Anyone else find video reviews annoying?

I enjoy many if them as much as I enjoy written reviews. Depends on the reviewer. It is also good to see the equipment being used and in scale with people ans other components. And not just pretty promo shots.

I often wonder what Harry Pearson's video reviews would be like :)
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I have to admit I'm finding the increasing use of youtube clips etc as a format for reviewing hifi equipment really annoying. My preferred environment for taking in a review is while I'm listening to music on my system, which means reading rather than watching!

Anyone else find this, or is it just me?

100% agree. Video reviews suk, as do posting videos of systems and expecting people to make judgements of how they sound from an iPhone.
100% agree. Video reviews suk, as do posting videos of systems and expecting people to make judgements of how they sound from an iPhone.
Use a good headphone or at least $30 Logitech external computer speaker for a better judgement.

YT reviews help to understand the technology and features of components. Also, listening sounds of many audio systems help me to understand the capability of audio equipment.

For example, my audio system before and after I add the powered sub-woofer.
With a sub,
No sub,
Original music,
I often wonder what Harry Pearson's video reviews would be like :)

De-monitized and Patreon are the first two words that come to mind. There is a rich vein of content on YT flecked with advanced ideas (or sparse but well aimed cursing) meeting that description. Those who knew him best would be able to comment to the ends of how likely he would be to harbor controversy where the next flotilla of ideas surrounding this hobby should be moored for unloading.

I often wonder what Fremer would do given the circumstances depicted above. He'd wear the mantle well for exactly the reasons stated below (and especially above). Business side of hobby would hardly be impacted unless he franchised used record sales under his name. :p

100% agree. Video reviews suk, as do posting videos of systems and expecting people to make judgements of how they sound from an iPhone.

Baby being tossed out with the bath water.

Someone who stands up in front of an audience regularly develops an ability to read thoughts before they exist in a room. To keep the program moving in positive directions. This carries through when speaking to the camera in demeanor that doesn't shout or prompt response to stimulus. I'm sorry to report that strains of intelligence leading one to spend vast amounts of time alone in technical practices do not often equate with successful highly polished portrayals in the public eye. To patter and naissance.

What is missing here would be additive to that which can be expressed in writing. A reason for the video to exist that excels beyond what a photographic depiction accompanying text provides. Atmosphere. In their own ways I think Elliot and Ron's projects tease this out more often than better attended offerings. They allow the viewer to review what they have encountered given they have sufficient focus.

Bonzo equally succeeds in laying bare the raw unavoidable tendencies one confronts upon seeing exacting details of a personal space. His system video curation brings a lot to the table without saying a word contrary to what actually existed. Tireless refinement in most cases. There is a lot being sounded. A purpose for convening, much less reconvening.

If better than half of the active contributor's here got out (of their shell) half as much as he does. There would be a lot less friction to be overcome on a daily basis. ;)
Use a good headphone or at least $30 Logitech external computer speaker for a better judgement.

YT reviews help to understand the technology and features of components. Also, listening sounds of many audio systems help me to understand the capability of audio equipment.

For example, my audio system before and after I add the powered sub-woofer.
With a sub,
No sub,
Original music,
I would ignore the youtube sound clip haters, they really are not worth bothering with.
Horrible sound in the interview included in the audio analyst's latest video. He apologizes for it, but still decided to keep it:

This guy needs a producer :)

The captions are automatically generated by YouTube, though I think they can also be uploaded. The captions are the text that appear on the transcript.

In this instance, the audio analyst should probably have embedded the text in the video, for better clarity.

Mishaps happen. Reviewers are fairly new at this, and don't necessarily have the equipment and know how to produce very polished videos. Some manufacturers can devote more ressources and the end result can be, at least visually, impressive. Check out this video from Linn, for example:

The graphics starting around 2:15 are pretty cool.
The captions are automatically generated by YouTube, though I think they can also be uploaded. The captions are the text that appear on the transcript.

In this instance, the audio analyst should probably have embedded the text in the video, for better clarity.

