IT becomes hum after its tranduced
Fact is my transistor Amps were far less noisy
The mechanical hum from the power transformers has nothing to do with hum from speakers.
IT becomes hum after its tranduced
Fact is my transistor Amps were far less noisy
IMHO you should try the EA 50ohm BNC cables with a BNC T , a 50 ohm terminator and an RCA BNC adapter . It will emulate your 458 input at the Lamm RCA, using the best mode of the NH18. See . I will post a photo of my adapters later today.
not interested in integrating 4 more boxes into my system. that is my viewpoint right here, right now. I've learned never to say never.
I know you are trying to help and appreciate your speaking up. you joined a chorus of LL1.1 recommenders.....all well intended.
Maybe try a cheater cord to lift the ground and see if the hum goes away?
Im not nescesarily talking about hum in the sense of noise coming through the tweeter , but transformer hum which is a kinda 50 HZ ( or 60 Hz ) moving of the windings in the transformer .
The higher the output in the ( SE )tube power amp the bigger transformers the more noise, it doesnt become louder with increase in volume .
The Zanden 7000 integrated 300 B set didnt have much transformer hum , small wattage small transformers .
The Lamm probably not much at around 30 watts .
Besides that there is the tube noise / hum which increases with volume coming through the tweeter
My Cat hums the Graaf GM 200 more so , although not SET , transformer hum mostly .
What kind of noise are we talking about here Mike, I have the same amps on 105db horns and their dead quiet. There's no tube rush with the ML3s do you have a ground loop?
resistance is feudal. I see myself running two parallel preamp/amp combo's down the road....Slamma Lamma pre and amps and of course my Pass SS XS pre and amps... That seems to be the best way to go if you are to maintain two different pre/amp topologies.
Mike, simply, it is the price of admission...great design, from a great brain, and many, many boxes .
I also have zero noise from my ML3 and have heard David's and there is none also.
No worries Steve; Mike, with David’s help will figure it all out...David is mental about grounding; he is one well-grounded!
I guess you didnt Read my posts .
Never mind i made my point .
Back to mikes system
Imo the best path is as rockitnan suggests and that is with a Lamm preamp
even if you are only getting 90% of the Lamm ML3 performance magic ? There is no doubt that the ML3's will reach their peak performance/sound with the matching Lamm pre...This is a fact you cannot deny. Given you spent the big doe $$$$ on possibly the best tube amps on the planet, it seems counterproductive to hobble them with a SS preamp from another manufacturer.
OT: Hey ALF..what's next after the ML3's if you feel like sharing ?
I sometimes use a set of mono tube amps, and I prefer them with a good solid state preamp, even over their matching tube preamp. It speeds them up a bit. I am sure the Dart pre is fantastic with the ML3's.
Hi Christian, many congrats on the American Sound and your upcoming new listening room!
It is coming together, it’s close, I will post it up in a short time...thanks for asking.