Has anyone had the chance to directly compare the two. I currently use a Hana Red so am familiar with that but have yet to hear an Etsuro. Im not aware of any UK dealers stocking the Etsuro line so my chances of an audition are limited.
Thanks Pete. I did see post somewhere from someone who who bought one from Mik but I think that may have been a few years ago and he doesn't mention them or Hana for that matter on his website.
Nearly two years ago I started the following thread: https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/comparison-of-some-cartridges-in-the-4k-region-soundsmith-the-voice-ikeda-9-tt-ortofon-windfeld-ti-air-tight-pc1.28733/ and received many direct mails about the different cartridges mentioned. As some...
Nearly two years ago I started the following thread: https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/comparison-of-some-cartridges-in-the-4k-region-soundsmith-the-voice-ikeda-9-tt-ortofon-windfeld-ti-air-tight-pc1.28733/ and received many direct mails about the different cartridges mentioned. As some...
Actually I bought the Cobalt Blue myself, partly based on Shakti’s comparion. I have not hear the Hana - Red, so I don’t have anything to add on the comparison. What I can say is, that I have been dealing with Shakti several times, and I found him both very experienced and honest.