it can't be that an SET has limits even though it's obvious.
How dare you, Mike. This just can't be. SETs have no limitations. Something must be fundamentally wrong with your system set-up.
(insert emoji)
it can't be that an SET has limits even though it's obvious.
you and Davey seem incapable of even reading answers given to this question over......and.....over......and.....over again. you just keep asking the same question, then questioning the specs. it can't be that an SET has limits even though it's obvious.
I guess if you ask the question enough times you don't need to accept the answers. like watching the damn news shows. question things enough times and you create your own truth. why actually ask if you are going to ignore responses?
open your own thread, buy a high level solid state amp, and see what conclusions you come to. you clearly have no interest in my conclusions.
+1748 posts and counting...
We can all agree that Mike has a SOTA system, probably better than most participants in this thread. I cannot understand this "debate". Why not let Mike try the different amps in his own pace and then let him comment about his findings? It started with Mike`s post about the purchase of the Lamm amps and now we have some kind of pissing contest of which type of amps are the best? ....
+2748 posts and counting...
I always enjoy Mike`s posts here, it is very interesting to follow his steps towards his dream system. He must be very close now. I also suspect that Mike is very capable of getting the most out of his own system without the "help" from us.
+1Brad, it is very obvious that you have a single-minded obsession with SET amps (and horns!), and do not even tolerate the idea that for some people tube push-pull amps, even triode push-pull, can sound as good as SETs. Not even to speak of SS amps.
So yes, your single-minded obsession that also manifests itself in claims that SETs can drive all sorts of difficult loads, which other people reasonably deny they are capable of, is somewhat aggravating and tiresome.
It seems that you think your perception should apply to all people -- if they would just know and were enlightened enough. Well, it just doesn't (I for example have heard fantastic SET amps, but I find other amp types just as fantastic sounding).
Time for you to back off.
I of course have also my obsessions, like monitor/sub combos. Yet I am not dogmatic about them, and while I often rave about their virtues I also regularly and honestly point out their limitations, which are fewer than most people would think, but which are there nonetheless. Why can't you just live with the idea that the SET approach has its limitations too, and is not for everyone?
i also very much like mike's posts and his respectfull way of contributing.
I think someone will have to invent a new amplification device that is more linear than either a triode or a transistor.
A quick search showed that Evolution Acoustics states that the MicroOnes are 6 Ohms. The Hi-Fi Plus review has measurements that shows the impedance dips to, but not below 4 Ohms at 200 hz. The impedance is below 6 ohms from 100hz though 4K. So, like most speaker manufacturers, you have to take the impedance specs with a big grain of salt.
I think one thing not mentioned but that can matter is how many drivers the SET is driving - and the MM7 has a bunch of 11" drivers as Mike's touched on. Said another way, multi-driver + crossover will probably make it more difficult to drive than a 97db horn.
For whatever reason people are coming to a lot false conclusions about Mike's Yin & Yang and at the risk of Chumming and restarting the frenzy a 96db figure doesn't say anything about a speaker and any assumption based solely on that number is wrong! I have a lot of experience with Accuton drivers and while they can sound nice and pretty with tubes and some low wattage they need current to come to life. Those 11" ceramic woofer's current demands aren't far off ribbon panels and ribbon tweeters of that size also need juice to sparkle. You can't compare the MM7 to Steve's Wilson's which are true high sensitivity design and lose little or nothing when paired with high end SETs like the ML3s. This isn't a case of Lamm's running out of steam with a high sensitivity speaker, on the EA you'll even find a 300w tube amp lacking compared to an equivalent high current SS amplifier, one has to make choices here. There's another fly in the ointment which I'm not sure how aware of Mike is right now. He's fine tuned the system with the Darts for years and matched the subs to his amps, it will be very difficult to integrate the bass of a plate amp with a SET's low end. Personally I found it impossible to blend these too technologies and have a fully coherent integrated sonic fabric.
For whatever reason people are coming to a lot false conclusions about Mike's Yin & Yang and at the risk of Chumming and restarting the frenzy a 96db figure doesn't say anything about a speaker and any assumption based solely on that number is wrong! I have a lot of experience with Accuton drivers and while they can sound nice and pretty with tubes and some low wattage they need current to come to life. Those 11" ceramic woofer's current demands aren't far off ribbon panels and ribbon tweeters of that size also need juice to sparkle. You can't compare the MM7 to Steve's Wilson's which are true high sensitivity design and lose little or nothing when paired with high end SETs like the ML3s. This isn't a case of Lamm's running out of steam with a high sensitivity speaker, on the EA you'll even find a 300w tube amp lacking compared to an equivalent high current SS amplifier, one has to make choices here. There's another fly in the ointment which I'm not sure how aware of Mike is right now. He's fine tuned the system with the Darts for years and matched the subs to his amps, it will be very difficult to integrate the bass of a plate amp with a SET's low end. Personally I found it impossible to blend these too technologies and have a fully coherent integrated sonic fabric.
It’s a little surprising to me that Mike feels that the Lamm’s run out of juice when called to reproduce very high spl’s. This was certainly not the case when I heard the amps at Steve’s place. In fact, I thought the dynamic envelope that the Wilsons elicited with the ML3’s was one of the best I had heard. The Lamm’s seemed to coast along with no sweat on his big Wilson’s. So, even though I am sure Mike’s room is a lot larger than Steve’s, I would question whether there is something else at work here, something that is holding the ML3’s back. The Wilson’s that Steve uses are a pretty benign load, I wonder if the MM7’s are actually not so benign. Perhaps there is something of an impedance mismatch or some such thing??
Steve, have you ever wished for higher head room in your SQ. ...I doubt it.
Sometimes when i Read An audiophile forum IT seems to me were going in circles .
The exact same topics are discussed with more OR less the same outcome
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