Who’s going to T.H.E. Show SoCal 2023?


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2022
I’ve been looking forward to this show for some time. And it’s been a while since I’ve been to a show; I think the last show I went to was the LA Audio Show in 2017 I believe. Nevertheless, hoping there’ll be good turnout of those from Orange County, as I am, and to have the chance to meet up with some of you locals on Saturday or Sunday.

Below is Mike Ls earlier post about this very topic.

(1) T.H.E. Show---SoCal 2023--Hilton Orange County June 9th to 11th | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High End Audio Forum on the planet! (whatsbestforum.com)
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I've never been to any type of show for this so I have no idea what to expect, but I'm planning to be there too. I was thinking of buying two days, figuring perhaps Friday / Saturday or Saturday / Sunday. Worst case, I go just one day, but it still supports the organizers.

Which days are typically "best" for these shows? (Where Best = vendors are most relaxed and can share info or demo products most easily.)
Hi @msimanyi,

I'd recommend Saturday/Sunday as the exhibitors have had time to get their systems dialed in the best they can. Are you located in Orange County?
Hi @msimanyi,

I'd recommend Saturday/Sunday as the exhibitors have had time to get their systems dialed in the best they can. Are you located in Orange County?
Yep - I'm in OC. It's an easy drive to the venue for me.

Thanks for the advice!

I'm hoping a few more of the WBF team and participants are present so we can meet in real life...
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Yep - I'm in OC. It's an easy drive to the venue for me.

Thanks for the advice!

I'm hoping a few more of the WBF team and participants are present so we can meet in real life...
I have the same hopes too. -We’ll have to meet as well.
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Bumping this up.
There must be plenty of folks going who are from OC. Who are you?
Will be there Saturday and Sunday.
I will be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
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i'm posting the following for my long term friends who have a room at T.H.E. Show. and i will be hanging out in this room quite a bit as i am very interested personally in most of the brand new gear they will be 'World' debuting (North American Debut of the dart carts).


This will be a bittersweet show for us. As you may have already heard, our dear friend Jonathan Tinn recently passed away. We are doing the show to honor his legacy along with celebrating his ingenuity and cutting edge creativity. The SYSTEM by Evolution Acoustics was his latest project. He worked with his Chief Designer, Kevin Malmgren on this for the past few years. He was extremely excited and was looking forward to the world premier. It is truly our honor to present them to you at T.H.E. Show 2023.

Here's a rundown of our line up in The Audio Association - Bristol 3 Ballroom

Evolution Acoustics

We are proud to announce that Evolution Acoustics will be presenting the world premier of SYSTEM, an ultra high-end user-configurable reference product, enabling audiophiles the ability to custom design a statement speaker system that will accomodate their room, electronics, and personal listening tastes. Designed around the concept of modules, SYSTEM, or Select Your Speakers Through Exact Modularity, offers the ability to expand or change as your room grows or electronics change.

There are three primary modules to choose from and configure.

SYSTEM CORE is the foundation module of each speaker and contains the silk diaphragm air motion transformer and proprietary CELL midrange drive units coupled with either a two-way EXACT crossover filter network recommended for low power and valve applications or a three-way EXACT crossover filter network recommended for high power solid state amplification.

SYSTEM AMP is an active low frequency module containing proprietary CELL woofers for use with the two-way CORE or as a standalone subwoofer, utilizing an user adjustable bass amplification circuit to help fine tune bass reproduction to desired taste.

SYSTEM BASS is a passive low frequency module containing proprietary CELL woofers for use with the three-way CORE or as an add-on to AMP to aid in ease of bass reproduction. These acoustic suspension modules offer limitless configurations to handle a small sound studio to a large dedicated listening hall, with the flexibility to run on either single ended triodes or kilowatt solid state monoblocks.

All SYSTEM configurations will carry identical sound characteristics because all modules contain identical drivers and crossovers. It's just a matter of scale, ease of presentation, and active vs passive.

SYSTEM is not a line of loudspeakers where you have to invest more to get better quality of sound, SYSTEM is one statement loudspeaker that adjusts to fit all.

In addition to this revolutionary new product, we will also debut our SYSTEM line of cables, a new statement in cable performance. Of course, it goes without saying, SYSTEM loudspeakers and cables have perfect synergy and will maximize total SYSTEM performance to the highest level.

(i already own the SYSYEM power cables for my dart 468's and SYSTEM speaker cables, they rock!...MIke)


Hérve Delétraz will be demonstrating his new line of Founder Series Cartridges. Hérve said the cartridges were well received at the Munich Show and caused quite a stir! For more information, please visit www.neverheardbefore.com.

Along with his exciting cartridges, we will have the amazing NHB-468 Monoblock Amplifiers, these mono amplifiers retain all the musicality of the original signal. The NHB-468's immense power supply ensures that they can cover the full dynamic range, providing effortless delivery from a few milliwatts through to a whopping kilowatt of power.

The NHB-18NS MKII Preamplifier with its groundbreaking signal path technology, battery power supply and unrivalled phono stages, the NHB-18NS is still the benchmark for preamplifiers.

Last but not least, the newly redesigned LHC-208 MKII Integrated Danalogue Amp/DAC. Designed to handle high-quality digital music, the LHC-208 is in fact a « danalogue » integrated amplifier, with built-in streaming system and DAC. With an active Ethernet connection, the LHC-208 decodes and reproduces digital audio files, including DSD256 and 24/384 formats.

Durand Tonearms

Joel Durand is bringing his Tosca LE Flagship Tonearm. This Limited Edition arm comes with a completely new bearing assembly The counterweights have been upgraded: They are now composed of an inner ring in sapphire, and an outer ring of the same -- very rare -- metal as the bearing assembly. The cable of choice will be the Durand Tonearms Phono Cable Level 3.

