Tidal La Assoluta system

As regards your listening experiences: all the binding posts in your Tripoint Audio Troy signature NG are completely isolated from each other. So there can be no crosstalk between components connected to different binding posts. However, I am wondering: are you perhaps connecting multiple audio components (including the Farad) to one binding post of the Troy NG? This could have created some kind of crosstalk between these components and might explain your bad sound. In addition, may I ask which grounding cables you are using?
Yes, I know that the Troy Sig NG ground posts are completely isolated from each other. Since I typically use 2 grounding cables on one post (sometimes three), I try to match them logically based on the functions.
I do not mix power, digital and analog lines. The grounding cables I use:
Power grounding cable to the wall: Tripoint Thor groundig cable.
Digital line: Pink Faun Ultra streamer, Lampizator Pacific DAC, and power line: preamplifier PSU, JMF 302 power filter distributor: Tripoint Silver, Silver SE.
Analog line: 2x Engström Lars2 monoblock and Engström Monica preamplifier: Ikigai Kinzan grounding cable
Yes, I know that the Troy Sig NG ground posts are completely isolated from each other. Since I typically use 2 grounding cables on one post (sometimes three), I try to match them logically based on the functions.
I do not mix power, digital and analog lines. The grounding cables I use:
Power grounding cable to the wall: Tripoint Thor groundig cable.
Digital line: Pink Faun Ultra streamer, Lampizator Pacific DAC, and power line: preamplifier PSU, JMF 302 power filter distributor: Tripoint Silver, Silver SE.
Analog line: 2x Engström Lars2 monoblock and Engström Monica preamplifier: Ikigai Kinzan grounding cable
It seems that the Farad is creating such a amount of noise or pollution that it is infecting other audio components in a very negative way. It is relatively easy to establish whether this is indeed the case: connect (only) the Farad to one binding posts and other audio components to different binding posts of your Tripoint device and listen what happens.

In my LA system for example I need to give the powercord of the Tripoint Audio ‘grounding’ devices its own binding post: combining this pc with other audio components on one binding posts results in an awful sound.
Thanks. I will try what you suggest. Currently, the wall power Thor ground cable is on the same pin as the ground cable for the JMF 302 distributor and the preamplifier power supply. I am very eager for a change.
And yes! You were right as always.
For the wall feed, I left only the Thor grounding cable on a separate post, and everything became clearer, smoother, more fluid and natural, with a larger sound surface.
I'll have to reconsider grounding my other units to the Troy NG! I still have 5 grounding posts to use. It turns out that it doesn't matter which units I connect to the same post.
Sometimes less is more.
As regards your listening experiences: all the binding posts in your Tripoint Audio Troy signature NG are completely isolated from each other. So there can be no crosstalk between components connected to different binding posts. However, I am wondering: are you perhaps connecting multiple audio components (including the Farad) to one binding post of the Troy NG? This could have created some kind of crosstalk between these components and might explain your bad sound. In addition, may I ask which grounding cables you are using?
Isn’t the premise behind these grounding solutions to ensure that all of the component chassis (those connected via analog interconnects) are at the same ground potential so that noise cannot be conducted? If so, wouldn’t it be advantageous for the binding posts to be connected together (star grounded)?
And yes! You were right as always.
For the wall feed, I left only the Thor grounding cable on a separate post, and everything became clearer, smoother, more fluid and natural, with a larger sound surface.
I'll have to reconsider grounding my other units to the Troy NG! I still have 5 grounding posts to use. It turns out that it doesn't matter which units I connect to the same post.
Sometimes less is more.
Good to hear. In my LA system all audio components benefit greatly from grounding, albeit that I avoid connecting multiple component’s to one binding post. I have with two Elite NG mk ii’s, one Emperor NG and two separate units, that is in total 14 filters / binding posts available. If you must combine more components, it is a matter of listening in order to find the best overall configuration.
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Isn’t the premise behind these grounding solutions to ensure that all of the component chassis (those connected via analog interconnects) are at the same ground potential so that noise cannot be conducted? If so, wouldn’t it be advantageous for the binding posts to be connected together (star grounded)?

The old Tripoint Audio Troy units were all star ground design. The new Tripoint Audio NG boxes come with individual filtering; there is an option of a star ground configuration by adding jumpers. At my level of - extreme - grounding, individual configuration yields a higher level of music realism and purity in all parameters. The new Tripoint Audio NG units are dealing with more noise issues than just ground (potential) noise.

Please keep in mind that I have owned every Tripoint Audio generation box and I know from experience after multiple star ground configuration applications.

Hope this helps.
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As you know I am playing my Tidal LA’s with Kondo 300b amplifiers. So far I have played with Western Electric 300b valves (many years back), Living Voice (and Kron made) 300b tubes and lately Takatsuki 300b valves. Of these three 300b options I believe I prefer the latter although I never was in a position to make an a/b comparison between the WE and Takatsuki 300b tubes.

Lately Kondo joined forces with Takatsuki in order to make a ‘special’ 300b tube for their Gakuoh poweramps. And yesterday I picked up a quad of these Kondo/Takatsuki 300b tubes and will insert them soon.

Not sure in what way exactly these ‘special’ Kondo / Takatsuki 300b tubes differ from the ‘regular’ Takatsuki 300b valves. From the outside it is clear though that the ‘footers’ / pins of the former are different.

Will share some pictures of these new Kondo / Takatsuki 300b tubes in a few minutes.
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