Digital Director/ProUSB: No need for a dedicated streamer/server?


Feb 13, 2023
Hi everyone,

I've been thoroughly enjoying my MSB Premier since I got it, especially when using the ProUSB input directly from a PC running Roon. But lately I've been wondering if replacing my PC with a high end streamer and/or server would add any sonic benefits. If I understand correctly, the almost total isolation the ProUSB provides means that the upstream source matters little. So if that's the case my PC would be equal to a dedicated streamer or server.

However I'm wondering if anyone has ever tested this. Any MSB owners who have tried the ProUSB or Digital Director both with a regular computer and a good streamer/server? If so I'd be really curious to know if you heard any differences between the two.

I’ve got a Reference running through a Digital Director with Roon as my user interface. My prior setup was an Intel desktop feeding the ProUSB via Ethernet (with dedicated power conditioners, audiophile switches, high end cables, etc. etc.) I recently swapped that for an Antipodes K50 and it was a bigger step up than I’d expected.
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I’ve got a Reference running through a Digital Director with Roon as my user interface. My prior setup was an Intel desktop feeding the ProUSB via Ethernet (with dedicated power conditioners, audiophile switches, high end cables, etc. etc.) I recently swapped that for an Antipodes K50 and it was a bigger step up than I’d expected.
Thanks for the feedback. Right now I either have the budget to get a Digital Director or a server like the Antipodes but not both (yet). Of the two which one would you say gives you the most gains in sound quality?
No idea! I’d ask a dealer. You might be able to get both with a far less expensive server.
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My local dealer has the ProUSB with the MSB discrete DAC and we were surprised by the sonic improvement moving from a Bluesound Node to “cheaper” Aurender to a much more expensive Antipodes.

That said sometimes, your audio equipment could be quite sensitive to your PC’s mains power noise so it’s almost always a good idea to move your PC away from the power circuits of your stereo anyway.
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Something like this would likley be a material step up versus what you’ve got now:
Midrange Antipodes would be another big step up, but would add considerably to the total spend
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I’m in a similar situation, already abandoned computers for audio and went for Innuos streamers time ago. Now I’m wondering if a Digital Director or a superior server (Antipodes) can be a bigger improvement.
I will try both in my room within the end of this summer before getting a decision.
I’m in a similar situation, already abandoned computers for audio and went for Innuos streamers time ago. Now I’m wondering if a Digital Director or a superior server (Antipodes) can be a bigger improvement.
I will try both in my room within the end of this summer before getting a decision.
Sounds good pls share your findings!
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Something like this would likley be a material step up versus what you’ve got now:
Midrange Antipodes would be another big step up, but would add considerably to the total spend
Agreed. Although Antipodes' gear seems like it would be a much higher tier. But then what complicates things a bit with them is that they have a bunch of different models (including some that got discontinued recently) and some of them have features that would be redundant with the MSB (reclocking, high quality USB) or might not bring any benefits (multiple analog/digital outputs for example).

I've been thinking and maybe the best solution would be to get an entry level Antipodes with just USB and/or direct Ethernet output, and let the MSB handle the rest of the functions...
Hi tdx44!

Congrats on your MSB DAC :)
My suggestion, as both a dealer and long-time MSB user, is to get a Director and experiment with the Renderer module. Couple that with the new DJM filter, and you're all set!

Hi tdx44!

Congrats on your MSB DAC :)
My suggestion, as both a dealer and long-time MSB user, is to get a Director and experiment with the Renderer module. Couple that with the new DJM filter, and you're all set!

Thanks! I currently have the Renderer V2 module (but not the Director). While comparing it with the Pro USB I found I preferred the USB input...
Thanks! I currently have the Renderer V2 module (but not the Director). While comparing it with the Pro USB I found I preferred the USB input...
The Digital Director takes the isolation technology in the ProUSB module to the next level by adding a dedicated linear power supply. It benefits all digital input modules, particularly the Renderer V2 module. Add a huge dose of digital processing capability to run more complex digital filters and it is a no-brainer purchase. I added the Director before even contemplating an expensive server. The high risk of obsolescence of the latter and the very high prices for what are glorified PCs was a major factor in my decision.
I would recommend to any serious music lover/audiophile that serious money be spent on taming the listening environment before spending money on fancy cables, racks and music servers.
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Hi tdx44!

Congrats on your MSB DAC :)
My suggestion, as both a dealer and long-time MSB user, is to get a Director and experiment with the Renderer module. Couple that with the new DJM filter, and you're all set!

Hi Alex,

Where in the network playback chain would you recommend the DJM filter be deployed for maximum benefit? Just before the Renderer V2 module in the Digital Director? Does this filter make any alleged sonic contribution of the ethernet cable irrelevant?
I'm using with The MSB Premier Dac + Digital Director, a dedicated ISL-PRO module and a dedicated isl-pro cable that I connect to my Server: Request Audio (The Raptor) that has a dedicated ISL-PRO output, and can say that I significantly prefer the sonic quality of the audio from the dedicated ISL PRO connection than For example an AES connection and a very high quality cable.
The Digital Director takes the isolation technology in the ProUSB module to the next level by adding a dedicated linear power supply. It benefits all digital input modules, particularly the Renderer V2 module. Add a huge dose of digital processing capability to run more complex digital filters and it is a no-brainer purchase. I added the Director before even contemplating an expensive server. The high risk of obsolescence of the latter and the very high prices for what are glorified PCs was a major factor in my decision.
I would recommend to any serious music lover/audiophile that serious money be spent on taming the listening environment before spending money on fancy cables, racks and music servers.
Thanks that's a really valid point. I have been thinking about the same thing, that most servers and streamers will be obsolete at some point no matter what. I'll see if it's possible to get a second hand Digital Director since my budget doesn't allow for a new one right now.
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Taiko, Antipodes and Innuos are working on a Pro-ISL output specifically designed for MSB DACs. Could it change your point of view on server/streamers and the priority of upgrading to the DD?
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Taiko, Antipodes and Innuos are working on a Pro-ISL output specifically designed for MSB DACs. Could it change your point of view on server/streamers and the priority of upgrading to the DD?
That's a good question. I guess the only sure way of knowing would be to wait for these new versions of each server to drop and then test them against each other and also with and without the DD. But I know myself I'm not that patient ;)
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Never met a patient audiophile! We are on the same boat.

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