LampizatOr Golden Atlantic + TRP

I've been using my Lampizator Atlantic3 TRP VC for a couple months now and have done a little bit of tube rolling. Nothing exotic, but a few early triodes (thanks to DesignFX for venturing into the triode scene) and a variety of type 80 rectifiers. I'm afraid I'm not overly interested in the European rectifiers due to expense and voltage dropping adaptors.

I'm not a fan of adaptors period, actually, and to that end I'm considering changing the rectifier socket to a UX-4 so that I can plug my favorite (so far) RCA Globe 280 in directly. The only other tube I'm currency considering trying is a 274b - but it's available as the 274a which is the same tube exactly with a 4-pin base.

However, before I go off half-clocked, is there another very well regarded rectifier which may knock the 80 off of the pedestal I've put it on? Something not wildly expensive that is seriously good and yet different from the 80? Or another 4-pin rectifier with a strong recommendation for post-surgery rolling?

Incidentally, so far Brimar 6J5G are my go-to favourite tube so far, with Philco type 37 and type 76 close seconds, in that order. Sadly these latter two also require adaptors. I'll be trying 6SN7 at some point in the near future.

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Any update on how the addition of this has influenced the sound of your system?
Its been two days and I'm getting used to the change, which feels very significant. Haven't gone back to a/b test it yet, but I can based on memory of using regular lampi rectifiers over the past 2-3 years say that the stage has increased in all directions, the atmosphere of the recordings has become more palpable, the sound has more vibrancy and vividness. Precision of the imaging and overall micro-detail seems to have been lost a bit, perhaps a little bit of crispness of the attack also lower, but I'm really digging the immersive experience. Last night I cranked it up louder than usual and it was thrilling.
I took Groovy Sauce's advice and purchased a Space-Tech Lab STR-104-Mk2-Super rectifier with the choke option. I initially tried it on my Lampizator Golden Atlantic TRP2 DAC by replacing an EML 274B rectifier tube and the sound barely improved. Then I put it on the preamp and the power/dynamics shot up to another level. Enabling the choke softens the sound a bit, but I like it better. The sound on some songs is much richer and fuller, and the bass thumps hard -- real hard. The Space-Tech Lab rectifier makes a substantial improvement. I'm sure the 805 version would be much better for the Lampi, but I didn't want to spend that much money on it.


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I took Groovy Sauce's advice and purchased a Space-Tech Lab STR-104-Mk2-Super rectifier with the choke option. I initially tried it on my Lampizator Golden Atlantic TRP2 DAC by replacing an EML 274B rectifier tube and the sound barely improved. Then I put it on the preamp and the power/dynamics shot up to another level. Enabling the choke softens the sound a bit, but I like it better. The sound on some songs is much richer and fuller, and the bass thumps hard -- real hard. The Space-Tech Lab rectifier makes a substantial improvement. I'm sure the 805 version would be much better for the Lampi, but I didn't want to spend that much money on it.
Can you clarify “then I put it on the preamp”? Your gear isn’t listed here so I’m having difficulty following.
You say there might be improvements with the 805 version- what are the capabilities of the version you have and how do you feel it is holding something back?
There are different STR models that allow for the use of different tubes - some can use big bottle transmission tubes such as 211, 805, and 845. You could even use mercury vapor tubes such as the 866a if you want to risk it for the biscuit. I have an STR-1002 on order myself.
Can you clarify “then I put it on the preamp”? Your gear isn’t listed here so I’m having difficulty following.
You say there might be improvements with the 805 version- what are the capabilities of the version you have and how do you feel it is holding something back?
I had Al, owner of Space Tech Labs, make me an extra custom cable that will allow me to connect the STR to the EZ80/81 rectifier tube socket in my preamp. The standard cable connects to a 5U4G.

I'll experiment to see where the larger delta for my system is wrought between my DAC and preamp
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For those interested. I have for sale my Golden Atlantic TRP with engine 11-p and a lot of other extra's including tubes and adapters. You can find the ad through It is on a Dutch website, ad is in English.

The reason for selling is that I have found a way to install the Golden Gate 3 with engine 11-p in our new house in such a way that my wife accepts the sheer size of the Golden gate. Golden gate has larger soundstage than Golden Atlantic trp. With my music (orchestral and opera) that is a huge pre, especially since I listen with headphones. In terms of detail, TRP with my spec and F2a tubes is similar to Golden gate. Presentation is just different. TRP is more dynamic, more toe-tapping, more exciting. Rock, pop, jazz fare better with my Atlantic than Golden gate.
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Anyone attending the Pacific Audio Fest in Seattle? If you see a tall, older guy with grey hair and black-rimmed glasses wandering (or sitting) around, be sure to say hello.

former TRP 3, now GG3
Hi all, it’s funny to see myself on page one of this thread, as I am just now the owner of a new Atlantic 3 TRP. I had a diversion but so glad I’m here now! I am also keeping my original Atlantic+ for a possible second system I’ve been saving pieces for later on…

I have a care package of tubes and adapters here, from a very nice owner, that I am currently checking out.

But I do have a question: Can the 4P1L tube of the original Atlantic take an adapter and be used in the TRP???

