Lampizator Valve / Tube Rolling Review Thread

Exactly right, there is no other way to know which tubes work best until we try them.

My GG uses the older 5942 engine so perhaps that has something to do with it vs the newer versions.

I would have tried PX25 except I’m limited by the combined heater current draw with this balanced model
I would like to try the KR 242 however I’d only try used as the success rate is 50/50 from what I’ve read.
You shouldn't listen to valves/tubes.

It's long been known they are rubbish.

In many respects they are.

But you have to sit there and listen.

Then, somehow, all the faults seem acceptable.

It is curious, I agree, but for me it does seem to be true.

Just spent a month on post #1 of this thread.

Those EML AD1s ring like fuck. Forget pre and post ring. They just ring like fuck. Bad boys, no question.

Like your fave sounding fucked up scratched to shit record, hard not to love when you compare them to other stuff because they really are ace sounding at times, even with all obvious flaws being apparent.

Time for a roll now, though.

All comments in post #1 still stand.
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You shouldn't listen to valves/tubes.

It's long been known they are rubbish.

In many respects they are.

But you have to sit there and listen.

Then, somehow, all the faults seem acceptable.

It is curious, I agree, but for me it does seem to be true.

Just spent a month on post #1 of this thread.

Those EML AD1s ring like fuck. Forget pre and post ring. They just ring like fuck. Bad boys, no question.

Like your fave sounding fucked up scratched to shit record, hard not to love when you compare them to other stuff because they really are ace sounding at times, even with all obvious flaws being apparent.

Time for a roll now, though.

All comments in post #1 still stand.
Bad hair day at work hon?
You shouldn't listen to valves/tubes.

It's long been known they are rubbish.

In many respects they are.

But you have to sit there and listen.

Then, somehow, all the faults seem acceptable.

It is curious, I agree, but for me it does seem to be true.

Just spent a month on post #1 of this thread.

Those EML AD1s ring like fuck. Forget pre and post ring. They just ring like fuck. Bad boys, no question.

Like your fave sounding fucked up scratched to shit record, hard not to love when you compare them to other stuff because they really are ace sounding at times, even with all obvious flaws being apparent.

Time for a roll now, though.

All comments in post #1 still stand.
Very introspective! Good to go with what you know to be sure. I’d also like to add that UFO and Space 1999 RULES!
I inserted my TP adapters (P17c and RGN 2004) with reserved expectations. I'm very familiar with how my preferred "tube set" sounds with the basic Xuling adapters in my Horizon.

Aside from the fact that the TP adapters are a wonderful fusion of art and function, I can now say they actually bring an easily discernible improvement to the party. I am very pleased with both the look and sound of these wooden beauties. Thanks Laszlo!

I had the opportunity to also try the 3Cg's. They are quite good. They provide a bit more of what I call "HiFi sound". However, at the risk of being an outlier, I still prefer the Mullard ECC 32 in the converter seats of my Horizon. More weight to the body and more colours in the tone. Perhaps a minor loss of transparency, but the Mullards still have excellent snap and verve.

I had the harshest critic sit in on round two of the comparison - my wife. She prefers the Mullards over the C3g's as well (to our ears and in my system). But I now have better appreciation for why some Lampi owners are drawn to them.


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Very introspective! Good to go with what you know to be sure. I’d also like to add that UFO and Space 1999 RULES!
UFO - I had a radioactive luminous board game of it back in the day that would surely be banned today. Crazy amounts of glow.

Try and damp those EML AD1s and the fuckers still ring. It is a large triode with really long filaments, so it's not surprising but I am certain the reason the sense of space and air comes from that.

Of all the KRs and EMLs I have had in my system, it is 100% my fave. Most of the time you don't hear the ring, but when you do you realise it's doing it all of the time, if that makes sense. Pretty sure it does.
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You shouldn't listen to valves/tubes.

It's long been known they are rubbish.

In many respects they are.

But you have to sit there and listen.

Then, somehow, all the faults seem acceptable.

It is curious, I agree, but for me it does seem to be true.

Just spent a month on post #1 of this thread.

Those EML AD1s ring like fuck. Forget pre and post ring. They just ring like fuck. Bad boys, no question.

Like your fave sounding fucked up scratched to shit record, hard not to love when you compare them to other stuff because they really are ace sounding at times, even with all obvious flaws being apparent.

Time for a roll now, though.

All comments in post #1 still stand.
I'm thinking it's Tourettes. A bad hair day has less bass.:oops:
I inserted my TP adapters (P17c and RGN 2004) with reserved expectations. I'm very familiar with how my preferred "tube set" sounds with the basic Xuling adapters in my Horizon.

Aside from the fact that the TP adapters are a wonderful fusion of art and function, I can now say they actually bring an easily discernible improvement to the party. I am very pleased with both the look and sound of these wooden beauties. Thanks Laszlo!

I had the opportunity to also try the 3Cg's. They are quite good. They provide a bit more of what I call "HiFi sound". However, at the risk of being an outlier, I still prefer the Mullard ECC 32 in the converter seats of my Horizon. More weight to the body and more colours in the tone. Perhaps a minor loss of transparency, but the Mullards still have excellent snap and verve.

I had the harshest critic sit in on round two of the comparison - my wife. She prefers the Mullards over the C3g's as well (to our ears and in my system). But I now have better appreciation for why some Lampi owners are drawn to them.
Looking fairly insane, there, rspyder.

Looking fairly insane, there, rspyder.

Kind of you to throw some street-cred my way. From your WBF posts you clearly know your stuff.

Kind regards,

Hooboy. Keep me posted. I'll shoot a question to China - Xuling is generally responsive and knowledgable. Easy enough to reverse with cap wires as long as the pinout connections are correct.
I got my 2C22 TP adapter yesterday. It's a definite improvement in sound across the board. Even more critical, there's no more glare
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A 2C22 triode - 6.3V/0.3A. That should be interesting. Are you using 4 of them in your Pacific?
What are the dynamics like?
sub-miniature tubes take the stage.

@bobfei86, very good so far. Just popped them in yesterday, so I'm still in early stages.

My daily drivers are Telefunken EF802 and Telefunken C3G in this position (with TP adapters), so these minis are facing very tough competition!
My daily drivers are Telefunken EF802 and Telefunken C3G in this position (with TP adapters), so these minis are facing very tough competition!
@Blake Are you mixing ef802/c3g i.e.,. using a pair in each middle positions simultaneously to "get the best of both"? I tried with my Pacific2 but was disappointed and returned to just pairs of c3g.
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