Ordering a Bokrand Tonearm

It was a pleasure to meet him over tea at the Alhambra Palace Hotel !

Sounds an an eminently civilized way of doing business. Congratulations on the new tone arm.
Is the new weight a retro fit product for Bokrand 309's?
I would wait for that!
to clarify I am not often in Granada but would consider it via postal service
Sounds an an eminently civilized way of doing business. Congratulations on the new tone arm.
Is the new weight a retro fit product for Bokrand 309's?
I would wait for that!
to clarify I am not often in Granada but would consider it via postal service
An eminently civilized way of doing busines would be to deliver arms that were ordered AND paid over a year ago and NOT be selling more arms during that time :mad:
Sounds an an eminently civilized way of doing business. Congratulations on the new tone arm.
Is the new weight a retro fit product for Bokrand 309's?
I would wait for that!
to clarify I am not often in Granada but would consider it via postal service
yes, new weight design is retro fittable.
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He has contacted me through phone and promised me a tonearm in a week over a month ago. Then, once more about 8 days ago. Nothing, just more delays. I am sorry to see him in this situation but I do not even want the tonearm anymore, I just want a refund. Hopefully he will do it but there is nothing concrete.

.It has now been 1 year, 4 months, 22 days including today since I have ordered and paid in full...
I'm starting to lose patience...

It's frustrating to know that our money is being spent to pay for prototypes of improvements for new tonearms that in the end no one receives.
My order experience was about a year and a half ago, promised a 2 week delivery, received multiple shipping notifications finally showed up on the 4th or 5th iteration.

Unfortunately threatened to get the credit card company involved before it showed up, about a 6 month process.

Very pleased with my arm, wouldn’t consider selling it, but would not order another one given his business history in the past couple of years….

Really sad, because they are incredible arms.


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