I can see where you're coming from Jack, re the Clippers. I think all is not lost for the next season. This bubble effect debacle of Doc is what I would personally call a 'freak' loss, something in the local lingo we call 'contrapelo'. Team A beats Team B, Team B beats Team C, but Team C always beats Team A. Something like a team has got the other's number. Flashback to 2015. Clips beat the defending champions Spurs in a fantastic and thrilling 7 game series. Then move on to face the Rockets, got up 3-1 and shockingly lost in 7 games, they should have won that since the consensus is the Spurs were better than the Rockets. While the Clips were eliminated by the Nuggets, deep inside I feel that had they won and faced the Lakers, the first 2 games will be even in their favor. That strength they shown when they were at their meanest machine look would show up, I'm guessing. And it would be a real clash of the titans series and not a sportswriters 20-1 vote for the Lakers to win over Denver. The Clippers' problem were the same as in 2015 when they couldn't stem the tide of a tsunami force that even a forgotten Josh Smith was throwing in 3s from all over for the Rockets. Now they also couldn't counter that barrage of long shots from Murray, Jokic, Porter and Harris. Once your opponent beat you that way, there is not much to do, even coaching-wise. So probably the argument to keep the present coaching staff is that they know to play strong but they have to prepare for an avalanche attack next year.

Not that I am favoring Doc, but as I mentioned, he did coach the undermanned Clips last season to 2 road wins in the playoffs and built a 3-1 lead, and even led by 21 and 19 in games 5 an 6 and maybe 14 in Game 7. The losses, I chalk up to 'contrapelo'. It's like a natural disaster.

Just my armchair thinking.