Rowland Aeris DAC

I'm using the Corus and Aeris with PSU.
Sound quality increases significantly with the PSU.
I have a friend that purchased the PSU and he doesn't think it's worth it. He has a JR 625 S2, with Corus preamp driving Salon 2 speakers. He doesn't use the Aeris DAC. I have yet to hear it in my system, so I don't know.
I don't doubt what you tell me since each system is different,although that sounds strange to me since I have four friends who also use it with the same combination and all of them are extremely satisfied.
I don't doubt what you tell me since each system is different,although that sounds strange to me since I have four friends who also use it with the same combination and all of them are extremely satisfied.
Like you have already stated, "each system is different." I haven't consider the PSU as an upgrade option. I have chosen to upgrade my amplifier, music server, and audio rack over adding the PSU. If I had the Aeris DAC with the Corus I would consider at least trying to hear the PSU in my system.
I'm using the Corus and Aeris with PSU.
Sound quality increases significantly with the PSU.

Thank you.
I have a demonstration with the PSU and Tannoy loudspeakers.
Aeris is always connected to the PSU.
Corus is connected with the PSU or not...I am not convinced by the additional PSU... but thanks to give me this information. A lot of people are agree that PSU increases sound quality.
Because the price of the PSU is 11000 euros, for the same price, I have decided to take the Furutech Pure power 6. It is night and day!

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