Most beautiful amp and or preamp

Wadia Intuition

Plinius SA-Reference


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Obviously I like the looks of my own amps and preamps since I make them the way I want them to look. But I don't want to brag about my own creations. Here some examples of amps and preamps I think are classic and timeless. The number one is the Threshold Fet two. preamp. The original one not the series 2. This was a stunningly minimalistic design, well thought through down to the tapering of the knobs. Unfortunately they placed the knobs in an awkward way in the series 2 which destroyed the looks for me. Next is the Threshold Stasis S500 power amp. Again simple and time less. I admit the handles I use on some of my amps are inspired by the Threshold handles. And finally the Audio Research SP9. I just love that laboratory look. I used to own all these in the 1980ies. I sold the Thresholds a long time ago but a few years ago searched and found a Few two again which I just bought for the looks. I still have my SP9 which I kept for nostalgic reasons


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Reactions: jackelsson
This thread truly reveals the wide array of opinions. IMO it's the Jeff Rowland Corus,

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