy those fine tunes!
According to the CJ monoblocks manuals, they state about 15mins of warm up... yeah right! The dam things take about at least an hour each, probably close to 2-3 hrs. The Esoteric digital player takes even longer but the preamp for some reason is good to go after 15-20mins. The CLX's require about 2secs to charge up, and thereafter do their bullet speed attributes nicely. I think everything else has to settle in, that is the room parameters, the cable's & interconnects sonic qualities and other accessories, power cords etc., and of course as a few members have stated, definitely after a few Reds!!!
A good woofty woof'n, enjoy those fine tunes!