Dear elsdude,
Just read your definition of an Audiophile.
How about this.
Someone who enjoys listening to and emotionally connecting with the music.
Nah. Sounds like the mantra of a certain political party. Or the basis for many religions.
You almost have it right there. Between science and superstition sounds about right for the audiophile world to me. Between the pit of a man's fears and the summit of his knowledge does as well. Plenty known about audio and the physics involved. Seems much of audiophillia is afraid they are missing out on something and find that something. And spend money on it in often chaotic fashion in what is half the time something real and half the time superstition about possible bad things no one can actually find. So pretty close to religion in my estimation.
The statement is a minor twist on Rod Serling's introduction to the Twilight Zone of course. And some of the odder parts of high end audio sure seem to fit in the Twilight Zone to me. We have phantom like worries no one can measure, and fanatical insistence such things are important. Those fears can only be allayed by hair shirted expensive incantations of just the right stuff by guru like figures.