My personal Etsuro Bordeaux had a strong focus on voices, even coming that time from Koetsu, this was too much for me. Midrange was too pronounced. But I only know this individual example, may be it was "special" and the current production Bordeaux is balanced more in line with Blue and Gold. In the time of the Bordeaux I had to access to a Gold, so no direct comparison possible.Hi Shakti,
Great thread.
I was interested in your comments about the Etsuro cobolt Vs the Bordeaux, and the fact that you find the cobolt the more balanced in the creation of voices - could you expand on this?
similarly, if be interested in your thoughts of the Bordeaux Vs the Gold?
By the way what load are you using on the Cobolt and Gold.... I’m using 100 ohms on my Bordeaux same as my Koetsu.
looking forward to your next comparisons..
As load I am listening to Etsuro in the 30 to 40 ohm range,
(around 40 with step up, 30 on my former Boulder 2008)