Elliot G.
Industry Expert
if that was true it would be fairer and make sense but alas it is not. The sleeping rooms are the same size and are equal in their issues however the larger rooms spread out over the entire Hotel and a whole different kettle of fish. They are no where near the same in dims and issues.Eh, at least everyone has the same bad room acoustics to work with.
The ability to tame these is not for the weak and require a team. If you fail to plan you will plan to fail and there were examples of that IMO.
If I am being honest if these were clients rooms I would probably ( for some) tell them to put the gear elsewhere LOL
No judgement on the products but only on the result.
One room with a very expensive speaker had all kinds of banners and signs and posters and stuff, not sure about treatment and a very large speaker with expensive gear and a large turntable was playing music at like elevator levels. I went in three times and the third time I asked if they could make it louder so I could hear the system. Making a long story short after a few minutes he did and the room exploded with feedback.
He then said they have issues but they had NO options or solutions and for me then why play it at all? I asked why not a digital or tape choice and the answer was "I only like records" . Oh well ... only get one chance to make a first impression