Mishaps happen. Reviewers are fairly new at this, and don't necessarily have the equipment and know how to produce very polished videos. Some manufacturers can devote more ressources and the end result can be, at least visually, impressive. Check out this video from Linn, for example:

The graphics starting around 2:15 are pretty cool.

Greg is full of himself and like the other YouTubers, has become a mouthpiece for manufacturers, distributors, and dealers. Are there any videos demonstrating the sound of Greg’s reference system available anywhere?
honestly i respect the efforts behind videos. and glad they exist.

but whenever i'm watching hifi related videos, whether snippets of another system playing or a review or comment of some sort, i always feel i would rather just listen to my system. that there is more value for me just listening. so i rarely do it, and even more rarely complete a video.

i guess i have put so much into my system that videos are not answering a question i'm asking, and they are keeping me away from what i want to do. does this mean they are annoying? not exactly, more that they don't have enough value for me to justify the time.

there are a few exceptions, but only a few. mostly when an interesting (to me) system is being shown, or maybe Fremer on certain subjects, where i have an active interest in the information and expect it be high value. but i'm not searching out videos for music/sonic references or hifi opinions. i have never subscribed to any video channel.

OTOH i can get in the mood to watch videos on non-hifi subjects from time to time. so videos in and of themselves have value for me.
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honestly i respect the efforts behind videos. and glad they exist.

but whenever i'm watching hifi related videos, whether snippets of another system playing or a review or comment of some sort, i always feel i would rather just listen to my system. that there is more value for me just listening.

i guess i have put so much into my system that videos are not answering a question i'm asking, and they are keeping me away from what i want to do. does this mean they are annoying? not exactly, more that they don't have enough value for me to justify the time.

there are a few exceptions, but only a few. mostly when an interesting (to me) system is being shown, or maybe Fremer on certain subjects, where i have an active interest in the information and expect it be high value. but i'm not searching out videos for music/sonic references or hifi opinions.

OTOH i can get in the mood to watch videos on non-hifi subjects from time to time. so videos in and of themselves have value for me.

I believe that at one time you did post videos of your system playing and the results caused you to retreat. You have to have a measure of confidence to post videos of one’s system playing for others to hear and judge.
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The problem is not the medium, it’s those who and how you
use it.

the effectiveness of a medium depends on how it’s utilized and who is using it. Communication tools are only as good as the intentions and skills of the people using them.
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Are there any videos demonstrating the sound of Greg’s reference system available anywhere?

Here was his first attempt. He may have done others:

I have not listened to it in some time. Does a reviewer need to have the best system to be credible? I don't know. The system does give us clues about the reviewer's preferences - the type of sound he/she appreciates - but that can also be explained in writing if the reviewer has some platform (written or video) to explain this.
Here was his first attempt. He may have done others:

I have not listened to it in some time. Does a reviewer need to have the best system to be credible? I don't know. The system does give us clues about the reviewer's preferences - the type of sound he/she appreciates - but that can also be explained in writing if the reviewer has some platform (written or video) to explain this.

Thanks Hopkins. The sound of his system is similar to Jay’s system from Jay’s Audio Lab. Since Greg has “upgraded” equipment since this video was shot, I hope that he has been able to achieve better sound. I say that but then I also notice and need to keep in mind that some people like and enjoy this type of sound. To me this is what I refer to “Hi-Fi” sound. This hi-fi’sh sound does not do it for me, analytical and 2 dimensional. I personally prefer a more dimensional and organic sound. Hopefully he will post an updated video of his system playing to hear how things have progressed for him with his latest gear.
I spend enough time on audio related listening and simultaneously reading, mainly WBF. Watching some blowhard fabulate about audio quality is just not in my time allotment for this hobby. Now i missed the wonderful words of Leonard Cohen while writing this silly post ! ;) Gotta go !
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I believe that at one time you did post videos of your system playing and the results caused you to retreat. You have to have a measure of confidence to post videos of one’s system playing for others to hear and judge.
Perhaps you need to process and ultimately comprehend the basic concept that the majority of our members do not come here to be *Judged*

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