I received my copy of new 180 gram version The Wall about a week ago. Today, I finally had the chance to play all of the first side and compare it to one of my standard US pressings. The standard pressing I chose to compare it to turns out to be the one I use most (the best one of my standard copies in terms of conveying the drive and energy of this recording). That particular LP has been used as a sendoff for first-time visitors and friends alike because of its incredible portrayal of the music on this LP.
Having said all this, I must say that this comparison is only after an initial listen to both pressings around 4 times for a total of eight plays combined (only of side 1).
The new 180 gram pressing is very nice. In some ways I like listening to it. You do get to hear some things that are not so easily revealed in the standard pressing I have. It does give the appearance of being a quieter pressing as well. Things are, IMO, somewhat softened, smoothed over, and slightly damped in comparison but excellent nonetheless.
The standard pressing, again IMO, has significantly more drive, transient attack, and overall dynamic punch. It does not sound as quiet or revealing though. I think this is because the standard pressing is carrying more musical energy, or drive, which is flooding my brain with more stuff which works against instrumental separation in this particular comparison.
I could listen to either pressing and enjoy them but for different reasons. The new 180 gram pressing, as stated above, sounds more relaxed, warmer, smoother, and captures more fundamentals of the notes. The better of my standard pressings, carries what seems like more of the instrumental harmonics which fills the soundstage with a good bit more energy. In addition the drive, dynamics, and downright boogie factor of my best standard pressing conveys the wall the way I believe it’s meant to be experienced.
There you have it. I listened to two different pressings. Both of them are good. You have one person’s opinion about both.
I’m looking forward to reading what others notice.

)First WBF post
