Burmester 911 mk2…modify to Mk3?


Aug 19, 2022
I recently got a Burmester 911 MK2 amplifier. Previously been using a Pass Labs 30.8 amplifier, which I still have. Initial impressions are that the Burmester has much betterlow end control than the Pass, ut I need to listen more..

My question for you Burmester fans is whether its worth getting my 911 modified to MK3 status. And how does ne go a out doing this?

Thanks in advance
I would call a Burmester dealer. Three major dealers are in the Phoenix area (LMC), Western Massachusetts (Safe and Sound), and Ann Arbor, MI (Paragon Sight and Sound).

The service facility is near Atlanta.

I’ve never heard the mk2. The mk3 is really good. It’s killed my curiosity about what might be better.
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Reactions: Rocco I.
pretty sure the difference from mk2 to mk3 is the biasing and the mk3 has silver wiring, enjoy it, they are superb amps
I would call a Burmester dealer. Three major dealers are in the Phoenix area (LMC), Western Massachusetts (Safe and Sound), and Ann Arbor, MI (Paragon Sight and Sound).

The service facility is near Atlanta.

I’ve never heard the mk2. The mk3 is really good. It’s killed my curiosity about what might be better.
Thanks AJ,

I also need the plastic caps on the bingding post. (Mine have cracked and fallen off. I called the service center in Atlanta and emailed once and I've not heard back from them. Arrgh.

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