Wave Kinetics

The amazing NVS Turntable will be at the helm for the analog front end. It will be equipped with 2 Tosca Tonearms and each will be showcasing the darTZeel Founders Series Cartridge. The Wave Kinetics NVS Turntable System represents the state of the art in analog audio playback technology. The combination of innovative design philosophy, engineering expertise, and manufacturing excellence has resulted in an unprecedented listening experience.

ATR Services

Our friend, Andry Kosobutsky will be in our room to talk about his acquisition of ATR Services and what he has in store for our favorite tape machine, the ATR-102.
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I plan to go. Perhaps friday or Saturday, but only for the first half of the show.
i'm posting the following for my long term friends who have a room at T.H.E. Show. and i will be hanging out in this room quite a bit as i am very interested personally in most of the brand new gear they will be 'World' debuting (North American Debut of the dart carts).


This will be a bittersweet show for us. As you may have already heard, our dear friend Jonathan Tinn recently passed away. We are doing the show to honor his legacy along with celebrating his ingenuity and cutting edge creativity. The SYSTEM by Evolution Acoustics was his latest project. He worked with his Chief Designer, Kevin Malmgren on this for the past few years. He was extremely excited and was looking forward to the world premier. It is truly our honor to present them to you at T.H.E. Show 2023.

Here's a rundown of our line up in The Audio Association - Bristol 3 Ballroom

Evolution Acoustics

We are proud to announce that Evolution Acoustics will be presenting the world premier of SYSTEM, an ultra high-end user-configurable reference product, enabling audiophiles the ability to custom design a statement speaker system that will accomodate their room, electronics, and personal listening tastes. Designed around the concept of modules, SYSTEM, or Select Your Speakers Through Exact Modularity, offers the ability to expand or change as your room grows or electronics change.

There are three primary modules to choose from and configure.

SYSTEM CORE is the foundation module of each speaker and contains the silk diaphragm air motion transformer and proprietary CELL midrange drive units coupled with either a two-way EXACT crossover filter network recommended for low power and valve applications or a three-way EXACT crossover filter network recommended for high power solid state amplification.

SYSTEM AMP is an active low frequency module containing proprietary CELL woofers for use with the two-way CORE or as a standalone subwoofer, utilizing an user adjustable bass amplification circuit to help fine tune bass reproduction to desired taste.

SYSTEM BASS is a passive low frequency module containing proprietary CELL woofers for use with the three-way CORE or as an add-on to AMP to aid in ease of bass reproduction. These acoustic suspension modules offer limitless configurations to handle a small sound studio to a large dedicated listening hall, with the flexibility to run on either single ended triodes or kilowatt solid state monoblocks.

All SYSTEM configurations will carry identical sound characteristics because all modules contain identical drivers and crossovers. It's just a matter of scale, ease of presentation, and active vs passive.

SYSTEM is not a line of loudspeakers where you have to invest more to get better quality of sound, SYSTEM is one statement loudspeaker that adjusts to fit all.

In addition to this revolutionary new product, we will also debut our SYSTEM line of cables, a new statement in cable performance. Of course, it goes without saying, SYSTEM loudspeakers and cables have perfect synergy and will maximize total SYSTEM performance to the highest level.

(i already own the SYSYEM power cables for my dart 468's and SYSTEM speaker cables, they rock!...MIke)


Hérve Delétraz will be demonstrating his new line of Founder Series Cartridges. Hérve said the cartridges were well received at the Munich Show and caused quite a stir! For more information, please visit www.neverheardbefore.com.

Along with his exciting cartridges, we will have the amazing NHB-468 Monoblock Amplifiers, these mono amplifiers retain all the musicality of the original signal. The NHB-468's immense power supply ensures that they can cover the full dynamic range, providing effortless delivery from a few milliwatts through to a whopping kilowatt of power.

The NHB-18NS MKII Preamplifier with its groundbreaking signal path technology, battery power supply and unrivalled phono stages, the NHB-18NS is still the benchmark for preamplifiers.

Last but not least, the newly redesigned LHC-208 MKII Integrated Danalogue Amp/DAC. Designed to handle high-quality digital music, the LHC-208 is in fact a « danalogue » integrated amplifier, with built-in streaming system and DAC. With an active Ethernet connection, the LHC-208 decodes and reproduces digital audio files, including DSD256 and 24/384 formats.

Durand Tonearms

Joel Durand is bringing his Tosca LE Flagship Tonearm. This Limited Edition arm comes with a completely new bearing assembly The counterweights have been upgraded: They are now composed of an inner ring in sapphire, and an outer ring of the same -- very rare -- metal as the bearing assembly. The cable of choice will be the Durand Tonearms Phono Cable Level 3.

Wave Kinetics

The amazing NVS Turntable will be at the helm for the analog front end. It will be equipped with 2 Tosca Tonearms and each will be showcasing the darTZeel Founders Series Cartridge. The Wave Kinetics NVS Turntable System represents the state of the art in analog audio playback technology. The combination of innovative design philosophy, engineering expertise, and manufacturing excellence has resulted in an unprecedented listening experience.

ATR Services

Our friend, Andry Kosobutsky will be in our room to talk about his acquisition of ATR Services and what he has in store for our favorite tape machine, the ATR-102.
Thanks for sharing this info Mike! I will also post more info in the Evolution Acoustics Speaker and Cable Forum.

We should have a WBF meet-up on Friday on 5:00 pm at the main bar in the hotel!
We should have a WBF meet-up on Friday on 5:00 pm at the main bar in the hotel!
That sounds great Ron. Though I won't be at the show on Friday, I'm close by and could easily be there for Happy Hour!

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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