The Krell Saga Continues


Member Sponsor & WBF Founding Member
Apr 20, 2010
My KSA-250 arrived back at Krell on 3 May 2012 at their shipping expense in order to chase down the evil hum demon that still possesses it. And I say still possessing it because Krell has been unable to solve the problem so far.

The first story they told me was that they could hear a very low-level hum with no inputs connected but as soon as they plugged in a preamp to it the hum went away. The next story I was told was that the tech had found a problem with one of the inputs that was causing both inputs to hum and he fixed that problem. The latest story I was told was that they can now hear a low-level hum from both channels even with a preamp connected which is what I heard all along and the reason why I sent it back.

I had sold this amp on Audiogon with the understanding the amp was at Krell to be gone over and issued a clean bill of health and it would be shipped from Krell to the new owner. The guy who bought it had paid me in full. I talked the guy out of buying the amp from me because of how long this was taking and I refunded his money. I don’t feel comfortable that Krell is ever going to solve this problem and I didn’t feel comfortable hanging on to this guy’s money any longer.

I’m also hoping that Krell will fix this amp because I would love to hear it again. Even though the hum drove me nuts (no SS amp should be setting the noise floor for your system), I know this amp is something special. As good as the ARC VS115 is (and it is without a doubt the finest sounding ARC amp I have ever owned), it doesn’t have the power and majesty of the Krell. Although I think the VS115/KT-120 combo sets new standards for tube bass, it can’t come close to projecting the power of the bass and mid-bass that the Krell energizes your room with.

The other thing I find a bit odd given the commonly accepted wisdom of how tubes somehow make voices sound more realistic than SS is that I don’t find it to be so when comparing the VS115 against the KSA-250. Now I have to rely on my aural memory which some people feel can’t be trusted because some of these people can’t trust their ears in real-time. But I can tell you this, I absolutely trust my memory of how the Krell made voices sound and I can still conjure up the sound in my mind quite easily. I will give you an example. Kurt Elling when singing “Joe’s Bar” sounds like he is standing in the room with you through the Krell. His voice is fully fleshed out and it just sounds real. Fast forward to the same song through the VS115 and now it sounds like Kurt caught a cold and a large part of the bottom register of his voice is now MIA. And that part that is missing is the part that really helped make him sound like he was standing in the room with you. For me, I would prefer to hear voices sound like you can hear the singing coming from the diaphragm and not someone singing through their nose.

The bottom line is that I’m rooting for Krell to fix this amp. It has now been six weeks and counting since they have had the amp. In all fairness, they didn’t even start on the amp until a couple of weeks ago due to their backlog of work. But still…
wow...good luck. hopefully good things will come to (you) who wait. I suppose worse case, you could also speak with Dan D'Agostino or his son at Bully Sound who used to work at Krell and now makes his own SS Class A amps...which btw, look a lot like older Krell amps from FPB and before generation. They may well be able to help you.
Lloyd-I thought the same thing about the looks of the Bully Sound amps. I still prefer the look of the KSA-250 amp though. I'm going to continue to hope that Krell finds and fixes the problem. They act like this hum is not normal for the KSA-250 which I hope is the case.

Hang in there. They will fix it. They've stated that they hear the hum, so now there's every reason for them to get it right. I'm biased, as I love my Krell gear.

wow...good luck. hopefully good things will come to (you) who wait. I suppose worse case, you could also speak with Dan D'Agostino or his son at Bully Sound who used to work at Krell and now makes his own SS Class A amps...which btw, look a lot like older Krell amps from FPB and before generation. They may well be able to help you.

I would definitely keep that option open Mark. :)
Do you guys seriously think that Dan or his son would be interested in fixing my amp if Krell can't? Seems like a bold question to ask either of them. I really hope that Krell will fix the problem. At least they admit to hearing it now at a level that they know shouldn't be there. Last I knew they were going to replace the power supply board and see if that fixes the problem. I'm still surprised that if you pay Krell for a recap job that they don't automatically replace the big filter caps in the power supply. They only replace them if they are bad, and not as part of a preventative maintenance program.
Do you guys seriously think that Dan or his son would be interested in fixing my amp if Krell can't? Seems like a bold question to ask either of them. I really hope that Krell will fix the problem. At least they admit to hearing it now at a level that they know shouldn't be there. Last I knew they were going to replace the power supply board and see if that fixes the problem. I'm still surprised that if you pay Krell for a recap job that they don't automatically replace the big filter caps in the power supply. They only replace them if they are bad, and not as part of a preventative maintenance program.

