DCS threatening Goldensound..What an industry this is


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2020
To me this if proof of what I often complain about in our industry, the controlled narrative ..I applaud and support Goldensounds position and opinion about DCS-he has a right to his own opinion, it's subjective. Personally I think I don't like DCS sound or prices, thats my opinion, but now I DEFINITELY wouldn't consider anything from them.

Sad state of affairs we live in now where people are more concerned with controlling the words of others instead of controlling how they feel about it.

Pretty ridiculous. Mostly they are arguing over terminology with modulators and filters (I'm assuming they try to count 6 filters x 6 sample rates as 42+ filters). Goldensound might have made too much of the Bartok DSD performance (noise), but really seems an indicator of DCS company culture.

That they would be worried about a headphone reviewer criticizing an older iteration of the Bartok, when they likely make way more money on other DAC systems, seems crazy.
Pretty ridiculous. Mostly they are arguing over terminology with modulators and filters (I'm assuming they try to count 6 filters x 6 sample rates as 42+ filters). Goldensound might have made too much of the Bartok DSD performance (noise), but really seems an indicator of DCS company culture.

That they would be worried about a headphone reviewer criticizing an older iteration of the Bartok, when they likely make way more money on other DAC systems, seems crazy.

They may win the "battle" and have him take down or alter the video but they will most definitely loose the PR "war".

Foolish, foolish, foolish and the comments "John" from DCS said to him in emails as screenshotted on his video are frankly arrogant and obnoxious (hey DCS - that's my own personal opinion - please don't threaten to sue all of us on this thread).
They may win the "battle" and have him take down or alter the video but they will most definitely loose the PR "war".

Foolish, foolish, foolish and the comments "John" from DCS said to him in emails as screenshotted on his video are frankly arrogant and obnoxious (hey DCS - that's my own personal opinion - please don't threaten to sue all of us on this thread).

Agreed about the foolishness. They will undoubtedly ask WBF to take down this thread.
Agreed about the foolishness. They will undoubtedly ask WBF to take down this thread.
I already posted it on my FB page. Its traffic hits upwards of 800,000 views a month. The ship has sailed on them thinking their actions were going to go unnoticed.

And if they REALLY believe what they are saying and doing is right, then they should want the whole world to know about it, right?
Now following a 2021 review??!! Apparently trying to bully the reviewer/publication. Ended up shooting themselves in both feet. Wonder if they are trying to position for some sort of M&A move.
Now following a 2021 review??!! Apparently trying to bully the reviewer/publication. Ended up shooting themselves in both feet. Wonder if they are trying to position for some sort of M&A move.

Tekton tried to recently bully a reviewer. It ended up costing them a LOT of money in cancelled orders and they quickly back tracked.

I have added dCS to a list of companies that is exactly 1 company long - it includes them and only them. The list is for companies I will NEVER, EVER allow any kind of discussion of promotion of on any of my platforms.

In no way will I help bring any positive attention to them. Their emails they sent to him as screenshotted on the video were frankly insane.
I recently auditioned a Vivaldi Apex … so glad I decided to go a different direction after reading about this type of behavior. i will never consider them for anything in the future and will most likely sell my Rossini Apex I use in the headphone rig to be done with them.

I lost a good amount of respect for a lot of digital manufacturers with the MQA fraud debacle, including dCS, MSB, Berkeley Audio Design (I used to have a Berkeley Alpha 2 which I loved, until it was replaced with a Schiit Yggdrasil DAC). That they couldn't take a principled stand and instead caved in to "what the customer wants" (the customer deceived by the novelty, that is) is just weakness. Well, thankfully MQA basically went out of business; Tidal for one, dropped them. So how good do all those manufacturers, including dCS, who had jumped on the MQA fraud train look now? Not very, I would submit.

I do have to say that I experienced a few great firsts in terms of what digital can do, with dCS. Fond memories. And I like the sound of MSB. But...

Schiit on the other hand (like a few others including Benchmark, Ayre, Linn) did take a principled stand against MQA back in its beginnings. Did it hurt their business? No, their business has greatly expanded since then.
Seems like an honest, sincere person acting in good faith. And no, I have not watched his other, lengthy podcast.

Assuming what he says is correct, it suggests the following question. What is dcs's motivation? This is not foolishness. This is corporate fear, insecurity, arrogance and blackmail.

I am glad WBF folks who support companies like dcs have expressed their basic disgust in their threatening, self serving, immoral corporate values / behaviour. WBF, and like websites, help fund this company's existence. Again, assuming this is all accurate, dcs's actions are inexcusable not to mention a fundamental threat to all who post honest / subjective reviews on esoteric, high performance products. I hope all your efforts, as well as dealer support, will lead to their eventual bancruptcy and demise. The hi end audio world is a very small place. Best.
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There is more to this story. John Giolas is a gentleman. dCS is a responsible company. A review of a not current product would not precipitate this exchange unless there is more to it.

