Alsyvox vs. Clarisys - What are the Sonic Differences? Anyone Understand Design Differences?

I would have expected the bigger models to be more sensitive AND have higher impedance...
I may be "sheltered" but I don't remember seeing all models of a brand with the exact same ratings????
Rhapsody has now sold two pairs of Alsyvox Caravaggio XX since the TAS cover and 11 page review which came out two weeks ago. We are waiting for a third pair as I did a THREE day demo last week with the C XX (Kondo, Pilium and VAC amplification) and expect another order for C XX soon. Pics will be forthcoming of all of the installations. The first pair will deliver in August, the second pair the end of September and not sure about the third pair as of yet.
It's now been 4 weeks since Philippe Perrot, Alsyvox's French distributor, installed the Botticelli X, and it's been nothing but delight: wonderful speakers, with exceptional transparency and presence; they reveal better than any other the qualities but also the weaknesses of the other elements in the system: in particular, a high-level source is needed, and everything must be aligned with the level of the Alsyvox. I had asked Bob for his advice because I was afraid my room would be too small: he kindly gave me the benefit of his experience, as did Daniele Coen and Philippe . I congratulate myself every day on my choice

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It's now been 4 weeks since Philippe Perrot, Alsyvox's French distributor, installed the Botticelli X, and it's been nothing but delight: wonderful speakers, with exceptional transparency and presence; they reveal better than any other the qualities but also the weaknesses of the other elements in the system: in particular, a high-level source is needed, and everything must be aligned with the level of the Alsyvox. I had asked Bob for his advice because I was afraid my room would be too small: he kindly gave me the benefit of his experience, as did Daniele Coen and Philippe . I congratulate myself every day on my choice

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Congratulations! Enjoy them!
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