you don't listen to enough vinyl.
Oh yes, I do.
Lame argument.
you don't listen to enough vinyl.
Ron here is my educated guess.
IIRC no standard was on place for digital recording. I think telarc was free to do whatever was needed.
It would be nice to hear a direct stream of the original recording.
Paul always pushed digital over analogno. don't agree at all in any way, shape or form......that performances that are dsd sourced make better vinyl pressings than analog sourced vinyl pressings.
also don't agree with his ranking of (1) direct to disc (2) dsd sourced vinyl, and (3) analog sourced vinyl.
i do think that digital recordings can make very fine vinyl pressings. that is true. i also believe that the actual performance and overall recording process has the majority of responsibility to do with the performance of vinyl pressings. so a minimalist approach to the music and recording results in the best sounding pressings.....analog, digital or direct to disc.
i have a number of dsd sourced vinyl albums. they are fine. but generally i prefer the dsd source files. although not always. same with PCM. it's a mixed result. probably comes down to the process variables. not any ultimate truth.
and i think it's silly to somehow favor dsd over PCM as the better digital format for a vinyl pressing.
so Paul's dsd sourced vinyl 45 rpm pressings might sound excellent.......but that proves absolutely nothing. he is just posting stuff to get attention from his fans. like previous shots he has taken. and this thread is proof it's working.we are talking about it.
you don't listen to enough vinyl.
In fairness, I think Paul means that there is something less inherently digital (and more inherently "analog-like") about the one bit sampling system of DSD than tne sampling system of PCM -- not that DSD literally is not digital.
I don't understand Paul's point myself, because I don't know enough about the technical differences between DSD and PCM. To me, sampling, even at DSD's one bit, is inherently digital. Once one is involved in sampling and conversion to 0s and 1s I do not understand the notion of distinguishing between different degrees of "digital."
BTW, regardless, my argument was independent of sound quality. I even conceded, while making the argument, that depending on circumstances, LP may be preferred. It was about "unnecessary conversions" and, implied, complexity of conversions. I just don't see how the dual electromechanical conversions in the vinyl process are any less complex than the dual conversions in the digital process, both related to the analog mastertape.
Actually there is a misconception like cd is exact equivalent of a digital recording when original recording was made at 44.1/16 but it’s not. What is stored on cd in binary is not anything like original wave or aiff file.Ron there is always ab exception to the rule
one of my favorite reference rrecordings; Telarc LP recording in dogital and pressed on vinyl. is far superior to the CD version.
The lp is also the subject of a needle drop on you tube; It is still superior to the cd.
Let me qualify the following opinion by saying I am not an expert, do not work in the industry and can not even begin to comprehend how current moving through wire of a coil on one side of a transformer causes current to flow in another wire coil adjacent to it in the transformer, let alone be able to explain how to specifically decrease voltage and increase amperage by changing ratios of those windings. However, I have spent many years in this hobby and am fairly certain of the following: the more stuff you apply to the signal in the reproduction-of-the-sound-event process, the worse the sound.
Early recording engineers adjusted the balance of sound by moving microphones closer or further away from each source, not by sliding variable resistors on a sound board. In those early days of recording, reverb was done by recording in a room that had a deep open tank several stories down behind the musicians, not by digital machines that manufacture "effects". Single ended class A triode amplifiers sound so good because they are so simple, little done to the signal and the signal path as short as possible. Even the wire, 99.9999 pure copper (or silver) drawn through a heated die to prevent micro cracks forming, wrapped in silk to prevent capacitance, voodoo to some but go listen to a Kondo system and reconsider.
First sound engineers became lazy, left the recording area so that they could just sit behind some huge console playing with switches, wires everywhere. Some actually believe that it is they who make the recording a big seller, not the band, and that their name should be on the label in as big letters (or bigger) than the artist(s). Then, to push sales, record producers pressured recording engineers to ignore the dynamic range available on digital format and compress everything to the top, so that it is all loud (to catch peoples attention when the song comes on the radio).
For someone to run the sound produced from a master tape, convert it to a digital format for easy manipulations, run it through a console in order to fiddle with levels so that it no longer sounds as it was recorded, pump up the volume, then convert that abortion back into analogue in order to press it onto vinyl ? How can anyone believe that such would sound as good as, or better than, a direct cut in analogue from master tape to mother stamper?
