Lagonda, you are very welcome. Congratulations!! They were my dream speaker when they were released. I ended up with their little brother, Prodigy. When I saw these come available I knew I wasn’t in the position to jump on them, unfortunately. However, I wanted them to go to someone who would appreciate them for what they are, an elite class electrostatic hybrid.AZWink, thank you for posting about these speakers, i would never have stumbled upon them on Craigslist by myself !Being a somewhat skeptical individual residing in Europe, i asked PeterA of the Boston audio chapter of WBF if he was in a reasonable distance to the seller. He was not, but gracefully offered to drive for over an hour to inspect them visually for me. He brought our own MadFloyd with him. They confirmed that the speakers where as described and took pictures. Thank you again Peter and Ian, i am very grateful !
The speakers are now mine, and with the assistance of my helpful friend ddk and his shipping connections on the way to Denmark. Thank you David you always come trough !
Please share your journey with these magnificent speakers…