We are seeing a selected picture to put the reviewer in the best light.
There is more to this story. John Giolas is a gentleman. dCS is a responsible company. A review of a not current product would not precipitate this exchange unless there is more to it.

We are seeing a selected picture to put the reviewer in the best light.
The emails posted on that video from "John" are anything but professional and gentlemanly like.

In my corporate days I helped go after other companies for legal issues repeatedly. Neither I nor anyone on our team would ever write emails like John did (assuming what was shown on the video was legit and it is in fact him that sent those emails) and no gentleman would allow someone to act that way on their behalf.

There was one well known reviewer who 2 weeks ago accused Accuphase of fraud on a YT video. You don't see them suing him and that's probably a more legit case.
The emails posted on that video from "John" are anything but professional and gentlemanly like.

In my corporate days I helped go after other companies for legal issues repeatedly. Neither I nor anyone on our team would ever write emails like John did (assuming what was shown on the video was legit and it is in fact him that sent those emails) and no gentleman would allow someone to act that way on their behalf.

There was one well known reviewer who 2 weeks ago accused Accuphase of fraud on a YT video. You don't see them suing him and that's probably a more legit case.
You are another guy who does not post his background but makes statements that imply an authoritative inside position.

I read the posts too. To argue that they are not gentlemanly is your prerogative. My reading is otherwise. I know John. There must be more to this than has been shared.
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Full disclosure, I own dCS equipment which I enjoy.

However, based on the information currently available, I see the threatened lawsuit as, perhaps, an overreaction by the company to the partially negative review. If it progresses further, I guess we will find out if dCS' reasons for a lawsuit were valid.

Based on the video posted, it is difficult for me to find fault with the reviewer's position. However, there are two sides to every story and a lot of this involves technical information of which I know nothing. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, both for its affect on the review process and dCS.
You are another guy who does not post his background but makes statements that imply an authoritative inside position.
LOL. Thank you. I needed a good laugh today.

I'm going to borrow from your "Professional and gentlemanly" email from "John" at dCS: ""I am neither your mommy nor your therapist".
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Bad look for dCS. I would think they would issue a statement/video/wherever ASAP to get their point of view out there. I few like forums like this are the worst place to have bad energy brewing.

I agree with the above, those emails were not professional.
You are another guy who does not post his background but makes statements that imply an authoritative inside position.

I read the posts too. To argue that they are not gentlemanly is your prerogative. My reading is otherwise. I know John. There must be more to this than has been shared.
It seems there are two John’s involved. John Rees is the lawyer. John Giolas is the VP of Sales and Marketing even though his last name was blurred out in the YouTube video.

I agree it is possible there is more to the story. But despite your personal positive relationship to John Giolas, I have to say we often think we know somebody in a positive way in a professional manner only to find out later in the news that they did something terrible in their personal or professional lives. So I think we should always be careful and open minded in these situations.

Similarly, I also think we should be open-minded about the dCS side. So far, we are getting a one-sided story (albeit pretty convincing to me as Goldensound presented dCS’s concerns quite openly). It is always possible that we will hear from dCS from their perspective that seems more reasonable to us. Or even that we will find out it’s a big misunderstanding on dCS’s part.
I agree it is possible there is more to the story.

So I think we should always be careful and open minded in these situations.

It is always possible that we will hear from dCS from their perspective that seems more reasonable to us.

People are always eager to believe and repeat the worst. The guys who try to be influencers nearly always have an ax to grind. And for whatever reason, many people who are NOT golden ears are unaware of their condition.

When I read and watch the video, it is my impression that much not shared has transpired.

The would be gatekeepers are only too happy to run with their preconceived take on events about which they have at best “incomplete understanding.”
Similarly, I also think we should be open-minded about the dCS side. So far, we are getting a one-sided story (albeit pretty convincing to me as Goldensound presented dCS’s concerns quite openly). It is always possible that we will hear from dCS from their perspective that seems more reasonable to us. Or even that we will find out it’s a big misunderstanding on dCS’s part.

Fair point and well said.

I agree with you the video seemed to present it convincingly but there is always the chance there is something more. I do hope if there is more to this dCS will enlighten us as to why they have embarked on this course of action. If it is exactly as presented I hope dCS sees the error in its ways and corrects course.

The emails seemed to me to be less trying to find a solution and more of an attempted steamrolling.
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You are another guy who does not post his background but makes statements that imply an authoritative inside position.

I read the posts too. To argue that they are not gentlemanly is your prerogative. My reading is otherwise. I know John. There must be more to this than has been shared.

Gimme a break man...You might get the biggest schill award on WBF ever...Do find out for us what part of the story there "must be More to" and report back. Lol...How much DCS do you own?

I can say Mike is at least an honest reviewer who give opinions based on what he experiences in his system. I'd caution him in bringing in DCS though given their aggressive attitude towards reviewers. I can say I am not a reviewer and wouldn't purchase their gear because of the sound, but now I wouldn't purchase it even if they produced the most glorious DAC that was ever built.
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