You obviously did not understand the premise of the original post, which was about the original capture, recording of the event, in analog versus digital, and not about conversions.
To address the mighty all analog chain: an all analog chain leads to losses of the original signal, i.e. low level details, throughout the chain, elementary electronics 101; and that is why you want to convert the signal to digital as soon as possible to preserve the signal through the mixing and mastering processes.
Let me qualify the following opinion by saying I am not an expert, do not work in the industry and can not even begin to comprehend how current moving through wire of a coil on one side of a transformer causes current to flow in another wire coil adjacent to it in the transformer, let alone be able to explain how to specifically decrease voltage and increase amperage by changing ratios of those windings
. However, I have spent many years in this hobby and am fairly certain of the following: the more stuff you apply to the signal in the reproduction-of-the-sound-event process, the worse the sound.
Early recording engineers adjusted the balance of sound by moving microphones closer or further away from each source, not by sliding variable resistors on a sound board. In those early days of recording, reverb was done by recording in a room that had a deep open tank several stories down behind the musicians, not by digital machines that manufacture "effects".
And yes Single ended class A triode amplifiers sound so good because they are so simple, little done to the signal and the signal path as short as possible. Even the wire, 99.9999 pure copper (or silver) drawn through a heated die to prevent micro cracks forming, wrapped in silk to prevent capacitance, voodoo to some but go listen to a Kondo system and reconsider.
First sound engineers became lazy, left the recording area so that they could just sit behind some huge console playing with switches, wires everywhere. Some actually believe that it is they who make the recording a big seller, not the band, and that their name should be on the label in as big letters (or bigger) than the artist(s). Then, to push sales, record producers pressured recording engineers to ignore the dynamic range available on digital format and compress everything to the top, so that it is all loud (to catch peoples attention when the song comes on the radio).
For someone to run the sound produced from a master tape, convert it to a digital format for easy manipulations, run it through a console in order to fiddle with levels so that it no longer sounds as it was recorded, pump up the volume, then convert that abortion back into analogue in order to press it onto vinyl ? How can anyone believe that such would sound as good as, or better than, a direct cut in analogue from master tape to mother stamper?
You obviously did not understand the premise of the original post, which was about the original capture, recording of the event, in analog versus digital, and not about conversions down the chain.
To address the mighty all analog chain: an all analog chain leads to losses of the original signal, i.e. low level details, throughout the chain, elementary electronics 101; and that is why you want to convert the signal to digital as soon as possible to preserve the signal through the mixing and mastering processes.
agree. how can we judge the performance potential of media formats or recording approaches unless we do the work to find examples of high level results? we need to do investigations over time to come up with useful conclusions.My favorite recordings were made by engineers that probably sit behind some console. Surely we have different music preferences. As always, in WBF I address what I find as being the best in each category, not the failures and poor or average recordings.
Again, why just addressing the poor practices of a few to document a process?
Some might argue that converting the original analog signal to digital, whether as soon as possible or not, does not in fact preserve that signal but rather corrupts it.
Wow! If that was the case, the world as we now know it would have collapsed a long time ago. You do realize that video capture and telecommunications depends on the fact that converting analog signals to digital can be done effectively. Look at the world around you, just about everything operates in the digital domain with exceeding precision. To think that science and technology would misstep at taking a humble audio signal and converting it to digital is really a head scratcher for me. You live in the Boston area, lots of fine universities there with some of the brightest minds and leading edge technical explorations, so if you are not convinced that an analog signal can be converted to digital without corruption, may I suggest that you seek confirmation from one of the many scholars in the area.
As the late great Harry Pearson of the absolute sound said, to enjoy digital you need to stay away from don't listen to enough vinyl.
Yes, at this stage the resolution of the modern analog to digital process far exceeds the resolution and signal to noise ratio of collapsing? Sure this iPhone is adaquate even excellent. So is my TV. I’m simply asking if digital recording is in fact superior to analog at capturing the original event. Are you suggesting there is zero corruption in the conversion to digital?
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