Yes and I know them both. They take great pride in what they designed and built and stand behind it. I'd even be glad to ask them for you.
Yes and I know them both. They take great pride in what they designed and built and stand behind it. I'd even be glad to ask them for you.

Myles-I appreciate that greatly. Let’s keep that silver bullet in reserve in case Krell throws their hands up and says they can’t fix it. My friend that lives in WA that is a super good MSEE thinks that the design might be susceptible to stray magnetic fields and if that is the case, he doesn’t think a tech will ever find the source of the problem and engineering would have to be involved to hunt down the source of the susceptibility and shield it.
I think it depends on how you approach Dan D'Agostino or his son. With Myles, that should help a ton. Additionally, if you say, 'hey, its got your name on it...fix it." i dont think that works. On the other hand, if its "i'd love to buy a Momentum some day...i am a loyal Krell fan from when you were at Krell...and now i am having problems with them...could you help me out?" i would not be surprised if Dan D'Agostino helps you out, as he clearly has enormous pride in the company he built (Krell) and would not mind having one up on his old company and possibly steal a customer in the long run at the same time.

Hang in there. They will fix it. They've stated that they hear the hum, so now there's every reason for them to get it right. I'm biased, as I love my Krell gear.


You have a very good reason to love your Krell, i have three friends that owned the K.R.S. -100s they are more than 20 years old and still going on strong in very big rigs without any problem what so ever.

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Now that they have acknowledged the problem, I personally believe that they'll make it right. I can't understand how the design may be "vulnerable" to external radiation effects, or this would have affected more of these amps (and probably other company's products as well). The changeover of ownership at Krell caused disturbances in all their departments. While the result was not favorable for some time, they seem to be getting back into "cruise mode".

Sorry to see you lost the sale for the amp Mark, but you did the right thing. Hopefully Krell will come through in the end.
Lee-I love your optimism and I sure hope you are right. Go back and re-read the first review of the KSA-250 in Stereophile and you will clearly see where the reviewer says the KSA-250 has a low-level hum that might drive some people nuts. So either I ended up with the review sample or this problem affects more than just one KSA-250.
Sorry to see you lost the sale for the amp Mark, but you did the right thing. Hopefully Krell will come through in the end.

Fred-I appreciate that. Actually, if Krell can fix the hum problem, I’m glad the sale fell apart. The KSA-250 is way too good of an amp to let it go for less than $3K. Having bought the ARC VS115 for over $4K, I know which amp I would rather own and it’s not the ARC.

The Krell is in a different league than the ARC and some of that has to do with the things that SS does right like the bottom end. The Krell is also much more powerful which gives it a sense of grace and effortlessness that eludes many other amps. The Krell also gets voices right.
I would be shocked it a manufacturer could not repair their own stuff.


Well three of the principals are no longer with the company and who's there now probably doesn't have a lot of experience with the older products.
Well three of the principals are no longer with the company and who's there now probably doesn't have a lot of experience with the older products.

Shouldn't be a problem they should have the schematics and the intellectual property .. It ain't rocket science . Come on ..

Would however say to mep: You are just discovering/experiencing how good the best SS can be ... and good they are ... and superlative they can be ... And SS have been good for longer than two decades !!
Prejudices, misconceptions and myths abound in this hobby ..The more of these one sheds the more music enjoyment .. more truthful reproduction ...:)
Krell sent me an email yesterday saying they found the source of the hum and they fixed it. They said it was "faulty capacitors in the power supply area" that were causing the hum. Today I received the shipping notification with a UPS tracking number so I should have the amp bext next week. I really hope they fixed it. Anybody want to buy a 9/10 ARC VS115?
Krell sent me an email yesterday saying they found the source of the hum and they fixed it. They said it was "faulty capacitors in the power supply area" that were causing the hum. Today I received the shipping notification with a UPS tracking number so I should have the amp bext next week. I really hope they fixed it. Anybody want to buy a 9/10 ARC VS115?

Finally! :)
I just hope they really fixed the hum. I would hope that after having the amp for over 2 months they wouldn't send it back if it wasn't fixed. The good news I'm not being charged for the repair or shipping. I'm looking forward to getting this bad boy back in my system.

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