I have some certain music that loves the 4P1L and rectifier combo I had going for years. Would be cool to hear that combo through the new TRP version, if possible.

Hi all, it’s funny to see myself on page one of this thread, as I am just now the owner of a new Atlantic 3 TRP.

But I do have a question: Can the 4P1L tube of the original Atlantic take an adapter and be used in the TRP???
Congrats on your new dac- I’m sure you’ll get a lot of enjoyment out of it. If you haven’t been keeping up on this thread please read up as thing have changed!

As for the tube 4P1L tube- not sure how that was used in the original Atlantic as I’m not familiar with it but I would not recommend trying it in the TRP3. In looking at the data sheet the tube is made for 2.1V heater supply- the TRP supplies 6.3V.
Congrats on your new dac- I’m sure you’ll get a lot of enjoyment out of it. If you haven’t been keeping up on this thread please read up as thing have changed!

As for the tube 4P1L tube- not sure how that was used in the original Atlantic as I’m not familiar with it but I would not recommend trying it in the TRP3. In looking at the data sheet the tube is made for 2.1V heater supply- the TRP supplies 6.3V.
Thanks for confirming. I knew they were 2.1 to 4.3 V or something and I knew the TRP was 6 something, so I should have known.

To all:
Has someone tried BOTH the F2a and the EL12spez tubes? If so, what are some of their main sonic differences? I have a pair of EL12’s here to try, so I’m curious to mentally quantify them to the F2a and if I should venture into them….
Thanks for confirming. I knew they were 2.1 to 4.3 V or something and I knew the TRP was 6 something, so I should have known.

To all:
Has someone tried BOTH the F2a and the EL12spez tubes? If so, what are some of their main sonic differences? I have a pair of EL12’s here to try, so I’m curious to mentally quantify them to the F2a and if I should venture into them….
I haven't had the opportunity to hear the EL12's yet, but I love the F2A's in my A3 TRP. Running them in balanced (quad) with a Tungsram AZ4 black plate regulator, all with TP adapters and silver grounding cable. The F2A's also sounded fantastic in my previous Baltic 4. Following since I'd like to hear perspective on tubes that might better the F2A.

Regarding the Tungsram AZ4, paired with the quad of F2As, I've put it up against a Telefunken RGN2004 mesh w/ tray getter (1930's) as well as a new Sophia Electric Aqua II, and a EML Mesh 274B, and the AZ4 is hands down the best one. Everything just seems correct, with great bass quality and presence, the high end is ultra clear, extended, and free from harshness, the mids are natural, voices are spot on, and the soundstage seems both wider and deeper with the AZ4 vs the others. @takacs75 said it wpould take a while to open up, and after about 240 hrs it did just that. I roll through the other regulators every few months just to make sure I still have the best one in the system, and it's been the AZ4 every since it opened up.
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Following since I'd like to hear perspective on tubes that might better the F2A.

There are no output tubes better than the F2a.

If you want to take the TRP up a notch, the Space Tech Labs super-rectifiers are the real deal. Not cheap, but take the sound of the TRP beyond what any other tube rolling can do.
I had Al, owner of Space Tech Labs, make me an extra custom cable that will allow me to connect the STR to the EZ80/81 rectifier tube socket in my preamp. The standard cable connects to a 5U4G.

I'll experiment to see where the larger delta for my system is wrought between my DAC and preamp

I will jump in here and second the view on the SpaceTechLabs Super Tube Rectifiers. I use the STR 104 mk II on my Lampizator Poseidon DAC with great results. My experience has been that using the STR produces better sound than any single recti tube I have used in the Poseidon. I am currently combining a mesh type 80 rectifier tube with an 83 type mercury rectifier tube. I like to have one mercury rectifier tube in the mix because it gives a little extra body and umph to the sound while the 80 mesh tube adds finess, soundstage depth and detail, imho. Both are 5 volt filament so they can be mixed and matched (on the 120 volt version of the STR, anyway, but maybe not on the 240 volt version).

I liked the STR 104 mk II so much I decided to purchase SpaceTechLabs top preamp and amp, and another STR 1003 for the preamp. I’m glad I did because the sound I get now is the best I have ever had in my home, and perhaps the best I’ve heard anywhere. I am extremely happy with the SpaceTechLab products. I will post more about the SpaceTechLab preamp and amp in a future post in a different thread.
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Hi all, I see many familiar names from other places :)

On the Lampizator NA distro site of the Atlantic TRP page, it says "Using DHP - Directly Heated Pentode tubes (our cheapest Directly Heated product !)"

is that referring to an older model or can the TRP3 do that too?
Hi all, I see many familiar names from other places :)

On the Lampizator NA distro site of the Atlantic TRP page, it says "Using DHP - Directly Heated Pentode tubes (our cheapest Directly Heated product !)"

is that referring to an older model or can the TRP3 do that too?
Can you provide a link to where you read that? I looked over the site again and didn’t see anything stating that. There is reference to “directly heated diodes” in the rectifier section of their manual. I’ve never seen a tube that has been called a “Directly Heated Pentode” as a pentode by definition has five elements- two of which are the filaments (heaters).

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