A couple of weeks ago Tinka said she was going to host a dinner party, and if I would show her how to use the stereo in case any of her guests would like to listen to music on the big stereo (instead of just hearing music casually on the overhead).

Tinka took the start-up sequence and Jadis amplifier warm-up process instructions very seriously, and is now fully big stereo capable (on digital)!
Cue drinks glasses on the amps, chiffon scarves draped over the panels.
I've seen the film. And how it all ends in tragedy, lol.
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Cue drinks glasses on the amps, chiffon scarves draped over the panels.
I've seen the film. And how it all ends in tragedy, lol.

maybe if they want some lights for the dancing they can switch the tubes on and off, on and off…
A couple of weeks ago Tinka said she was going to host a dinner party, and if I would show her how to use the stereo in case any of her guests would like to listen to music on the big stereo (instead of just hearing music casually on the overhead).

Tinka took the start-up sequence and Jadis amplifier warm-up process instructions very seriously, and is now fully big stereo capable (on digital)!
My wife will regularly have her tennis team/mass wine consuming gang over for dinner.

After often making them part of dinner I usually am hold up in my listening room coming out for more drink or bathroom. Once in a while a couple of them will venture up to hear a couple of songs but not regularly.

Last week I was listening at a moderate level and all I could hear is the happy laughter and howls of the gang down stairs.
Don't forget to tell Tinka and the guests not to stick their fingers in the tweeters, and to aim the champagne corks away from the goods. Maybe some electrified velvet rope guards there. Weaving guests with gooey hors d'oeuvres are hazards. Be sure to lock up the turntable room and/or have an undefeatable stylus guard. You have a dog, so all critical components are probably already above a poodle's general urine firing range.

A volume limiter on the preamp is advisable against the guests who get tipsy and want to dance to Led Zeppelin at concert volumes.

I still remember Steve William's buddy Grellman who had his little kid on a harnass tether in his listening room. The kid still managed to get to the big Rockport speakers and destroy some diaphragms, which had to be replaced.
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watch the tennis coach/trainer :D
I see you have visited Beverly Hills already. Masseurs and golf pros and even hairdressers are feared seconds.

I don't think there's a pool, so the pool boys don't count.
I listened to the system for a few hours last night, playing, just for experimentation, the Gryphon woofer towers side-by-side with the full-range Clarisys Studio Plus loudspeakers.

The woofer towers operate from approximately 200Hz on down. Turning on the woofer towers of course boosted the frequency range of approximately 200Hz on down.

But I saw on my RTA on the iPad an anomaly. While most of the frequency range from 200Hz on down rose in amplitude, there was a weird, sharp dip of 10 to 12dB at 55Hz (right in the middle of the two pre-existing room modes at 45Hz and 65Hz). (The PSI AVAAs were off during this measurement.)

What could be causing this weird cancellation at 55Hz?

I wonder if it's just some kind of anomaly on the part of the built-in iPad microphone? I'll get out the Earthworks QTC microphone on tripod set-up today and repeat the experiment.
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  • Wow
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Ok that thought is out
but have you done pink noise at various loudness levels
I am not sure why but changing the loudness shows
more then just one loudness and can vary
next is if you turn off the woofers what is the room info ?
Last I wound turn off the main and just the woofers
and then move the towers in and out from front wall as a reference
I’m willing to say this above will not solve but will give you more insight to understanding.
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I listened to the system for a few hours last night, playing, just for experimentation, the Gryphon woofer towers side-by-side with the full-range Clarisys Studio Plus loudspeakers.

The woofer towers operate from approximately 200Hz on down. Turning on the woofer towers of course boosted the frequency range of approximately 200Hz on down.

But I saw on my RTA on the iPad an anomaly. While most of the frequency range from 200Hz on down rose in amplitude, there was a weird, sharp dip of 10 to 12dB at 55Hz (right in the middle of the two pre-existing room modes at 45Hz and 65Hz). (The PSI AVAAs were off during this measurement.)

What could be causing this weird cancellation at 55Hz?

I wonder if it's just some kind of anomaly on the part of the built-in iPad microphone? I'll get out the Earthworks QTC microphone on tripod set-up today and repeat the experiment.
Glad to hear your are working on it. Good or bad results.
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It's just anomalous phase cancellation, as the Gryphon
woofer towers and the full range Clarisys loudspeakers are not designed to work together.

Project closed.
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Glad to hear your are working on it. Good or bad results.
This was just playing. It's here, so it's fun to experiment.

But it's not a great idea to try to Frankenstein together a non-adjustable woofer tower with a full-range loudspeaker.
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I listened to the system for a few hours last night, playing, just for experimentation, the Gryphon woofer towers side-by-side with the full-range Clarisys Studio Plus loudspeakers.

The woofer towers operate from approximately 200Hz on down. Turning on the woofer towers of course boosted the frequency range of approximately 200Hz on down.

But I saw on my RTA on the iPad an anomaly. While most of the frequency range from 200Hz on down rose in amplitude, there was a weird, sharp dip of 10 to 12dB at 55Hz (right in the middle of the two pre-existing room modes at 45Hz and 65Hz). (The PSI AVAAs were off during this measurement.)

What could be causing this weird cancellation at 55Hz?

I wonder if it's just some kind of anomaly on the part of the built-in iPad microphone? I'll get out the Earthworks QTC microphone on tripod set-up today and repeat the experiment.
did you move around to different spots to see whether that node/cancellation moved with you? if it did NOT, you could try moving the Gryphon bass towers a bit and see if you can tame the node at your listening position. but it might not matter.

think like a swarm approach.
I thought this was closed lol.
what you said is very true I think bass being correct non dsp is a time trial event
Marty’s room is about perfect 1db I think
how long and what he did what’s needed.
I’m sure you are one who I would admire efforts and success Mike
did you move around to different spots to see whether that node/cancellation moved with you? if it did NOT, you could try moving the Gryphon bass towers a bit and see if you can tame the node at your listening position. but it might not matter.

think like a swarm approach.
I can't move the Gryphon bass towers myself. Right now they're set for the Pendragon ribbon panels, so I would not want to move them anyway.
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