Please let me know.By working my butt off and sweating all the life of me.
Where did you live while working your butt off?
And how did you finance your then current living AND at the same time put away enough to safe for your own home?
I was risen the same way: first earn the money before you can spend it.
So I worked all my school and University holidays from age 12 up to finance my hobbies and luxuries:
First motorcycles, then a car, but it was always hifi and music that interested me the most.
My friend M spoilt me VERY early for HiFi and music
So with this educational background, I had to gasp very hard and adjust to the notion of having depts for the first time in my life, when I could take over my parents house with the old mortgages and due to necessary renovations and paying out my sister, even adding up a lot more new mortgages.
The cost of living and especially of habitation are extremely expensive in my country
I'm extremely grateful that I was able to take over the house. I feel very privileged